Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 676: Last conscience

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It's just that this time everyone actually has a psychological quasi for the ending of "April is Your Lie", so the tragic ending of the actual situation did not have such a great impact on certain readers. On the contrary, Some readers are also complacent about predicting the plot trend of Mr. An An's work.

For example, the "cold northern queen" who made An Yi very upset, after watching the ending, he posted in the comic commentary area of ​​this work as soon as possible——

"Have you seen it! I have completely seen through Mr. An An’s tricks! I have accurately predicted the pitting ending of Mr. An An’s works several times and saved the readers of Mr. An An. You can call me ' Prophecy emperor', you can also regard me as the'last conscience' among the readers of Teacher An'an!"

As soon as this post appeared, it triggered many follow-ups——

"Hello, prophecy emperor, see you emperor prophecy."

"Lan Shou, Shiitake, why do you have to predict so accurately? It's really depressing!"

"What **** prophecy emperor, obviously it is the crow's mouth, even if you are accurate enough, it gives me a psychological level, but when I see this ending, I still feel terribly uncomfortable!"

"It means that you, a gloater, are the most annoying. No matter how good you are, can you change this doomed tragic ending?"

"Can you stop BB for this kind of thing, I have seen a lot of the face of a prophet like you, so who is higher than you, but it doesn't have any effect!"

"I have been crying and blinded, so don't come here and sprinkle salt on the wound..."


If you use an expression to describe the face of the "cold northern queen", it is naturally a "proud face", but many people don't know dào, this is just an illusion.

Because the "cold queen of the north" would never admit it, he himself felt terribly uncomfortable when he saw the ending of "April is Your Lie"!

"The Cold Queen of the North" is actually a very arrogant reader. He is the most loyal fan of Teacher An An. There are countless figures around the works of Teacher An An in his home. However, his mouth always shows a look of disgusting teacher An An...

Actually, I see that he is always filling and posting in the comic comment area, and I can’t wait to reply to every comic comment post with dry goods. This shows that he really loves Teacher An An.

The true zhèng of the "Queen of the North" is called Fang Jiaoyue, a very temperamental name. He is also very temperamental. He is actually a winner in life. His favorite song is "Listen to the Wind." It is said that when he listens to this song, he will feel that this song has turned into a peerless beauty, and this peerless beauty is rbq exclusively for him.

"The Cold Queen of the North" is still a person who likes music very much. Therefore, when he enjoys the "April Is Your Lie" by Teacher An An, he feels really great! He really loves such an extremely compelling musical work!

And when he saw An An’s cartoons, he was very serious and devoted himself to the world outlined by An An. Therefore, when he saw the pictures of An An’s performance through music, he felt like he was in his ears. , It seems that the beautiful piano sound really appeared...

Especially when he saw the words close to the end, the male protagonist You Ma Gongsheng wanted to convey his heart to everyone through the sound of his piano, and at the same time to his mother who had passed away, and he was doing it. When Kaoru Miyayuan was undergoing surgery, he only felt that a reader like him also felt the sincere heart of the hero!

Those few pages are the gorgeous color pages. The male protagonist plays affectionately, the cherry blossoms are dancing with the wind, the sky is so blue that the sky is intoxicating, and the beautiful shadow of the female protagonist also appeared beside him, playing with him on the violin... …

What a beautiful and dreamy scene!

Under An Yi’s brush, this was originally one of the most classic scenes in "April is Your Lie", and its aesthetic level has undoubtedly increased to a higher level, so that some people naively think that when The heroine's shadow seems to appear next to the male protagonist, playing together with him, which implies that the heroine's operation will be successful, but the facts are often cruel. When the heroine's shadow slowly fades, when the heroine plays When I can't help but burst into tears, the ending is already doomed.

Fang Jiaoyue knew that the ending of dào was not what he expected, but when he finally saw that the heroine had liked the male lead even since she was a child, it was because of the male lead that she embarked on the road of music, he could no longer hold back that. Such a sad feeling, I didn't cry out completely~lightnovelpub.net~ It's just that my eyes feel a little fuzzy, and my heart feels abnormally blocked.

In fact, this kind of heart-stuck feeling may be more uncomfortable than crying. After all, crying means catharsis.

Why do we say that female readers are more powerful? There are also reasons why they cry easily. They can vent their sadness completely by crying happily after watching the tragedy, and they can play happily the next day.

On the surface, male readers seem to have a strong sense of support. Whether watching tragic cartoons, movies, or other things, they can suppress their grief and never cry easily, showing that a man has tears and is not light. The demeanor of playing, in fact, don't mention how uncomfortable they feel, and such uncomfortableness can last for a long time!

Anyway, even if Fang Jiaoyue anticipated the ending of this comic and had a psychological quasi-bèi, he was still very uncomfortable after watching the ending, and even had the urge to pinch Teacher An An’s neck and threaten her to modify the ending!

He thinks that there is no manga artist who can make him so unhappy except Teacher An An, but why is he so cheap and can't help but want to continue to see her work?

The way Fang Jiaoyue vented his anger was, of course, a mockery of superiority. When he saw those replies that expressed dissatisfaction with his "slalom" behavior, he just sneered and posted another post, mocking these unceremoniously The guy's ability to accept the shòu is just a mere tragedy, and it makes you so sad, so don't come to chase An An's work as soon as possible! ——

Today's first update~~~ Seeking a recommendation ticket~~~Monthly ticket~~~! ! ! (To be continued.)

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