Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 618: "Through" this brain hole

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Well, Zheng Jingwei’s impression of the characters in Mr. An An’s works probably originated from Mr. Yi An’s martial arts works that Mr. An An is said to have acted as the original works, such as those in The Legend of Chu Liuxiang and The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng. He also thinks that the style of these works is similar to "Evil and West Poison", but the latter is more literary and pretending, and everyone is talking about it, although the former is also pretending, but at least it is still more interesting. of.

Although Teacher An An has always liked to show off skills, Zheng Jingwei has to admit that Teacher An An has the capital to show off skills. Even if he hasn't read all of An An's comics that are said to fully demonstrate her painting skills, but There are always some fans of Teacher An An, who selected some classic pictures of beautiful fantasy art in her comics, and posted them to some forums and post bars to praise them.

This gave him the opportunity to see the pictures of classic and beautiful scenes in some of An An's cartoons. To be fair, he was also amazed by the visually stunning beauty displayed in the pictures, but it made him even more reluctant to see An An. He already felt that Mr. An An’s comics were her paintings...

Therefore, when he saw the commercial comic style that he felt very familiar with in the comic "The Best of the Best", he felt very kind, and he even suddenly had the idea that Mr. An An is not as good as it is. Just concentrate on taking care of the original work, and hand over all the works to other painters to paint. Perhaps in this way, he will be able to look at her works with gusto.

Like the current "Sailor Moon" and the previous "Sailor Moon", as well as "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang" and "The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng", which were rumored to be the original work by Mr. An An, he all watched them with gusto.

Such an idea made him feel ridiculous, because as far as he knows, many people think that the biggest attraction of An An’s cartoons is her beautiful painting style, superb painting skills, and unique style. It feels completely different from the comic styles on the market, as long as you are immersed in the world she constructed, it is definitely a kind of supreme enjoyment.

However, he really felt that Mr. An An's unique style did not suit his taste. This can only show that the vegetables and carrots have their own loves.

He doesn’t know if dào is considered buying caskets and returning beads. Anyway, he only knows dào. When he reads comics, he reads the plot. It is like reading a YY novel, not the author’s writing, but the various cool points. Similarly, if a writer is addicted to showing off his writing, but can't write coolly, then he will definitely not look at the work of this self-healing author.

Therefore, from his point of view, Teacher An An is actually praising herself. It's not that she doesn't have the ability to draw excellent commercial comics, but she just likes to "make". Many readers who want to see her draw normal comics are right. This is a pity.

How sorry An An’s previous works are, but now when I see this very normal commercial comic "The Best of Master Ding", what a pleasant surprise.

Zheng Jingwei was a bit disgusted that Zhao Jingyi turned the magazine too slowly. This is the bad habit she developed when reading Mr. An An’s work. She always likes to look for some inexplicable details, and then describe these details as long-term. Foreshadowing, then I went to share her hair xiàn with her friends, and enjoy the feelings of all kinds of admiration from shòu friends...

This makes Zheng Jingwei feel very speechless, because he always feels that Zhao Jingyi is too powerful to foreshadow. In some places, Teacher An An himself does not have any deep intentions, but Zhao Jingyi can pull out a large section based on the so-called details. The misty stuff in the clouds made the readers of other Teacher An An stunned for a moment.

He watched the fire from the side, and he couldn't laugh as much as he wanted to laugh, because he said xiàn, Zhao Jingyi really felt that there was a foreshadowing and profound meaning there, maybe sometimes the highest state of bluffing people is to bluff himself.

Sometimes he really wants to ask Mr. An An face to face, is it true that a certain detail on a certain page of this work, as Zhao Jingyi said, contains special profound meaning, and corresponds to a certain follow-up plot. Woolen cloth?

He feels that teacher An An’s expression after listening to it must be like the emoticon she imitated, with a "sullen face", and then feel helpless, it is because the author sometimes cannot prevent some special favorites." Over-interpretation" guy.

But then again, if there are no guys who like to over-interpret, those works of Mr. An An may not be as high as they are now.

Just like "EVA", which has been hailed as a masterpiece, it was probably blown to an unparalleled height by some guys who like to over-interpret. This kind of thing is afraid that even Teacher An An himself can't imagine it. arrive.

Although he disliked that Zhao Jingyi was too slow to read the comics, Zheng Jingwei did not show it either. He always took care of Zhao Jingyi and let everything to her. The feelings for more than 20 years were very deep.

The plot gradually became more exciting, and both of them seemed to be completely fascinated by it...

Zheng Jingwei even thinks that everything except the name of this comic ~lightnovelpub.net~ is very good. If it can maintain such a level as an urban comedy comic, then it will definitely catch fire!

However, what both of them never expected was that when the comic plot progressed to the second episode, there was a huge sudden turn!

That was when Lin Wanrong and his female boss accidentally had an accident during a trip together, and both fell to the cliff!

When Zheng Jingwei saw this plot, his subconscious reaction appeared in his mind, it turned out to be-Teacher An An is eating jujube pills. This is definitely playing with readers, right?

Obviously the first episode portrays the emotional drama between Lin Wanrong and his female boss very sultry, and it makes people very interested to see how the relationship between them will progress in the future, and the second episode two. Everyone fell off the cliff and died together?

This turning point can't be such a turning point, can it be that Lin Wanrong is not the protagonist at all, but a cannon fodder?

If this is the case, Zheng Jingwei also finds it unacceptable. The main reason is that in the first chapter, the protagonist Lin Wanrong’s humorous, humorous, witty, and a little wretched feeling makes him feel like a substitute. He already knows that Jue Zhong agrees with this modern protagonist...

But soon, he posted xiàn, this comic, which opened up a new world for him!

It turned out that Lin Wanrong, the protagonist who fell from the cliff, passed through the time tunnel to ancient times!

Traversing this brain hole and placing it in another world, it is absolutely so vulgar that it cannot be vulgar anymore, but it first appeared in this world, but it made all readers feel a big surprise! ——

Two more~~~recommendation ticket~~~monthly ticket~~~! ! ! (To be continued.)

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