Queen of Flowers

Chapter 64: parting

For Xiao Ruo, all the complicated rituals on the day of Princess Longqing's wedding had nothing to do with her.

She is only responsible for entering the palace to participate in the wedding banquet, eating a big meal, by the way, adding a little bit of liveliness and joy to the long silent palace.

At the last makeup ceremony, the princess glared at her.

At this palace banquet, many noble ladies also looked at her with great respects, toasted with each other, and talked hand in hand, as if they were girlfriends for many years.

Therefore, Yong Ruo's plan to "get rich" by the palace feast went smoothly.

She absorbed all the sterilization drugs in the woman she could reach, and increased her points by more than 20,000 points.

It can be expected that within a period of time, those women who have been sterilized will be pregnant in the dead, and will be staged in Beijing.

Will those underground merchants selling sterilization drugs be badly rated by customers and demand refunds?

If there are more such things, will they jump out to investigate the reasons to maintain their business reputation?

These people are doing illegal business.

If too many complaints are filed, they are more likely to be reported in secret. If they bounce around again and again, the chances of exposure will be greatly increased.

If it has caught the attention of the government, it may be possible to clean up some evil forces while the emperor is still in office.

It is said that before the emperor ascended the throne today, he had done one such thing fiercely, destroying many illegal dens for making and selling sterilization medicines.

After Princess Longqing's wedding, Feng Liao rested for another two days.

In these two days, he concentrated on teaching Yong Ruo to ride horses.

The running track in the garden has not been sorted out yet.

Yong Ruo still can only walk around on a horse. But for her beginner, this is enough.

Two days later, Feng Liao came back to the palace and told Yong Ruo: He received the third errand that the emperor had entrusted to him—to worship the ancestral tombs.

It is said that the emperor recently dreamed of the Tai ancestors and Tai sects. It is suspected that the ancestors missed their descendants and sent Feng Liao to worship at the ancestral ancestors to show filial piety.

"Don't worry! I'm going to sacrifice a tomb and talk to the ancestors and ancestors. Although it's hard work, it's not dangerous ..." Feng Liao comforted Yongruo like this.

Yong Ruo didn't say anything on his mouth, but felt that Feng Liao's expression was a bit unnatural. She felt that it might be true that Feng Liang went to the sacrifice tomb, but he may not have told the whole truth to himself.

"I see!" She smiled at Feng Liao. "Be careful when you are outside! Pay particular attention to the safety of food and drinking water. Do you remember all the knowledge about disease prevention that I told you before? "

Since he wants to hide from her, why is she too clever?

"Of course I remember! If I had told me, I would all remember!"

"Remember, you must do it! Water must be boiled before drinking, food must be cooked before eating ..." She said a bit low after saying basic hygiene knowledge again, "Actually whether you are I'm unavoidable to worry about any errands at home. If you know I'm worried, take care of yourself ... "

After admonishing some precautions, Yong Ruo again instructed the girls to pack Feng Liang's luggage.

In addition to changing clothes and daily necessities, various emergency medicines must also be brought.

Yong Ruo would like to exchange some high-end medicines from the uncle to bring Feng Liang around to defend himself.

Kezhen told her, "The 'medicine' you exchange from me has a shelf life of only one day!"

"What's your joke? How can there be medicine with a shelf life of only one day?"

He said arrogantly, "My‘ medicines ’are just like elixir. They are n’t really pills! Have you ever seen a pill that melts at the entrance and the person does n’t feel like taking it at all?”

Yong Ruo was speechless.

The night before departure, Feng Liao pulled Yong Ruo to the dressing table, just like the night of her wedding, untied her hair buns and combed her hair with a comb.

After Yongruo's hair was combed, he changed his face and sat at the dressing table, asking Yongruo to untie and comb his hair.

After the hair of both was combed, Feng Liang picked up a pair of scissors, cut a small strand of the hair of each of them, tangled and knotted it, and stuffed it to Yongruo when he went to the hot spring village. The purse was tied in that purse.

He temporarily placed the purse on the dressing table, fiddled with scissors again, twisted a strand of their respective hair, still tangled and gave it to Yongruo.

"If Ruo, I really don't want you ..." He said bitterly, "Since I can't stay by your side every day, we will tie our hair together, and we will take each side to understand the meaning of love Come on! "

Yong Ruo slowly stretched out his hand and took over the tangled strands of hair, and suddenly the words "getting married couple" flashed in his mind.

As a modern man who often cuts his hair, Yong Ruo didn't have such delicate and elegant minds at first, and he linked his tangled hair with love.

But at this moment, her heart was suddenly unusually soft, and she felt that this strand of hair in her hands could no longer be distinguished from each other, and there was an indescribable kind of tenderness.

