Quick Transmigration Second Female Lead is also Black on the Inside

Chapter 676: Soul Light Author's Book Wear (43)

"Beautiful Miss Wen Qing, may I ask if you would like to stay for a while, homeless and penniless ..."

Blinking, Xia Qiuhan asked with a smile.

"Yes, of course." He said without hesitation, Wen Qing looked at Qiao Xiaoqian Xia Qiu, his eyes could not help but move to the startling redness on her face.

Before she asked, Xia Qiu had already taken the initiative to explain.

"Don't watch, this is my dad."

"Ah?" Dad Ai always had a gentle and dignified temper, not like he would hit people.

"He and Jiang Yunfei's father are an old comrade in the battlefield. I told him that Jiang Yunfei harmed me. He naturally didn't believe me. I also said that I would marry Ye Han. He took it for granted that I wanted to marry Ye Han. Only then deliberately lied to him. "Xia Qiuman carelessly said.

"Jiang Yunfei hurts you?" Wen Qing intercepted the topic again.

Nodding, Xia Qiu said "um".

"He gave me medicine and wanted to cook raw rice into mature rice. I accidentally said, but I was rescued by Ye Han, so I was moved, and I decided to give Ye Han something ..."

"Stop!" Wen Qing rolled her eyes, stopped Xia Qiu and ran the train in her mouth, and asked her carefully, "Don't tell me so much, I'll ask, you and Ye Han are getting married, Is it true? Do you really like him? It seems that you don't have much communication and feelings ... "

"Well, I'm going to marry him." Xia Qiuying, "Qing Qing, don't you think I'm a good match with him? Both are high IQs, and now I also like each other, at least ... if I marry him, I won't Feeling bored……"

Two people who have no feelings are so tied together, Wen Qing has seen a lot, but if it is Ai Yuan ... Since she chose it by herself, why didn't she choose a person who truly loves her?

Wen Qing was puzzled.

But Xia Qiu did not continue to explain.

In fact, she feels dispensable for who she marries, but if the subject is Ye Han, she seems to be looking forward to her life a little bit.

Instead of choosing those ugly and ugly sons, what's so bad about Ye Han?

"Well, then when do you decide to end it? I must give you a big red envelope." Wen Qingdao.

"No no no, it's not just a big red envelope, at my wedding time, you must be my bridesmaid." Xia Qiu laughed.

About Jiang Xiaoke, Xia Qiu said nothing about how Jiang Yunfei framed her.


"Okay? Go get married today?" Ye Han.

"Not in a hurry. I want to end at any time. You haven't answered the question you asked last night." Xia Qiu.

"Repent?" Ye Han.

"No, it's just going to the emperor to do something recently. If you can give the Jiang family a trip in an instant, it would be better." Xia Qiu.

"Well, then wait for you to come back to knot." Ye Han.

Xia Qiu held his cell phone and wondered if he would repeat the question from last night, Ye Han's message that had been sent again.

"Li Mengjun, male, the mayor of Yunshi, the relationship between the imperial family and the royal family. The imperial family and the eldest son are the directors of the Ministry of Information. They are two factions with the Qi family, and their status is comparable."

Very brief introduction, but the status comparison of the last sentence is very useful, but at the same time, obviously Ye Han knows her wherever she is.

"Well, I see. I will go to Emperor Capital with Wen Qing in a few days and wait for my good news!" Xia Qiu.

If a horse stumbles, someone follows him, and he can ensure his safety.

"Pay attention to safety." Ye Han.