Quick Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Comes to Counterattack

Chapter 669: Different World Love 2

  Chapter 669 Love in another world 2

  Although the two sisters have different personalities and hobbies, the relationship between them is very good.

  What is the most afraid of in this world?

  I am most afraid that people with ulterior motives will continue to practice you. As long as the practice is deep, even if your practice is advanced, you will be followed by the practice.

  The client was under Zhou Yang's various ulterior motives, and was slowly caught by him, and his heart was captured.

  Zhou Yang's role in front of a cold and arrogant woman like the client is a bit like a little wolf dog, but not quite.

  I usually look well-behaved, but sometimes I pretend to be pitiful.

  Cooking skills are also great, weird taste and delicious, it is as rare as a panda.

  But at the critical moment, Zhou Yang was able to step forward to protect the client and give the client a sufficient sense of security.

Is    attackable or acceptable?

  This is the first time the client and Zhou Yang met. The client had been playing around in the rivers and lakes, and then he learned that there was a medicine that was good for her twin sister, so the client wanted to pick it back.

  I never thought that the thing was growing on the cliff. The client had picked the medicinal materials, but at the same time it fell down, but was rescued by Zhou Yang.

  Ghost knew if Zhou Yang had been waiting to save people.

  The client got the medicine and went to visit the medicine sect. After all, the medicine had to be processed by the medicine sect before he could bring it back to his sister to eat.

   Zhou Yang followed the client along the way, and his feelings were cultivated in this way. Finally, the client said that he was going back to the Mingyue Gate, and Zhou Yang said pitifully that he had nowhere to go and asked for acceptance.

  The client takes the person back.

   Then Zhou Yang also used the client’s sister.

  The sister who simply does not go out has a better routine than the client.

  The two sisters fell in love with a man, but there was no picture of tearing up in imagination.

  It means that both sisters are in pain.

  Because she is the young master, the client always feels that she owes her sister, and it is inappropriate for her to steal a man from her sister, but...


  How can a lot of things be understood with a little sense and handled well?

  Sister feels deeply self-blaming and regretful because she actually fell in love with the man her sister brought back, and she feels very immoral.

  In short, the pressure in my heart is very high, but how can I control it with a heart?

  Especially, this is someone who specializes in routines. Speaking of it, Zhou Yang specially seduce a simple sister.

   After Zhou Yang finished the two sisters, he left a letter saying that they were actually inappropriate, so let’s break up.

   Then slipped away.

Zhou Yang, who had slipped out, began to make routines everywhere and fell in love with all kinds of people. The famous women in the rivers and lakes were deeply affected by Zhou Yang's routines.

   has also developed into the prime minister’s daughter, as well as the princess, and even the saint of the Tianshan school on the rivers and lakes.

The saints of the Tianshan Sect cannot marry, nor can they have admiration for men, otherwise they will be dealt with by the Tianshan Sect.

   Regardless of the inhumanity of this rule, just relying on the Tianshan Sect Saintess to risk her life to love Zhou Yang is enough to prove the depth of Zhou Yang's routine.

  The saint was selected and cultivated from an early age, and was instilled with a lot of ideas, and the idea of ​​not liking anyone was extremely firm. The saints of the Tianshan School did not secretly promise any man.

  In short, the more Zhou Yang’s charm reaches the later stage, the more it shines on the plane.

  And got a lot of love points, exchanged things in the system mall, so Zhou Yang's strength became very strong.

  Mrs. Jin knew that the two sisters of the client both liked a man, and even if they were abandoned.

  I was so angry, coupled with Mrs. Jin's prejudice towards love, the anger was even deeper.

   Simply gave the Mingyue Gate to the client.

  I went out to relax. In fact, Mrs. Jin wanted to go out to see if she could meet Zhou Yang, who had just patted her **** and left when she had finished her routine.

  I found someone to teach me a lesson, but when Madam Jin found Zhou Yang, Zhou Yang was already very strong.

  I was not as polite to Mrs. Jin as before. Mrs. Jin said that Zhou Yang had started chaos and abandoned, and Zhou Yang would naturally not admit it.

  In Zhou Yang's concept, this is falling in love and then breaking up.

   Isn’t it normal for everyone to break up peacefully?

How did    become a guilty man, and finally abandoned.

  Ms. Jin had a fierce temper and was so angry at Zhou Yang's words, but she was seriously injured by Zhou Yang and died shortly after returning to Mingyue Gate. The client vowed to avenge his mother, but the client never found Zhou Yang again.

   Zhou Yang was taken away from the world by the system not long after Mrs. Jin died.

   After all, Zhou Yang’s journey is not here, but to a higher world.

   embarked on another broad road.

   But those women whose heart was taken away by Zhou Yang ended up not doing well for various reasons.

Because their sincerity and luck have been taken away by Zhou Yang, luck is really important to a person, people without luck, everything goes wrong, drinking saliva is clogged up, let alone walking in the rivers and lakes, There are many dangers, and there is no chance to escape bad luck without good luck.

  The client did not tell her sister that their mother died after being injured by Zhou Yang. It was because the sister was in poor health and couldn't bear it.

  If you tell your sister, the younger sister is afraid that it will be more painful, and the client will bear this pain alone.

  My younger sister didn’t know anything about this, but faced with her mother’s death and emotional damage, it caused a great blow to her soul, and she died soon after.

  And the client was out of luck, everything went wrong, the Mingyue Gate quickly declined, the prestige was gone, and the client died because of an accident.

  After the client died, because of various grievances, she was selected for a counterattack opportunity. When she learned the truth of all this, she hoped that the client could help her avenge her.

  If Zhou Yang hadn't taken away her sincerity and luck, she wouldn't be so miserable.

  Furthermore, Zhou Yang was the direct murderer of his mother, and a large part of his sister died depressed because of Zhou Yang's ruthless departure.

The client does not blame his sister for liking the same person as himself, because Zhou Yang’s routine is too deep, and the client only hates himself for being routine. He also brings people back to harm his sister and also kills himself. Mother.

  The woman who had been in love with Zhou Yang didn't end well, but Zhou Yang didn't know all of this. He could start a new journey in another world with peace of mind.

  And there will be no burden.

  Meng Li felt that Zhou Yang's system was great, and he took Zhou Yang's body to the next world.

Meng Li wiped his face. Zhou Yang's appearance was really deceptive. It looked pretty harmless, and it also gave people a simple feeling. I didn't expect to operate such a 6 and how to fall in love. Gang fight.

  It seems that Zhou Yang had already fallen in love in this world before meeting her. Zhou Yang's practice was exchanged for love value.

(I'm sick, my mind is dizzy, my thoughts are not clear, the manuscript is exhausted, and the second update.) Thank you yin-the reward for winning and the monthly pass of me, silence, book friend 81822529, and everyone's recommendation ticket.



  (End of this chapter)