She wrapped the strand of hair carefully with a parchment, pinched it in her hands, smiled and said to Feng Liao, "I will also make a purse, put it on, and bring it with me every day."

"Then you must be a purse with me!" Feng Liao's eyes were slightly red.

He brought the purse with their hair on the dresser, raised it to his nose, and closed his eyes and sniffed.

It was a ochre-shaped round purse embroidered with a pattern of red plum blossoms.

Looking at his behavior, Yong Ruo felt a dull, uplifting feeling in his heart.

"Okay! Just make a pair!" She said with a smile.

When Feng Yong rolled the sheets that night, Feng Liang was extremely gentle and considerate, and extremely patient and delicate.

He placed Yong Ruo, who is "coming and going without worries," on the bed, tracing every contour of her with his fingertips, soothing every inch of her skin ...

Yong Ruo has an unprecedentedly smooth feeling.

This unrestrained, from the surging passion, from the pleasure produced by neurotransmitters, but also from the intimacy of physical and mental fusion, as if both souls had a brief meeting.

The next day, Yong Ruo got up early and sent Feng Liao out.

Feng Liao held her in her arms for a while. Then he kissed her heavily on her lips and said with a smile, "Wait for me at home! If there is anything, go to the princess for help."

Yong Ruo nodded: "Be assured! What can I do at home? Be careful when you are outside!"

Feng Liang took a deep breath and showed a big smile: "Relax! I will be careful!" He whispered in her ear, "I will be more careful for you!"

After kissing pro-Yongruo again, he no longer hesitated, turned around and strode out.

Yong Ruo silently looked at the back of his departure, and squeezed the strand of hair tightly in his hand, and suddenly felt empty, and wanted to cry.

I really don't like the feeling of seeing off!

With a grudge in her heart, she stepped back to her yard and her room.

"Take the needlework!" She told the girls stiffly.

On the first day after Feng Liao left, Yong Ruo spent his time concentrating on making a purse.

Lunch was just a little casual. I was hungry at night, so I ate a lot and ate a little. After eating, continue to make purses.

The girls urged her to go to sleep several times, but she just didn't hear it.

It was not until the third hour that the purse was finally ready. It is also a round purse with ochre-colored embroidered red plum blossoms. Only the direction of the flower is different from that of Feng Liao.

She took that strand of hair out of the parcel, shoved it into a purse, fastened the purse's mouth, and squeezed the purse tightly in her hand.

After a long time, she sighed for a long time, yawning and letting the girls pack the sewing box and wash to bed.

Touching the vacant bed and pillow around her, she thought with a sorrow in her heart: I wonder where Feng Liao had arrived at this time, but she fell asleep?

The next day after Feng Leo left, Yong Ruo took a horse walk in the garden in the morning, read a book in the afternoon, and took another hour to practice drawing.

In the evening, she performed a high-intensity exercise, ran about three kilometers along the garden, and did fifty crunches, 20 sets of flat supports, and 20 push-ups. She was exhausted.

Huarou, Yujing, and others were frightened and persuaded: "Madam, don't toss yourself like this! Lord Wang will be back soon!"

Yong Ruo collapsed on the carpet like a dead dog and sneered dismissively: "Who says I'm tossing myself? I'm obviously strengthening!" Yan Ling girls are not allowed to talk nonsense, let alone chewing tongue!

On the third day, she spent 20 points, and she let her eliminate her sore body, and continued to repeat the activities on the second day.

On the fourth day, she went to the Prince's Mansion to greet Tai Fei Shen. When she heard the sour words of the Lord of Xing'an County, she was too lazy to answer.

On the fifth day, Princess Long Qing invited her to visit her as a guest. By the way, she checked her progress in painting studies, and gave Yong Ruo's seriousness and talents high praise.

She told Yong Ruo the next stage of the lesson and arranged homework so that Yong Ruo could go back and practice more.

On the sixth and seventh days, Yong Ruo continued to repeat the activities of the second day.

On the eighth day, Princess Long Qing visited Hengjun Wangfu.

"I heard that your house is building in Daxing?" Asked Princess Long Qing.

Then she followed Yongruo and strolled in the garden of Hengjun Wangfu, and saw the seven-eighth-like running track, she couldn't help talking again and again.

"Still you have the courage! When I was young, I used to want to learn to ride horses. But the emperor put me on horseback for a while, and I was so frightened that I couldn't stop crying. . "

Yong Ruo naturally would not encourage Princess Longqing to learn to ride horses again, otherwise, if something goes wrong, the emperor and the queen must not swallow her alive?

She said lightly: "I was born bolder and stronger than other girls. When I was young, I was raised by my father and mother as sons for a few years! I envy the princess. It ’s more like a daughter ’s house. What looks like me? If I do n’t converge and pretend to be Sven, I will look like a tomboy.

