Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 129: Her unique charm

This is the first time Jiang Xiyu has come to Hanjing to participate in this kind of comic exhibition. He is from an extraordinary background. His father is a judge. The purpose of his coming to the exhibition is very clear. It is for An An’s new work-"Shooting the Eagles". "Evil East and West Poison".

In fact, he became a fan of An An because of the comic book "Evangelion" serialized on her blog. His favorite character is the three-no goddess Ayanami.

I like Ayanami. Maybe this is because he feels that he is also a three-nothing, no mouth, no heart, no expression, but he likes comics very much, and thinks reality is too boring. It would be great if he could enter the world of comics.

In addition to An An, the two extremely innovative and popular martial arts comics of the teacher Yi An, of course he also likes it very much. When he was watching other people’s comics, he never wanted to find some fan works in the past, but he was watching Yi An’s " "Shooting the Eagle" and "Chu Liuxiang", but I really want to see their colleagues, because the original works are so wonderful that they are not enough for him to read.

Therefore, he chose to participate in this winter fanzine sales event in order to find some interesting fan works. When he knew that An An would also produce fan works in "Shooting the Eagles", he was very happy. Anyway, he Must start with this work.

But after all, it was the first time he participated in this kind of event. He didn't even have the consciousness of queuing to buy. He even stayed in the role-playing area for a while, because someone was playing Ayanami and Asuka, and there was a group of tourists with cameras around him. , The word that appears most frequently in the mouth is "Moe".

However, Jiang Xiyu curled his lips when he saw the real person playing Ayanori, saying that he might not be as vivid as he secretly played at home. It's not that he brags. Although he is a man, he has a very good appearance and looks more neutral. Transformation is completely masculine or feminine, as long as he makes Ayanami's hairstyle, and the "three-no" temperament he exudes, he can be fake.

Jiang Xiyu suddenly felt that this role-play was very interesting. He seems to have found another thing that interests him.

He still doesn't have any expression on the surface, but in fact he likes this kind of comic show activity, and the characters played by the cosplayers in the role-playing area of ​​the comic show are all he likes. He also took a lot of photos.

When he came to the exhibition venue, the venue was already crowded, and when he found the booth selling An'an's works, he was shocked to see the long line. He didn't expect An An's appeal to be so great!

Jiang Xiyu can only line up with the crowd, only to hear the two guys who seem to be fans of An An talk:

"I look forward to "Evil and West Poison". I watched the fierce battles in "Neon Genesis Evangelion", and I feel that Yi An'an's painter can definitely paint martial arts fights!"

"Yes, my family An'an is a real painter who can venture into the traditional art world, but she creates spiritual food for us. An'an is really great! As far as the name is concerned, this "Evil and West Poison" looks like a painting. It’s a prequel to the Eagle Shooting. I heard the online gossip that Dugu Qiuqiu would still appear in it!"

"The sword demon Dugu asks for defeat? Isn't that a character setting in the sequel of "Sculpture of the Eagle" by Teacher Yi An, but now "The Eagle" has not yet been born, An An draws this Dugu ask for defeat. Isn’t there a bit of nonsense in "Evils and Poisons"? Do you want to respect the settings of the original characters..."

"Dugu Qiuqiu did not appear in "Shooting the Eagle" at all, indicating that he is definitely not a character from the same period as Dongxie Huang Yaoshi and Xidu Ouyang Feng. This An An will not be the character profile released by Teacher Yi An. After that, I thought that the character of Dugu Qiuqi was very interesting, so I also painted it in "Evil East and West Poison"?"

"It's quite possible, but in this way. If An An has portrayed'Dugu Defeat' too well, how will Teacher Yi'an portray Dugu Defeat in the future? It won't lead to Dugu Defeat completely hidden, right?"

"Could it be that this is the original work of the legendary fanfare? But with An'an's strength, it seems very possible!"


Jiang Xiyu listened to these two people's discussion, and the sense of expectation in her heart became stronger. However, he read the news on the Internet and said that the last time An An sold "Asuka" at the exhibition, it seems that because the number of prints was too small, the customers who came later did not buy it at all, and there are so many people in line today. . Will this happen again?

Shen Ningfan, as the head of this society, of course would not let this happen, even if he had already knelt after watching An Yi’s "Evil and West Poison" completely, because he looked down again, except for what was inside. The picture is beautiful and dreamy to the extreme, the lines are literary and artistic, and nothing else can be understood. He even feels that the characters inside are more neurotic than what An Yi said last time!

But he still printed a sufficient number, because he knew that An An had a lot of fans on the Internet, but he was worried that there would be countless An An's passersby fans this time, turning black-this "Shooting the Eagles" is too boring. It’s ruining the original.

The name of the manga is "Evil East and West Poison", but it is Ouyang Feng of West Poison that connects the clues. It seems that Ouyang Feng is like the protagonist. However, this character is a big villain in "Shooting the Condor", and many readers do not like him.

The long narrations in the comics seem to describe his psychology, and it seems that the author is utterly praising himself. Anyway, apart from the literary feelings, he can't understand the content of the comics.

Not only him, but other members of his society, such as Chen Yuchen, Hu Li, Luo Lingdie, etc., also unanimously expressed that they did not understand. They even felt that this is not a cartoon at all, but a collection of beautiful and ancient oil paintings. In the picture album, it is clearly said that it is a martial arts comic fan, but there are too few fights in it, and they are all in the same area, saying that it is to imitate another style of Yi'an, but even if it is another style of Yi'an , The fighting is also very exciting...

However, the fighting in "Evil and West Poison" has been greatly simplified. The most exciting part of the fight may be just the tragic scene of the blind warrior dying among countless horse thieves.

So they all think that An An has not succeeded in imitating another style of Yi An at all~lightnovelpub.net~ She just willfully used her literary, stream of consciousness, and obscure style to the extreme, teacher Yi An 'S work is an excellent commercial comic, and An An's so-called martial arts fan is just her art album, and the style of the two is too different.

"Anyway, this is definitely a work that took a lot of thought. After all, it is full-color, but it gives me the feeling that it is like a lens of an aesthetic art movie. If you want to understand it, you must You have to read it several times, or even tear it off one by one, and reorder it, otherwise the reader will not understand what she wants to express. However, it has a unique charm that belongs to her." Shen Ningfan commented in his heart.

When seeing these An'an fans happily starting this "fan work", Shen Ningfan shook his head in his heart, and waited until he really read the content to see if you would be so happy.

At this time, it was finally Jiang Xiyu's turn. He did not hesitate to spend 100 yuan to buy this work, which is much higher than other doujinzine works...


The third update~~~~ I didn’t expect the [Feixian Luoxue] head to be rewarded~~~~ So there will be a fourth update below! ! ! Ask for recommended tickets, monthly tickets! ! ! (To be continued.)