Qianwumei Also Wants To Be a Cartoonist

Chapter 95: Hold on to copyright

     In fact, for magazine agencies, the editors’ favorites are the authors who draw their heads. Those authors are basically handed over to the magazine agency in terms of copyright. In this way, the magazine agency can make a lot of money from it.

   The copyright operation department of "The Kingdom of Takeshi" is still possible. After all, it is the industry's first comic magazine, surrounded by powerful enemies, and it is not in a monopoly position. It must improve the welfare and treatment of the author in order to maintain this number one position.

It is also relatively transparent in terms of copyright. The author has the right to veto copyright transactions. For example, some comic magazines that are not big in the industry, it can be said that the copyright of the author is not relentless. Some scum in the magazine’s senior level will Open a leather bag company, buy the author's copyright into the leather bag company at a low price, and then resell it at a high price to make huge profits!

Therefore, as an author, it is better to be more astute. Don’t be so stupid to hand over all copyrights of your work to the magazine for agency. Although it will feel very easy, the damage is actually your own. Benefits, you can't bet on the conscience of capitalists.

   Anyi doesn’t have to bother so much. First of all, she is already a minor, and various contracts need to be signed with a guardian, and Anri is her only guardian.

   Anyi trusts her brother completely and trusts everything she has to her brother, the growing capitalist, president, and chairman.

Anritsu has indeed grown a lot more than before. Shopping malls are like battlefields and are the most training people. After all, he is now a self-made business prodigy. Judging from the rapid development of his company, you will know how good he has done. .

Of course, this is definitely indispensable for his own sister’s financial support, otherwise he must accept other capital injections in order to develop the company faster. The Internet was the most money-burning in the early days. In this way, his shares must be diluted. While working for capital, it is not uncommon for the founder to be kicked out of the original company.

   But now, the entire Ping An Technology Company is under his sole control.

Obviously, Anritsu will not transfer the full copyright of his sister’s work to the magazine agency, because he has taken a fancy to the game adaptation rights of his sister’s martial arts comics. In the future, he wants to make a game of "The Legend of Yi'an Heroes" to give his sister a surprise.

   And he will set up a video website in the future, and then he can make an online self-made drama and post it directly on his company's video website, so he will definitely not exclusively authorize the copyright of his sister's work and completely transfer the sky-high price.

   He firmly believes that every work of his sister is a real big IP with infinite value.

Martial arts comics are nothing more, like "Neon Genesis Evangelion" that my sister is about to upload to the blog, the peripheral income is the real big head. The zero machine, the first machine model, the hand-made toys, etc., can definitely make money. Even the tight-fitting latex battle suits worn by male protagonists and female protagonists can produce such peripheral clothing.

   "It's not an exclusive license, the other company's bids will definitely not be high." Editor-in-chief Ji Hongfei said solemnly, and his heart was very crooked.

Because Ji Hongfei found that he really underestimated Anli, the other party was more shrewd than he had imagined. He firmly held the copyright of An Yi in his hands and asked the magazine to improve the next edition of "The Legend of Chu Liuxiang", which is about to be serialized. 》Manuscript fees, separate royalties, etc.

   And the reason Anri has such confidence is that his sister is good enough, and her talents allow him to "bring her sister to self-respect" unscrupulously, in order to fight for the greatest benefit.

Anli is not a short-sighted person who sees money. Although he has been at the bottom for many years, has tasted the hardships of the bottom of society, and has been accustomed to the darkness under the prosperity of Greater China, he has always enriched himself, the friends he made, and even more. There is no shortage of political students, like the other two partners of Ping An Technology, one is a girl from a family of lawyers, and the other is the daughter of a local congressman.

   That's why he wouldn't sell the hen that lays golden eggs with a hammer. As a businessman, of course he has to pursue the maximization of profits.

"It doesn't matter if the bid is not high. For works like "Shooting the Condor", someone will definitely bid, and it is even possible to shoot various versions of animations and TV series." An Li helped his glasses with a confident face on his face. Smile.

   Ji Hongfei was choked a little speechless. It is still possible to shoot different versions of TV series. How many versions of animation will come?

But this time Ji Hongfei just wanted to reach a preliminary intention. He saw that Anri was determined to hold the copyright of Anyi's work in his hands. There was no way for the time being. In the future, he will let the guys from the copyright operation department come in person. Right, but after seeing Anri’s powerful lawyers, he felt that those guys would eventually come back.

Because the copyright is essentially in the hands of the author, as long as the author does not sign that kind of assignment contract, he has the right to do so, but the average author will vaguely transfer his copyright under the pie drawn by the magazine. The magazine agency will act as an agent and operate it. If he encounters a conscientious magazine agency, he can just wait for the money.

   It is a pity that An Yi has an astute brother like Anri, and thinks that his company can also develop the copyright of his younger sister's work in the future to maximize the benefits, so he will definitely not transfer the copyright of his younger sister casually.

"Country of Martial Arts" will not block Anyi or anything because of this, because the sales of "Country of Martial Arts" ~lightnovelpub.net~ have risen again, surpassing the original peak. The sales volume reached 90 million, reaching 95 million at the highest point. Perhaps it is not impossible to exceed 100 million in the future...

Anyone with a bit of a brain will understand the significance of An Yi to "The Kingdom of Martial Arts", not to mention that An Yi and "The Realm of Martial Arts" are signed for one work, not a signer. Even if she is blocked, she can switch jobs in a blink of an eye. The other two martial arts comic magazines "Jianghu Yi" and "Legend of Modern and Ancient Times" are competing with "Country of Martial Arts".

Therefore, in such a situation, the price of the original manuscript of An Yi's new serialization "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" reached 5,500 yuan, which can be described as a sky-high price, second only to Ke Yongqun's 6,000 yuan manuscript price, except for "Shooting the Eagles." In addition to the popularity of the story, there is also the quality of "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" itself. Lingji Hongfei gave such a price for the original manuscript after combining the opinions of the editors.

   If the "Legend of Chu Liuxiang" continues to go viral, An Yi can truly become no more than 10 "supreme gods" in the comics industry!


   The third update today! ! Add more as promised! ! ! Ask for recommended tickets, monthly tickets! ! ! ! (PS: Everyone's monthly ticket is still less, it's too much...)

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