Queen Mother is a Scientist

Chapter 30: The general is back

The general is coming back!

Not to return to Qingzhou Camp, but to return to the General Mansion!

The perennial unowned general mansion boils at this moment! The servants maids were busy with their feet cleaned, cleaned, organized, inspected, and repaired, and it was important to ensure that the entire general mansion was in the most perfect state before the general returned!

Everyone is preparing with vigor and vitality, but the housekeeper only walks away from time to time and sighs.

Someone asked what happened to the housekeeper.

The butler shook his head and turned away without saying a word, but he was muttering in his heart: Who is that Chinese girl?


After seven or eight days, Fu Tingye really came back.

In the deep night, General General and his team of soldiers quickly entered the city. He rode casually, very low-key, but could not conceal the fierce and powerful momentum of the whole body.

The gate of the General Palace was opened, and the servants took the horses to the stables briskly. The road in the gate was smooth and clean. The lanterns on both sides were glowing red, but there was no sense of enthusiasm. The General Palace in the night was more solemn and solemn.

Butler Zhao greeted each other respectfully and greeted Fu Tingye to the front hall along the way, offering hot tea.

"Meals are ready. Will the general use the rice first, or bathe and change clothes?"

Fu Tingye drank the hot tea, put down the teacup, and glanced around the door, asking, "What about her?"

When he went back to the house so much, did she not know? You should come out and greet everyone.

Zhao Guanjia groaned in his heart. Although his face was still calm, he began to panic!

"I don't know...who is the General Master talking about her?" Zhao Guanjia pretended to calmly replied.

Fu Tingye raised her eyebrows and looked at the butler with low eyebrows, and finally realized that something was wrong.

"Hua Qingxue, she's not here?" Fu Tingye asked, his tone low, obviously in a good mood.

The housekeeper Zhao began to sweat coldly, reporting truthfully: "General, the house has never heard of this person..."

Fu Tingye stood up!

The servants in and out of the front hall held their breath!

Butler Zhao is forced to bear someone's sharp eyesight and scalp numbness! Carrying it rigidly, dare not look up!

Fu Tingye didn't get angry...

He just stared at the butler for a while, and then walked back and forth in the hall twice, very upset!

Why is she not here? ! Didn’t those people send her to Panshui City? ……how can that be? ! But what will happen to the journey of an hour?

Fu Tingye frowned tightly, recruited a personal soldier, and ordered to immediately go to Qingzhou Daying to ask about the matter.

How can a big living person suddenly disappear? !

Fu Tingye lost her appetite, and her mood was faint.

I was thinking about telling Hua Qingxue about the prince's return to Beijing. I also had a fantasy about how she would look after hearing it. This is a good thing. People are not in the house!

"Preparing water, I want to bathe and rest." Fu Tingye threw a sentence and walked out of the front hall with a sullen face.

The housekeeper Zhao and the servants looked at each other, and quickly lowered their heads to catch up.


The sun was slanting west and the sky was dark.

Without the sunshine, the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold made people on the street less and less, and the various vendors stalled and returned home.

Aunt Cao next door kindly persuaded Hua Qingxue: "Go back early, it will be difficult to walk on the road after a while, the recent year is approaching, the business is no less than the past, and there is nothing to lose."

Hua Qingxue nodded with a smile, stood up and started to close the booth.

Today the business is not very good, only ten bowls of tea are sold, and there are a lot left in the bucket. Hua Qingxue gives the remaining tea water to the uncle and aunt at the nearby stall, and can warm up after drinking.

During this time, she gradually became acquainted with the nearby stall owners, so she stopped thinking of going to Dongzheng Street. Now she feels very well in this state. She can rest at home in the morning and make money in the afternoon. The feeling is over and I feel particularly fulfilled.

With the help of Aunt Cao, Hua Qingxue piled everything on the board car, waved at everyone, and pulled the car home quickly.

When I walked to Tongling Alley, I smelled the smell of the food scattered all over the place.

This peaceful life can completely relax people, and it is completely different from the days of nervousness in Renqiu City.

Aunt He didn't know if she heard the sound of the rickshaw, walked out of the yard to greet her, helped her push the rickshaw into the yard together, and unloaded the wooden stool on top of it.

Once the bucket was taken, it was empty, and Aunt He knew that Hua Qingxue had divided the tea out at will. She could not help but sigh: "You sell tea every day as much as you give it. How can you earn money over time... …"

Hua Qingxue smiled casually, "Actually, I didn't send much. Recently, the business is not good. I only boiled half a barrel of each tea every day, and the tea is not easy to sell overnight. It is better to send it out to be human."

Aunt He still disagreed, and felt that this girl was too solid-minded, and she was afraid of losing money in doing business.

Hua Qingxue took out something presented by other stall owners with a smile, and said, "Auntie, don't worry, hey, look, this is the cabbage from Uncle Niu, the tofu from Aunt Cao, and Uncle Li's biscuits...I think I made it myself."

Aunt He was helpless and funny, and sighed, so she had to give up.

