Quick Transmigration: Fate Trading System

Chapter 174: Monster Link 15

Behind the argument, this kind of thing is more subtle. Some people say that bad things are behind the villains, but they are divided in nature.

If you are dissatisfied with someone, but you are embarrassed to say it on the bright side, you can only complain to your friends secretly behind the scenes. Some of them are malicious rumors, or even to invade others. interest.

But no matter what kind of behind-the-scenes things, being bumped into by the Lord or others is an extremely awkward thing.

The director rubbed his hands a bit awkwardly and smiled at Su Xin.

"That ... don't put it on your mind, this kid's head is a little bit awkward, sometimes he doesn't talk about things, Xiao Su, but don't put it on his mind. They are all colleagues."

The director came out to round the field, naturally she would not be relentless, she was not originally picked out.

"I know the director, Mr. Chen, I respectfully call you a senior, because you have been in the circle longer than me, and you are older than me. I am just a newcomer, but I still want to say, An actor playing this maiden doesn't seem to have much relationship with your actor. There is no rival play between us. My role can't live for three episodes. The only heroine who has more rival plays with me No objection. Your director, the director, sue here, and asked the director why he did n’t use others. It ’s really ... "

Su Xin's words were left blank, not finished, and brought with a smile, but the irony meant that anyone could hear it.

The director's face also didn't look very good. Although he did have some relatives with this junior and the relationship with each other was very good, but this was not the reason why he asked him why he used this actor on the set.

Who is the director?

"I don't think I'm wrong. There are so many stars in the entertainment industry, and female stars are catching a lot of them, how could they fall into the hands of your newcomer, and we originally intended to be someone else's."

Su Xin had just heard it, originally thinking about Ji Yu, and wanted the big names to show a face in it, and then used this reputation to get a rating.

However, the appearance fees of big names and small transparents are different, and the director should also consider it.

"I have already told you just now that Ji Yu has no time to come to this place. People are big stars, okay, you think you can hear them if you want to invite them, and do you know the funding, the funding is limited, Ji Yu Bian happens to have an event, and she has to do it herself. There is no way to come and play with us. Do n’t you understand, Chen Bai, you are my eldest nephew, so I allow you to make trouble. If you change directors here today, dare He said that he would have kicked you out long ago, believe it or not? "

The director is also hot. Why doesn't this guy know how to do it? He doesn't want to think about the toughness of the newcomer standing in front of him. Even if the novice is raised by the hidden rules, it's a matter of his fart. Ah, the newcomer has no dime relationship with him, and the acting skills are also placed here. It can be seen that the newcomer is relatively young, but it is not so embarrassing that people can't see it. Some are in the entertainment industry. I do n’t know how long the acting skills have n’t been as good as hers.

The director's words were not only addressed to Chen Bai, but also to Su Xin.

Do something out first, and then speak out of your relatives, even if Su Xin wants revenge afterwards, it will not be so full.

This is similar to the bear child at home who accidentally angered the guests. It was the parents who first scolded the child in front of the guests, and the guests couldn't talk more.

"Mr. Chen Bai, this is the case. I saw at the beginning that you have a prejudice against me, but that's okay. Your prejudice is biased. It doesn't affect me anyway, but there is some logic in what you just said. Question, at this point I want to refute you. "

"How did you get the leading role in this TV series?"

"Of course it ’s not like some people are going backstage. When I wanted to make this show, I felt that I was more suitable as a leading actor, so I handed the script to my agent, and I came back for interviews and other competitors. Compete and win. That's why this character appeared. "

"Okay, my process is the same as yours. The director thought I was suitable for this role, so I gave it to my agent, but since this is only a supporting role in three episodes, I don't have any competitors. , So came to play this role, do you think there is any problem, do you think I came in the backstage, whose backstage did I go with? Director? "

Su Xin still said nothing when she said this, and she was not too angry about such trivial matters.

Chen Bai looked at the director and stunned him.

"Director, please continue to go to the set to see, and play against Xiaoya."

"Okay, go on."

Su Xin was gone, and the director looked at Chen Bai who hated iron and steel in place.

