Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 677: Pleasant feeling

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Fang Jiaoyue ridiculed and digs holes for many readers in a dark belly. He recommended a work to these guys, and the name of this work is "Bian You".

He is actually a deeply hidden sister-in-law reader, but he never admits that he is a sister-in-law, it's just because the girl he likes happens to be his sister.

By the way, he has a lot of younger sisters in reality, including relatives, cousins, and cousins. These younger sisters are not bad in appearance, and they have a good impression of him, a good-tempered brother. Why is he called the "winner of life", there are so many lovely sisters, isn't it a winner in life?

It's a pity that Fang Jiaoyue still prefers "Listen to the Wind". He loves this song so much. As long as he hears this song, any relatives, cousins, cousins, and goddesses will be abandoned by him at will.

There are so many cute sisters, it is inevitable for him to watch the work "Fate of the Sky". After all, to improve his posture control of sisters, he has to learn more...

Then one day, he suddenly tweeted that "Sister Qiong", the author of "Fate of Space", actually recommended a work called "Sister Controls the Gospel", and many readers of "Fate of Space" are still reading this work. Thank you for the recommendation of the author.

How can he miss such a work that seems to have a very good reputation?

As a result, Fang Jiaoyue fell into the pit of "Bian You"!

Then... there is no more.

Because she suffered tons of mental damage from this work before, Fang Jiaoyue even felt "but that" at a certain moment when she watched the tragic ending of "April is Your Lie." The devastation of spirit, in fact, a normal work like "April is Your Lie" can't match the dark and **** curiosity work like "Bian You".

This time, not many readers even scolded Mr. An An for “poisoning and feeding shit” because the ending of this work, although it is a tragedy, it is really distracting. This is a very beautiful tragedy. , The death of the heroine, and even the achievement of the hero, this is undoubtedly a kind of extreme romance.

After Fang Jiaoyue recommended "Bian You" to everyone with bad intentions, some readers who have seen this work for a long time did not remind everyone to be careful at all. It is completely cold-eyed that many ordinary readers enter the pit...

No way, Fang Jiaoyue’s recommended comics in the comic commentary section before are relatively reliable. After all, he is a senior comic fan and his taste is very tricky. The works that can enter his eyes are all very bright works. Many Readers also found a lot of rations because of him.

Therefore, this time Fang Jiaoyue is really zhèng poisoning!

Many ordinary readers were caught in that big pit, and after returning, they all said that compared with the dark work, this work by Teacher An An is simply pediatrics!

More readers criticized the "cold queen of the north" for revenge on society, and recommended works that destroy the spirit...

While Fang Jiaoyue was happily appreciating the scolding, he also defended, saying that he was fighting poison with poison!

After doing this, Fang Jiaoyue suddenly developed a kind of enlightenment—it's no wonder that Teacher An An likes to draw melancholic works. It turns out that this kind of pitting reader is really cool!

Fang Jiaoyue, who realized this point, regretted his previous behavior. Why did he remind those guys who had no eyesight and let them be brutally killed by Teacher An An, and then he watched from the sidelines. Hilarious, isn't it nice?

Fang Jiaoyue has since decided that he should be an accomplice of Teacher An An. It is better to mislead other readers and convince them that Teacher An An is a cartoonist who likes to draw works of "positive energy". You can rest assured!

In the comment section of "April is Your Lie", in addition to Fang Jiaoyue, who is afraid of the world, there are also really talented readers. After they read this work, they feel that it is natural and very natural. Shen, from the bottom of his heart, wrote a long review of this work.

There is a long review titled "A Lie in April, a Movement of Secret Love" written like this—


This is a story about lies.

Xun said: You are Friend A!

Xun also said: I just fell accidentally.

Chun said: Gongsheng is just my brother.

Senior said: I like others.

Obviously everyone has stronger and stronger emotions in their hearts, but they can still say those different things with a smile.

Everyone thinks that this is a good situation for everyone, but unavoidably, things are becoming more and more counterproductive.

The farthest distance is when I stand in front of you, but I don't know if you will disappear; I think I should be together, but I can't touch it.

Secret love:

Chun said, when you see that girl, you will see the light in her eyes.

So the father-in-law saw the girl, her pupils, her figure playing a musical instrument in the sun, her smile as bright and pure as the sun, her whole world, the whole world she brought to him, all glowing with dazzling dazzling brilliance. Light.

It’s good to return to the hesitation in the world of piano again, whether to jump into the water from the bridge, to the transformation that you feel when you stand on the stage again, or to finally be liberated from the shadow that has always been... Everything is a precious experience brought by that girl, which cannot be replaced.

However, I am just Friend A, so what else can I do? Even to go to the hospital, I have to desperately find a reason for myself.

Obviously, I wanted to see each other so much, but because of the things I couldn't say, I couldn't even find the reason.

Obviously the other party is so close in front of him, but it seems that he will disappear at any time.

What can I do to really get close to you?

Xiaochun always emphasizes that Gongsheng is just my younger brother.

So except for those few people who really understand, everyone really thinks so, including Xiaochun himself and Gongsheng.

Does Xiaochun really know dào?

We have been together since we were young, as natural as the air we breathe every day.

We just will always be together, right?

However, when did you begin, you became taller, dazzling, and it seemed that even I suddenly didn't recognize you.

You gradually entered another world, a world beyond my reach.

Talking about what I don’t know, watching the figure of another girl, smiling nonchalantly and saying to me, you are going to go farther and farther.

Why is it so sad?

I thought you would always be there, I thought everything would not change.

It turned out that I stayed in place and didn't change, only me.

Cun zài, which cannot leave like the air, is about to become inaccessible anymore.

Isn't it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com can no longer approach you?

We are always trying to get close while trying to avoid ourselves and cannot be frank.

The human heart can be such a complicated thing, so complicated that we seem to be able to understand why we want to do this, but we can't explain it.

People's hearts are also extremely contradictory things, contradictory to the point that they clearly want to get close, yet they continue to distance themselves with their hands.

If I only rely on lies, can I approach you?


There are many ways for reality to come.

Sometimes you have to find out when you have lost it.

Sometimes, after experiencing insurmountable pain, I must have the courage to speak frankly.

Sometimes, after everything is over, the words that have been hidden for a long time can finally be said.

In April, I told a lie, and then I met you.

From spring to summer, and then to the snowy winter.

I started running again because you gave me the opportunity to dream again.

Because of you, the stars in the sky start to shine again, and the world becomes colorful.

No matter how small things are, I will always remember them.

How about you?

Will you forget me? Even if it's only a little bit, will you think of me?

It's that you are so kind, thank you.

It would be nice to be able to communicate.

I like you.

I like you.

like you.

In this way, the work "April is Your Lie" came to a successful end, and An Yi, who "ran away from home", was attached to the sister Qi Yujing, and the "Light Bulb Society" should also Their new work is out—

Two more~~~recommendation ticket~~~monthly ticket~~~~! ! (To be continued.)

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