After a while, I couldn't help but persuade her: "Since the business is not good recently, don't leave the stall. It's cold, the girl's family is the most taboo and suffers from the cold. Let's think about other camps at home. Knowing to love and cherish, it will be too late to regret when you are in your years..."

"I know." Hua Qingxue nodded with a smile, "I just thought that doing business should be persevering, fishing for three days and drying the net for two days is not good, but recently the New Year is approaching, everyone is busy buying new goods , Tea is really nothing to earn."

For tea, the low end point is thirst quenching, and the high end point is tea tasting.

Hua Qingxue's tea is of a kind that can't be beaten. Let's talk about quenching thirst. It also has a bit of flavor. When talking about tea, it can't be compared with those famous teas, so this business can only barely make ends meet, but it really doesn't make much money.

Aunt He looked at her in a hurry, and couldn't help but stunned, and asked: "Why, you have an idea?"

Hua Qingxue nodded, "Well, I just don't know if it will succeed, I will try it tomorrow."


The next day, Hua Qingxue didn't wake up early to make tea. She went to the street and found the last food shop.

The guys in the grain shop actually recognized her, and they smiled and asked: "Girl, come to buy jade wheat again?"

"Yeah." Hua Qingxue nodded and stretched his hand on the corn on the cob piled up, hard.

"How much?" The man took the scale and prepared to weigh it.

Hua Qingxue smiled and said, "Sell them all to me."

"Ah?" Dude dumbfounded, "All...all?"

Yumai usually buys few people. Although this thing is cheap, everyone is more willing to eat fresh, dried jade wheat is not very popular, so Hua Qingxue said she wanted it all, and the guy really ate it. shock!

The folks at the grain shop said kindly: "Girl, you want so much... are you going to grind the jade wheat noodles? If you buy more, our mill behind the grain shop can help you grind it cheaper."

Hua Qingxue shook his head with a smile, "No need to grind it into a noodle, I just want these dried corn, can you help me deliver it to home? I can't get it by myself."

"Fine! No problem!" The grain shop guys agreed, turning around and taking the pockets to swiftly fill Hua Qingxue with corn.

Hua Qingxue buys corn and wants to make popcorn.

She has thought about it carefully. Popcorn is simple to make and the materials are easy to find. It only needs corn kernels and sugar. Of course, if there is butter, it is better to know if there is butter in this place...

If not, it does not matter, Hua Qingxue can extract it by himself, but it is more troublesome.

——The popcorn with butter is fragrant. It's worth the effort.

Hua Qingxue asked her guys to help her bag the corn, and said that she would come back later. She wanted to go around and see if she could buy fresh milk.

If you want to refine the butter, you must put the fresh milk into the container and stir it constantly. Goat milk can be used. After stirring hundreds of times, it will float some white semi-solids above the milk. Use a sieve to remove the white oil and squeeze it out. Moisture, and then refined into butter.

Although the method is known, but it is very complicated and troublesome to make, Hua Qingxue still hopes to find the finished butter.

After shopping a few streets, she was actually bought!

It is said that this butter was purchased from the herdsmen in the north. No one usually buys it, so there is not much stock, and there are only two large pieces of butter in the entire store.

Hua Qingxue checked the color and found that the quality of the butter was particularly good and mellow. I was overwhelmed and bought all the butter!

Anyway, now that the weather is cold, even if you buy more, you are not afraid of the butter turning off.

Hua Qingxue returned home with butter and corn. He couldn't wait to get into the kitchen and wanted to try a pot first.

She added a small piece of butter to the pan, slowly heated it over low heat, then sprinkled a handful of corn kernels, flattened the bottom of the pan, and covered the lid.

After doing this, Hua Qingxue ran into the yard again, picked up two bricks and hugged it with a cloth, and pressed it against the lid. She was worried that the pressure in the pan would be too high and the lid would fly!

Hua Qingxue added some wood to the stove, and the fire started to burn. After a while, a crackling sound could be heard from the pot, which was very pleasant.

She quickly reduced the fire, and then pressed the lid with one hand to serve the pot with another, shaking it hard-

Shake it, shake it until your wrists are sore, and the crackling noise gradually becomes smaller.

Hua Qingxue waited patiently for the sound to almost completely disappear before opening the lid at ease.

A burst of corn-flavored heat came out, and it smelled amazing!

However, it is not yet complete. Hua Qingxue added a few spoons of sugar to the pot and stirred it with a shovel. When the sugar melted and dipped in the popcorn, this filled the popcorn from the pot!

——Sweet popcorn, finished!

Hua Qingxue couldn't wait to taste one, it was really good luck, it was a great success the first time it was done, it was fragrant and sweet!

She smiled and twitched her eyebrows. At this time, she heard the sound of the familiar rickshaw outside the courtyard. Hua Qingxue took a bowl of popcorn and ran out, "Auntie! Give you a delicious taste!"

As soon as she ran out of the kitchen, she saw a tall and sturdy man appear at the door of the courtyard...