"Big nephew, I agreed with you when you first entered the entertainment industry. After all, you have passed the prestigious school and came out of the regular science class. The actor bowl rice is not delicious. If you want to be red, you have to excel. Yours The acting is ok and looks very good. You can only go a long way on this road, but your eyesight and attitude are not good. I just told you so directly. After all, you are my nephew, not an outsider. Talk today I'll just pick you up here. In the future, I will use my brain more often, and I will speak too much, can I? "

Now Chen Bai doesn't look good, but still nods.

"I know you like Ji Yu, and you want to be closer to her, but don't express your grievances on others, if you really have the ability to participate in the same movie or the same TV series with him, but she has not performed recently It ’s a TV show, work hard. "

The director is your eldest nephew who has always regarded Ji Yu as a goddess. Of course, he is not willing to not invite him this time, but that girl has a lot of gossip in the circle, and her reputation is not very good. I do n’t know what happened. The reason why I did n’t pick him up was to go elsewhere to avoid the show. The reason given was to go to another place to participate in the event, but he and her assistant were also old acquaintances. So the assistant said two more words.

Within a few days, Su Xin finished filming her own movie. She was filming the last scene, and she was going to the next theater after the last scene.

Fighting, the scene begins.

"Be careful!"

On the magnificent battlefield, the girl saw Yi Li coming in her direction, and the target pointed directly at the woman beside her.

The girl immediately changed her body style to prevent this fatal blow and saved the lives of those around her, but she lost her life as a result.

The blood bag was pierced, and Su Xin's clothes were stained with a large amount of blood.

The scene of the previous serious injury has been filmed, and now it is before the filming.

Sometimes the pictures you watch in TV or movies are not coherent, but you shoot some parts first, then the remaining parts, and finally combine them.

"Justice ... undefeated."

The white feathers behind her were stained with dust and blood, and she was seriously injured, but her eyes were astonishingly bright.

"Card, Su Xin's makeup is a bit spent. Make up first, and then continue shooting. Qiu Xiaoya, you are acting too hard. Don't overdo it. The kind of exaggerated sadness converges a bit, is it painful to understand?"

The director shouted a card and criticized Qiu Xiaoya for excessive force.

Su Xin fell to Qiu Xiaoya at the moment and sat up after hearing the shout and asked the makeup artist to carry her makeup bag to make up her makeup. The original healthy complexion was covered by pathological paleness, and her makeup was dying. Blood stains remained.

In fact, it is generally impossible to vomit blood when it is pierced into the heart. Unless it is pierced into the lungs, people in TV or movies who are injured and vomit blood will be vomiting blood, which is just an artistic expression.

Hematemesis = Injury is very serious, it is about to die soon, and it is about to die.

Knife in the heart = fatal injury.

Therefore, there is a combination of the two. Whenever the lower abdomen is injured or the heart is injured, it is necessary to vomit blood.

"I'll do that again just now. The final roar can be exhausted to silence, but it must show that tension."

The director is usually very swearing, but because of that incident, the director said it was relatively mild.


This role is actually relatively simple. The maiden grew up in the heavenly clan and did not touch the outside world much, but her heart was pure faith.

She believes in loving justice and being brave in peace. She has been portrayed as a very simple character. Even if the heroine has only faced a few days, she can be a good friend and even die for her. Such a person is in real life. It is the Virgin, the true Virgin.

This word was originally a philosophical word, used to praise those kind and pure and selfless and great women, not all women can bear the name of the master, but I do not know why, later the word was gradually distorted.

The true lady is right and wrong, she has three views, she is selfless, she is self-giving.

The pseudo-Mother does not have too much moral bottom line, wantonly squanders her kindness, in short, it is sick, because the kind of over-compassionate sympathy and kindness is really offensive. In order to show their kindness and innocence, the girls faked this personality.

There are probably very few true virgins in this world. There are a lot of fake virgins. Goodness is different from false virgins. One is worthy of praise and the other is not worth cherishing.

Su Xin finished filming the film here and received a call from Chu Qiu in the afternoon.

"Hey, boss, call me at that time, is there anything wrong, I'll go back tomorrow."

Su Xin was packing things in the hotel, but in fact there was nothing to pack, and there was not much to bring, so she could go at any time.

"I heard you were bullied?"

"No, I'm fine."

"Come back and talk, I miss you."