Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 1005: "Zhu Xian" Finale

The plot of "Zhu Xian" progressed very quickly. An Yi consciously streamlined a lot of content. It is not that those plots are not exciting, but that the network novel itself is more watery in some aspects, and likes to write everything out in detail. Anyi didn't like to draw long-form works very much, and now she tends to hand over the comic creation team to those upgrades and adventures.

So "Zhu Xian" was almost finished at the end of November. The content of the previous series also made many readers very worried!

In Tianshui Village, Guili (Zhang Xiaofan) once again met Lu Xueqi, but within a short distance of him. Lu Xueqi, who was struggling in the right way and in love, looked weak. Under the bright moon, the last one danced a sword for Guili. This was the sword she used to dance at night in the moon-watching platform behind Xiaozhu Peak for ten years. Although the sword danced, the love thread could not be cut off, and Lu Xueqi left sadly. With the help of Xiaobai, I found the great wizard of the Miao nationality in Qilitong and begged him to collect his soul for Baguio. Unfortunately, the Miao nationality was attacked by the Li nationality that night. Because of the help of the beast god, the Li nationality defeated the Miao nationality, severely wounded the great wizard, and took away the sacred black rod and bone jade, so that the beast **** was able to resurrect. The Great Wizard promised to save Baguio. Although he knew he would be dead soon, he still followed Guili back to Huqishan to save people. Helplessly, the great wizard was seriously injured. Although he managed to regain his three souls and seven souls, he failed to resurrect Baguio. He passed away at the last moment of the spell. The resurrection failed. The ghost was drunk for three days, and the ghost king turned his head overnight.

As soon as the story of Baguio's failed resurrection came out, many readers felt a strong breath of poison feeding. They did not expect that Teacher An An would be so cruel to Baguio!

At that time, the topic of "Zhu Xian" exploded, and many posts and forums also discussed the final result of the character Baguio!

"I think that according to An An's consistent urination, Baguio, a distressed female character, will definitely not end well. Don't forget An An's nickname of'Sister Abuse', this year only has the wrong name. , No wrong nickname!"

"I was already very entangled in the love and killing of Zhang Xiaofan and Lu Xueqi, but now they tell me that Baguio is destined to die. Such an ending is simply unacceptable!"

"I feel that Baguio should still be saved. After all, under the Xianxia worldview, everything is possible!"

"Anyway, I hope that there will be good results in the end. As Lu Xueqi's party, I hope that lovers will eventually become family members..."


Many readers who have never been scammed by An An are still relatively naive. They don’t believe that An An will paint Baguio to death. They tend to An An who is still trying to whet everyone’s appetite. The fact that Baguio has not been saved now does not mean that it will be saved in the future. Not alive.

In fact, saving Baguio has become the main line of the later "Zhu Xian".

And the facts have proved that when dealing with teacher An An's works, you should never have naive fantasies.

When the time came to mid-December, "Zhu Xian" finally ushered in the finale!

The final ending is like this-

Guili borrowed the reincarnation disk from Tianyin Temple to save Baguio, but was used by Mr. Gui and the King of Ghosts to activate the blood formation of the four spirits (ie Kui Niu, Candle Dragon, Yellow Bird and Gourmet), which caused the collapse of Huqi Mountain. At the time of the landslide, Guili did not see Baguio's body in the stone room, but found a green corner of clothing under the collapsed boulder. Guili is heartbroken, and is rescued by Xiaobai and taken to Caomiao Village. Zhang Xiaofan ignored Lu Xueqi's advice and was still heartbroken. Later, Xiaobai said sadly that Baguio hopes you will live well. After hearing about Baguio, Guili slowly recovered his sanity, but was overwhelmed with a high fever. After that, Xueqi learned that the ghost king had attacked Qingyun with the Four Spirits blood formation, so she bid farewell to the unconscious Xiao Fan and returned to Qingyun. Later, Zhang Xiaofan woke up from a coma, let go of body and mind, and realized what he needed to do.

At this time, the ghost king gains the power of the four spirits blood formation to push Qingyun; and the mountain behind Guili is summoned by the Zhuxian sword, and once again comes to the magic moon cave. Xiaofan's favorite Baguio, parents, and master and wife died. These are Xiao Fan's most important people appearing in the Magic Moon Cave Mansion, making Xiao Fan continue to experience the pain of losing his favorite. Later, Lu Xueqi suddenly appeared in the fantasy, Xiao Fan realized that he was not alone, so he walked out of the Magic Moon Cave. There he saw Daoxuan after being enchanted. At the critical moment, as soon as Wan Jian appeared in front of Gui Li and Dao Xuan, he enlightened Dao Xuan and told Gui Li that he was the real master of Zhu Xian Jian. And Zhu Xianjian is the fifth volume of the legendary Book of Heaven. Gui Li grasped the Zhuxian Sword and finally understood everything, and finally he launched the Zhuxian Sword Formation to defeat the Ghost King and save the world.

Time is long, I don't know how much time goes by in a blink of an eye. During the war, Shuiyue died, and Lu Xueqi took over as the first seat of Xiaozhufeng. On this day, she came to the ruins of the Caomiao Village that was once a dream system. In front of a new wooden house, she met Zhang Xiaofan, whom she had not seen for many days. Hands, grow old with the son.

This ending is undoubtedly a happy ending. After all, justice has defeated evil. Zhang Xiaofan and the imperial heroine Lu Xueqi finally come together...

What about Baguio?

She ended up missing her body when the Huqi Mountain collapsed due to the completion of the Four Spirits Blood Array, leaving only a corner of the green clothes and acacia bells.

Is there a more **** ending?

You know, the Baguio Party is very powerful in the work "Zhu Xian"~lightnovelpub.net~ Everyone is looking forward to the resurrection of Baguio. In the end, all the bodies are missing. Egg?

Of course, there are some readers who can self-hypnotize. Such readers not only exist in this world, but also exist in another world. They all think that the disappearance of the body does not mean that Baguio died like this. Maybe it was saved by some expert. , Anyway, Baguio can't die, can't die, can't die!

While saying such a thing, of course, he will slam the author. Who made him really come to the end and failed to resurrect Baguio?

In this world, many Baguio parties have completely exploded and are out of control. For the old An'an thief, they must have a fierce blow!


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Recommend to the book readers group friends in a certain **** written in the ship Niang Wen "The Hornet Also Be an Admiral", if you are interested in the Jian Niang text, you can go to the collection and try it.