Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 67: Thousands of gold counterattacks rebirth

Just the little brother didn't know these people, but the older employees knew it.

Looking for a house to go home, I feel a bit strange.

"Parents, what's wrong with you?"

·Why are you looking at me with a strange expression? I am panicked.

Looking for his father to cough twice, and pointed his finger into the living room.

Looking for some doubts to walk in, the eye is the half-room plush doll.

Surprised Zhang opened his mouth, is this?

It’s almost as fast as a hill, and I’m looking for something...

"Dad, are you ready to open a gift shop? Or are you going to collect these cute gadgets?"

But this is really not in line with her dad's style, is it irritated by the music of the music, so the hobby has changed dramatically?

Looking for Dad’s speechless eyes: “This is obviously sent to you.”

"Whoever sent it is honest, and it is so exaggerated when you send it."

This is definitely the first time he has seen this in his life, how to say it, very curious way of giving gifts.

My baby is indeed a plush control plus a cute control, but definitely still have a normal aesthetic.

Look at these wonderful dolls, all kinds of unspeakable dolls, he feels very tired.

Looking for a laugh, she thought she knew it was sent.

嘤嘤嘤~~~~ She really just talked about it before, although I still hope that my brother can give gifts to myself.

But it’s definitely not the kind of comers who don’t want to be good, 哎╮(╯▽╰)╭

However, since it was sent by her brother, she still had to save it.

So with a big hand, everyone sent everything to the closet in his room.

Fortunately, her wardrobe is still empty for half a room, otherwise there is no such thing.

Looking for daddy and looking for mom quietly watching her daughter busy, wait until she is hard to get it, is preparing to ask.

The housekeeper came to the newspaper and said that it was Mo’s boss.

The two looked at each other and personally came to the door to welcome people.

To be honest, until now they still don't know why this boss is coming to find a home.

I also don’t know what my daughter’s relationship with Mo’s boss is. I don’t know the rumors outside.

Bo’s boss’s shelter for home-seeking was also received, but they still felt that they were not true.

"Mo Bo, are you coming over so late, is there anything?"

Please invite people to the living room, offer good tea, and find a father to consider.

Looking for a mother is to go to the kitchen to tell, this time is just dinner time.

No matter what the boss does not leave, he still has to prepare.

Followed by Mo Wen's Qiao Yuan, the concealed convulsions in his mouth, looking for this is the rhythm of not knowing that his boss has been with his daughter.

"Dad, I am looking for 觅." The language is not surprisingly endless, and it is Mo Wenxi.

Looking for daddy's expression is stiff, and his face looks like a ghost.

Qiao Yuan is the side of the sneer, the boss is so direct, and the king in the mall is really unqualified in life.

When I met for the first time, I called Dad. Isn’t it really afraid that people will take you out?

He will not admit that he is watching the movie silently in his heart.

"Hey, what did you just call me?" Dad found his own tinnitus, otherwise he heard Mo boss call his father?

Mo Wenqi is somewhat puzzled, but it is still a repeat: "Dad."

This time, my father was looking like a face with a thunder. He pointed to Mo Wen’s non-stop: "You...you..."

It’s that you don’t come out, it’s obviously scared.

"Looking for the total amount, isn't the lady saying to you, the boss has already asked her to marry him."

As a powerful secretary of the boss, Qiao Yuan naturally came out to explain to the boss.

It’s good to have such a slap in the air, that is, some bosses who are cold and talk high-end and who are not talking about it, shut up, are also worried enough.

It’s hard to find a father, and my daughter was asked to marry.

He did not know the father, but he was so heartbroken and swollen.

"Hey brother, how come you are." Looking for the doll, just finished the doll and went downstairs, and saw the person sitting in the hall.

I was very in a good mood and rushed to the other side, smiling.

"Is it coming to send flowers to me, flowers? If it doesn't look good, I don't like it if I don't like it."

The gift is there, the ring is there, it is worse than the flowers, now people appear, probably should be her guess.

Mo Wen blinked a little, and quickly opened the box holding the handle, and took out the blue enchantress inside and sent it to the front of the search.

Looking for a look, the complex look of the beautiful double-branched blue enchantress, the water flashes.

"I don't like it, you tell me what you like, I will buy it right away."

Mo Wen saw that he was only looking at the flowers, but he did not accept it.

"No, I like it very much, I like it very much, thank you."

Look for the hands to pick up, cherish the flowers to the lips and kiss.

I also don’t forget to send flowers to the man, bowing his head and printing a kiss on his cheek. The smile on his face is like a warm sun.

Mo Wenyi worked hard to raise a smile, although it looked very stiff, but it was extraordinarily sexy.

Holding the searched hand, the eye asked with expectation: "Are you promised?"

Looking for a nod, in fact, she has already given the answer, isn't it?

Mo Wenxi was very happy, stood up and hugged the search into his arms.

"Hey, how come you think of sending me a pair of blue enchantresses."

The fingers caressed the blue-flowered petals, and my heart was sweet.

Mo Wenyi looked down and looked at the double-branched roses in his hand: "When you first saw it, it was all in your mind, and then bought it."

“I think you will like it, it suits us very well.”

He didn't know how to describe that feeling, but he just thought that only it was the flower he should give her.

Looking for the eyebrows and eyebrows are dyed with a long-lasting love, light red lips.

"What do you know about the flower language of the double-branched blue enchantress?" See Mo Wenyi shaking his head and looking for it.

"Meeting is a fate, and the intersection of the souls gives us a romantic feeling of incompetence."

Their encounter is an established fate, a fusion of mind, body and soul, allowing them to compose a romantic song of music.

"I hope to have the fate of this life." Mo Wenyi had a touch of heart.

It seems that something is going to break through the shell, as long as he is working hard, he can immediately seize it.

But it is a little worse, he doesn't know what to do.

Looking for Dad to be sluggish ( ̄ △ ̄;) looking at the two of you, I am very affectionate.

In my heart, it is called a collapse, and my mind is called an uppercase O.

His family's Qearl actually married him when he didn't know.

The heart is so chaotic, he needs to be rational.

The tea on the table was directly poured, and I wanted to wake myself up.