Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 890: A tearful ending

When the Flower and Dream magazine that published the final words of your name went on the market, it almost sold out in a short period of time!

It's because everyone wants to know what the ending of this story is. This time, Mr. An An, will the readers be miserable again?

As the prophet emperor, Fang Jiaoyue, in fact, is not sure what An An will do this time, but after reading the content of the last publication, he finally couldn't help but ran to the comic commentary area of ​​An An’s work and made some ridicules. Mr. An An’s remarks, if there is no accident, Mr. An An is afraid that

In fact, he really didn't want Mr. An An to cruelly not let the loving male and female masters be together. For the first time in his life, he hoped for a work so much that it would be a happy ending.

What’s more interesting is that this time around 70% of the readers who think your name will be tragic, obviously, this is the former notoriety of Teacher An’s at work, and it is also a protection mechanism. As the saying goes, the greater the expectation, The greater the disappointment, if there is no expectation, naturally there will be no disappointment. If the ending is not a tragedy, it will surprise everyone.

Fang Jiaoyue quickly began to read the content of the final words of your name. She returned to the heroine in her own body, and began to take over the work of saving the town for the heroine. Together with her friends, she boldly implemented the plan to save the town.

Their plan is still very interesting. At least Fang Jiaoyue laughed while worrying about the ending, because they actually used a bomb to blow up the power plant. This behavior is undoubtedly the behavior of terrorists, but Before the meteorite is about to fall, there is no way to do such a thing just to save the townspeople in the small town. Who will let no one believe them at all?

Just think about it, meteorite disasters are really rare in reality, and the possibility of occurrence is almost zero. The news most reports about meteor showers, but who would have thought that meteorites will fall on the town, and it will happen. It's time for festivals.

When watching and feeling interesting, Fang Jiaoyue also felt a tense atmosphere. In any case, he still hopes that the heroine can successfully save all the residents of the town. This means that history has truly changed and that fate has been broken. General development.

However, when she saw that the heroine was saving the town, she suddenly shed tears and said that she could not remember the name of that person, Fang Jiaoyue suddenly "cocked" in her heart, and she felt even more uncomfortable. , Doesn’t it mean that both the host and the host can’t remember each other’s name?

His expectant heart suddenly fell to the bottom, and for the first time he had the urge to scold Teacher An An harshly. This is too cruel. Obviously, he has experienced so much between the male and female protagonists, but it happened. Don't let them be together?

At this moment, he deeply understands the meaning of the name of this comic, why is it called "your name"? It turns out that "what is your name" is the ultimate question of this comic!

When he saw the heroine written "I like you" on his hand, but the heroine was crying and couldn't remember the name of the heroine, he also felt a deep tingling. The two who obviously love each other do not know each other. The other party's name, what a **** it is!

How malicious is it to the readers to come up with such a plot?

At this moment, Fang Jiaoyue, who has always been able to withstand pressure, almost couldn't bear it, and the overflowing emotions flooded his heart, and the sadness was extreme.

At this time, whether the heroine can successfully persuade him as the mayor’s father, there is still suspense, he can only continue to bite the bullet and watch.

But it was time for Teacher An An to show off her painting skills. She used her peak painting skills to show the split comet and its falling beauty to the extreme, as if she had seen such a scene with her own eyes.

She completely described the scene of destruction caused by the meteorite falling on the small town, extremely realistic feeling, that kind of terrifying destructive power, as if to penetrate the screen, directly using that extremely shocking visual effect, let all readers, They were all dumbfounded!

However, in this situation, she sold it off. Readers still don't know if the heroine convinced her father. As a result, the meteorite smashed down. What if the heroine did not convince her father?

Isn't the hero's efforts gone for nothing, and the heroine is still dead?

Fortunately, at this time, there are still a lot of pages left. Fang Jiaoyue can only keep reading in this panic.

What makes him even more mad is that Mr. An An seems to have decided to leave this suspense completely for the end. The next plot time jumps directly to many years later. The male protagonist is about to enter the workplace, but he has been looking for something, but I don't know what to look for.

The readers of course know it. What he is looking for is the girl named "Miyamizu Sanye", but now everyone feels depressed, they don't know whether the heroine is alive or not. Teacher An An has set up suspense. This technique has been played to the extreme, and there is absolutely nothing you can do except keep watching!

In this work, all readers have always been led by Mrs. An An!

What made Fang Jiaoyue finally relieved was that through the memory of the hero, it was discovered that all the residents of the town had miraculously avoided the catastrophe of the comet, which showed that the heroine was not dead!

However, through the inner monologue of the male protagonist, he also knows that he has completely forgotten. He is also one of the reasons for this miracle. He only knows what he is looking for.

Fang Jiaoyue sighed again. This is really a shame. The two people who obviously love each other don't even know each other's name. How depressing is this?

When the number of pages of this sentence gradually decreased, he had completely lost hope. At this moment, what made him almost angered was that Mr. An An actually cruelly and deliberately painted the heroine and heroine in the night. In the plot passing by, the heroine is also tied to the head of the "knot" that symbolizes the bond between her and the hero!

But the male protagonist just paused, and did not have a head, and of course the female protagonist did not.

"Fuck it! Isn't this'pass by shoulders' special that you have already played once in five centimeters per second? The old thief An'an actually came back?" Fang Jiaoyue rubbed her misty eyes~lightnovelpub.net ~Can't help cursing.

But soon, he was stunned again. It turned out that after a few years, the male and female owners finally found each other in two different trams. They did not hesitate to get off the car and ran towards each other. The main character is above, and the main character is below, one downward and one upward. When they pass by again, the main character finally couldn't help his head and said, "Excuse me, where did I meet you?"

The heroine turned her head too far, but she was already in tears. After saying "Me too", she finally smiled in relief. The smile was so beautiful and the hero was in tears. Finally, they said in unison, yours. name is?

The plot came to an abrupt end, but left endless charm and reverie.

Fang Jiaoyue was bursting into tears at this moment, obviously this is the happy ending!

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