Quick Transmigration: I’m Almost Dead

Chapter 135: Hello Director (9)

The doctor was scared back, and the report in his hand fell to the ground, and the sound was not light and heavy, and it was already introduced into the ear inside.

The book was lifted and the eyebrows were twisted after seeing the shape.

The doctor groaned and didn't know what to do. If he could, he would like to lose memory for two minutes and forget what he had just seen.

There was a voice inside, "Come in."

The doctor's back was cold, and the scalp pushed the door into the office, "Director."

If the edict asks nothing, "What?"

The doctor handed the stack of inspection reports in his hand. "This is the inspection report for the patient in Room 3."

The book is turned over and looks like, "Blood pressure is still high."

The doctor said yes.

There is only a buzzing sound of paper in the office.

The doctor was under great pressure, thinking about the colleague who was transferred to the emergency department. He thought that his relatives said that his work was good and he had the skills. The girlfriend who is talking now is also because he is in the heart. The surgical work was promised.

The forehead oozing cold sweat, he blurted out. "Director, I haven't seen anything. Really, I didn't see you pumping yourself."

The buzz stopped, and the office turned into a needle that could be smelled.

The book slammed the report on the table. "I smoke myself? Where do you start?"

The doctor was blue and white. "No, it is my brain."

The book said, "Go to the brain to see."

The doctor is trembled, "Thank you for your concern."

The book is headed, "Go out."

The doctor left like a prisoner who was shackled.

There was a voice behind his back. "I heard that your nephew is coming to the hospital for further study. Do it well."

The doctor snorted and quickly walked out of the office until he returned to himself, and he was relieved.

The director of the squad is taking himself or licking himself. It is not that he can ask. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes hard.

In the office, the shackles held their foreheads and there was a chaotic picture in their heads.

Is he going to worship in the temple?

The book opened and went to the window to open a glass window. When the cold wind saw the opportunity, he rushed to the inside with a damp.

"Chen again..."

Reading the name, the eyes of the script seem to be covered by a leaf that is exposed to the sun, and the warmth of the silk is passed from the leaves to him.

When he reacted, he was already bursting into tears.

The script stared at the wetness in his palm, and he was ashamed of it. He tightened his lips and looked grim.

"Who are you, who am I..."

In the afternoon, Chen saw a patient with a little bit of skin, but fortunately, he could not have surgery.

He brushed the ghost character, "pay attention to the cleaning, water and neutral soap."

The patient said, "Doctor, I still have a problem."

Chen did not look up, "You said."

The patient said, "I don't have a hard time, it's very hard, it's hard, is this sick?"

Chen’s handwriting is a big deal, how big is it? He put down the pen and said, "You go behind the curtain, I will show you."

After reading it, Chen cut it in his heart. This is called big. It is fun to play with me. If you are big, the director is huge.

The next patient who came in was a Sven man, and from his dictation, it was only mild inflammation.

Chen gave him a wash, but he sat still.

There are stories.

The man said, "Doctor, one of my friends has AIDS."

Chen and Yan, this should go to the infectious department consultation, how did you say it here?

The man showed an expression of uneasiness. "I am sorry for the doctor. I think you are very kind, so I want to talk to you, can I?"

Chen looked at the computer and there were three patients behind him. "Then you hurry."

"My friend was infected when he was transfused."

The man lowered his head. "After knowing the condition, he did not want to face the disgust of others, he chose to commit suicide, but he was saved."

Chen is a little sympathetic, oh, life, it is always unfair.

He felt that he was dead, and there was another chance to be born again. It was a great fortune.

So even if it is the first task, you will encounter incurable diseases, and if you are harder and harder, he will be grateful.

After thinking about this, Chen gave a thank you to the system.

The system is scared, "You are welcome."

Chen added, "I will refuel to complete the task."

The system said, "Look at you."

Chen and Han, I feel that I am full of strength, but when I think of the occasional convulsions of the target, and the hundreds of surnames on my back, the power is gone.

The man still said there, "It is the doctor in the emergency room, the friend who killed me."

His emotions were excited and he said in a disgusting anger. "She is a murderer||hand!"

"But she didn't have the slightest embarrassment, she couldn't even remember my friend..."

Chen wants to bother, buddy, is the doctor in front of you, are you not clear-headed, or deliberately to add to me?

He was about to ask someone to go out, but the other party turned to him and turned and left.


Chen and his arm are a little dangerous. He will not be a scorpion when he sees a doctor. The purpose is actually the latter.


Even if the other party said that the incident occurred in the hospital, it did not have a relationship with him.

The owner of his body was just coming to the hospital and had not been to the emergency department.

This incident has been plaguing Chen. When he was in the quiet meeting with the Shushu grove, he said things.

The book is frowning. "Maybe there is the person who owns AIDS."

Chen blinked again, "No?"

I don’t change my color in writing. “It’s usually a friend, it’s me.”

Chen blinked. "How do you know?"

The script is silent, and I said that I did it at noon.

Chen took the branch and poked the grass. "Aid is so terrible, I almost got a note||shoot..."

The first step in the book, Shen Sheng asked, "What do you say?"

Chen stunned, and he didn't know why he said it.

It’s terrible to be unable to control yourself.

After a brief repression, Chen grinned again. "Just kidding."

The eyebrows of the script are crumpled. He has long been fascinated by life, but when he heard the words of the youth, he felt panic in his heart.

"Don't make a joke later."

"I'm wrong."

Chen added, "Do your doctors face life and death every day, have been numb?"

The book gave him a look. "You are not a doctor?"

Chen did not think about it, "I am not."

He smacked mental retardation in his heart, "I am a white angel."

The book said, "White Angel, can you stand up and look at your ass?"