Princess Long Qing looked at her up and down with interest: "Do you look like this now, or haven't you?"

"Naturally converged."

"So what did you look like when you hadn't converged? Quickly show your true colors and let Princess Princess take a look!"

Yong Ruo shook his head firmly: "I'll show it to the princess if I have a chance in the future! Otherwise, wouldn't it cost me a lot of pretense?"

When eating together at noon, Princess Long Qing said slightly distressed: "It's been so many days since I got married, I have only seen the horse twice. Sometimes I want to see the horse and talk to him. Others say I can't live without men, I'm not dignified, I have lost the majesty of the royal family ... "

Yong Ruo felt a little sympathy for her.

The marriage of the princess and the horse is slightly different from the ordinary couple.

The horse does not live in her own home, but in the front yard of Princess House, and the princess herself lives in the inner courtyard.

If the horse wants to see the princess, she must first apply to the princess, and she can only enter the inner court after getting approval. If the princess wants to call the horse, it is more convenient, but the young girls of this era are thin-skinned, who cares to call the horse every day?

Under the circumstance that men are superior to women, this kind of husband-wife relationship is easy for men to feel awkward. With fewer opportunities to meet, the relationship between husband and wife is even weaker.

And this is still normal.

If there are any other idiots who make troubles and provokes one or two, the relationship between the princess and the horse will be more difficult to say.

Princess Long Qing is now facing a common problem that her aunts and grandmothers have encountered.

"Dignity is for outsiders. When husbands and wives get along and say something vulgar at home, their clothes are stripped off. What kind of dignity?"

Princess Long Qing heard a smile, and her cheeks turned red immediately, and she covered her face and laughed, "It's vulgar home!"

"Although it is vulgar, it is also human. Otherwise, how did the princess think the children were born? In my opinion, when the princess and the horse are getting along, they may forget their identity-you are just a little girl It ’s just your husband. It ’s more casual to talk and act, and maybe a bit more comfortable. ”

Princess Long Qing nodded thoughtfully: "It makes sense! You just need to take care of the maids around you and not allow them to chew the tongue outside. Who knows how I get along with the horse?"

Seeing that she understood quickly, Yong Ruo did not teach her how to find excuses.

According to Feng Liao: The horse was chosen by the emperor. The horse and the princess also looked at each other and they had a good relationship with each other.

It can be said that the relationship between Princess Longqing and her mule is still very good. As long as they get along well with each other after marriage, the possibility of becoming a loving couple is very high.

On the twelfth day after Feng Liao left, the racetrack in Hengjun Wangfu Garden was finally repaired.

This racetrack, which is built around the Humble Garden, is about three meters wide, and can easily run for two or three horses. The ground was covered with loess and grass was seeded. Of course, whether these grasses can grow depends on the frequency of use of this racetrack.

Yong Ruo estimated that running a circle along the road was about two or three kilometers.

Yong Ruo began to practice riding on the racetrack. Jiaozhu was suffering a face, and he was carrying a few eunuchs who could ride horses.

However, Yong Ruo has exchanged for advanced physical optimization, she has no clue how many times more flexible than them, and she is very careful. Her equestrian skills have improved rapidly, and she has never made any mistakes from beginning to end.

It was more unexpected for Yong Ruo, but it was Huarou-she actually rode a horse.

It is said that the old lady she followed before entering Hengjun Wangfu was an extremely horse-lover. She rode very well when she was young, and she could ride on the horse when she was older.

In order to please the old lady and get reuse, Huarou once worked hard to ride a horse. It was only after entering Hengjun Wangfu that she never touched the horse again. She was a little rusty and needed to practice again.

At the same time, Yong Ruo was fascinated by the old lady who could ride a horse while watching Huarou.

What kind of person is she?

On the 14th day after Feng Liang left, it was the Dragon Boat Festival.

Yong Ruo, representing the Hengjun Wangfu, entered the palace to receive the Dragon Boat Festival feast.

This time, she had a deed of Princess Longqing's Zheng Ba, which expanded her social circle steadily and absorbed a large number of sterilization medicines.

Her credit balance has more than 40,000 points. There was a very down-to-earth feeling in her heart.

Time soon entered June.

Feng Liao has been away for more than a month, and there is no news at all.

Yong Ruo felt that his guess was correct at that time: Ji Ling was just a cover, and Feng Liao actually went to do other errands.

And that errand gave him no chance to come back with a letter.

The weather is fine on the sixth day of June.

Yong Ruozheng instructed the girls to quilt and publish books. Feng Gui's **** Xiao Guizi came back in dust, and brought back very bad news.