Chen's eyes are pumping, it's hard to see? Have you made a mistake, do not know who it is, face is posted, and said that it is beautiful and beautiful, I will not let the pro not.

Oops, when it comes to it, those strange directors haven’t come out these two days.

Chen dropped the branch and patted his hands and stood up straight. "Even if he is the other person, why should he tell me a stranger?"

The book said, "Maybe no one else can be found."

"Speak some secrets to strangers, there will be no pressure."

Can't figure it out, Chen decided not to want to, his brain cells are not much, "please eat me."

The book looked down and looked at it.

Chen looked up again. "I am your boyfriend. Shouldn't you please invite me to dinner?"

The book is hand-in-handed. "Isn't foreign countries a popular aa system?"

Chen pulled a little bit of his mouth. "I don't catch up."

阎书, "..." He really doesn't understand this person, he will vomit, squabble, swear, no heart, like a child who grows up.

But when you don't care, you will feel sad and sad, as if you have a lot of unseen depression in your heart.


Chen walked and said, "I want to eat bamboo rice, a chicken leg, two tea eggs, an egg patties soup, and three bean paste bags."

The book said, "Is it so much to eat, not afraid to die?"

"Do not worry, I will work hard, live well, or I will die, who will accompany you?"

The book suddenly stopped and Chen hit him again.

"What are you doing? Are you aware of the sudden braking that will cause traffic accidents?"

There is no information in the mind of the script. When the youth picks up || kisses, they don’t breathe very much, they will pick up their toes, they will squint and they will cry.

How can the information disappear?

The script turned and bent down, slid the young chin and pressed the lips up.

Chen has wide eyes.

This is the first time that the script has been acquainted for more than 30 years.

There is no nausea or rejection that he thinks, but other emotions.

It is a kind of excitement that even the nerve endings are shaking.

Chen looked at him again, glaring at the man's long eyelashes, and he heard the sound in his ear, "breath."

So Chen looked for a gap and gasped.

The atmosphere of the script is getting thicker and thicker, and the body reacts, screaming, eager, and eager to enter the youth.

In the meantime, Chen saw a figure again. He immediately opened the book and ran to the bushes. No one.

The book passed, "What happened?"

Chen took a breather and tried to shake his head, but he felt that even if he was doubtful, he should keep his eyes open. "Don't kiss me later."

The book said, "reason."

Chen added, "Not safe."

Asked the script, "Why?"

Chen added, "You are the director. I was found to be in the same position with other departments.||Sex||Love, affecting your reputation."

The twilight of the script is flashing. "Is this your true thought?"

Chen yelled at him. "What do you mean?"

"I told you that you can't doubt me, or I will be very sad."

The script did not speak.

Chen heard the system prompt, the cumulative value of evil thoughts was 12.


He coughed, "Not in the hospital."

The book said, "Know it."

With one hand reaching up, Chen was slammed forward. "Where are you going?"

The script was silent and took him to the car, left the hospital, and continued to kiss.

When Chen was released, his eyes were wet, his cheeks were red, and his mouth was slightly open, and he could see a small tongue.

The book is straightforward and looks deep.

The car is very quiet, the humidity in the air is increasing, but it is still screaming in the sparks, what is going to ignite, just in this piece of space.

Chen saw the man staring at his mouth, and he quickly closed it.

"You, are you a stack of books?"


The book said, "Sit down."

Chen did not do it. "I will sit here, and I will squeeze you in the past."

In the next second, he was forcibly pulled into the man's arms.

The fan of this overbearing president, if the other party did not say strange to him, he really thought that one of the 123456789... ran out.

The book is going to kiss Chen again, and seems to be wondering what.

Chen looked at the roof of the car, looked at the man's face, and looked at the roof of the car. It was hard to distract attention.

Two people, look at me, I look at you.

You are hard, you are hard, so smart.

The book suddenly opened the door and got off the bus. I was busy looking for the place.

Chen reluctantly, fart|| The stock has been saved. He said to the system in his heart, "When you kissed me, you put your tongue in, but he won't sweep, won't suck, and won't hook me."

"And, he just hardened and didn't want me, so I'm sure he's the book."

The system says, "It’s so smart."

Chen thinks that the system is alive again. "The bugs are fixed."

The system said, "I have temporarily suppressed it."


Chen added, "444, when I was holding a kiss with the book, was it seen?"

The system says, "Guess?"

Chen Yousheng has no love, "Okay, I know, you tell me, who is that voyeur?"

The system says, "beauty."

Chen Zai, "..." lying in the trough, that's got it.

He couldn't help but fill the brain with Jiang Meiren threatening the script, saying that you must be my man, otherwise I will say that you are the same as ||sex||love.

Then he pleaded for mercy and lay down.

That picture, I can't say it.

Fuck, Chen wiped his face again. He is not a smart person. He will not sneak a sly book and go to find Jiang Meiren to do things.

Not a moment to dare to delay, Chen jumped out of the car and went to find a book, and his brain was stupid, messy, and expected the other party to give himself a glimpse.

When I saw the person, Chen rushed over and rushed over. "Song, I told you..."

His words stopped short. "I don't know if you are busy, then what, you are busy first, I will come back later."

The book is hoarse and sounds, "Come back."

Chen ran on his legs and he didn't like being shackled. "Don't!"

The book closed and closed my eyes, and I couldn’t smile. "I tried it, I can’t do it. It seems that you can only solve it."

Run far, Chen is leaning against the tree, tired enough, lying, not me say you, mentally handicapped Chen, what are you running, you have to complete the task, fart|| The other party did not know how many times they used it.

Not far from there, there was a sigh of breath. It was a man and a woman. Chen’s eyes were stunned. He stretched his neck and looked at it. The back of the book came over and pinched his neck.

The two hid behind the tree and eavesdropped.