Quick Transmigration – Villain Walkthrough

Chapter 115: Xiuxian * Cold Bloodthirsty Demon God (1

For a long time, after Kirin's soul completely dissipated, Wu Mulan's heart jumped, and she stood up in a panic, and at this time, a note suddenly appeared on the desktop.

Wu Mulan had a bad feeling in her heart. She stumbled to the table, shook her hand, and took up the note, and saw the black font gradually showing up. "Mulan, thank you for giving me the reincarnation , The hundredth time I said I love you, I love you, the only you in this world. "

Wu Mulan froze. She couldn't believe but read the sentence many times, but the handwriting seemed to be engraved on the paper, and nothing had changed.

She fell to the ground and heard the familiar mechanical sounds of the system:

[Complete the task, cut the corresponding memory of the host Mulan;

The system host Mu Lan, the body exited the cannon fodder role "Wu Mulan". 】

Mu Lan returned to the living space and sat under that tree. She was surrounded by the system teddy bear. She blinked, teardrops dropped, and the system spit out a black sphere from her mouth. Mu Lan took it stiffly, black The ball stretched out, in black on white, and wrote:

[Host Mulan's eighth mission, points analysis:

Accumulated points: 3850 points;

Use points: 0 points;

Raiders villain: 200 points;

Original Wish: 200

Original owner satisfaction: 200 points]

The fonts on the white paper faded and disappeared naturally, and then the whole white paper disappeared into the air. In my mind, the mechanical sound of the system sounded:

[Host Mulan Personal Information:

Earn points: 600 points;

Redeem points: 0 points;

Accumulated points: 4450 points;

Skill Collection: Elementary Cooking Skills; Future Sports; Basic Firearms; Commercial Foundation; Advanced Acting; Ethnic Drama; Advanced Taoism; Jade Girl's Classic; Sunflower Collection; Modern Medicine; Needle of Divine Medicine; Heart of the King; Fabulous; loyal and sincere; love of unicorn; true reincarnation]

Mu Lan's expression was dark, and the last two words flashed in her mind, "love of the unicorn" and "reincarnation".

She got the love of Kirin. She understood the word, but what was the true reincarnation?

Mu Lan lowered her head to look at the teddy bear, and saw that it was still Mu Na, but her eyes fell on her body involuntarily.

This body is Wu Mulan's body. This time she did not return to the soul, but brought Wu Mulan's body back. Then ... the so-called reincarnation body means Wu Mulan?

Mulan wiped the tears on her face and said to the system, "Let me enter the next mission world."

[There is no next task, your task has been completed. 】

Mu Lan froze. She suddenly smiled bitterly and said, "What the **** is going on?"

System Road: [The task object of the Raiders, that is, Kirin is dead, naturally there is no so-called next reincarnation. 】

Mu Lan's eyes were dull, and she murmured repeatedly: "Kirin is dead ... she is dead ... Isn't Kirin the **** of war in the upper world? She has escaped for so many years, how could she die?"

The system's voice is cold and flat, saying: [Although she has fled for many years, her physical damage has been damaged for many years, and she has died long ago, and the reason for her reincarnation is actually You completely destroyed your true body, so that she can live in so many years. 】

Mu Lan burst into tears, her heart was torn, her tears were pouring out like spring water, and her heartache felt like she was going to tear her completely. She lost her memory again, and did n’t even know what was going on, but She couldn't accept the fact that Kirin had died.

Her hoarse voice said, "Is there any way to save her, reincarnation is also possible, let me go to attack her, isn't I already got the reincarnation? I destroy my body again and let her re-enter Reincarnation, is it okay? "

The system replied: [No, although your reincarnation true body came back with you, it is already an empty shell now, your physical body has been destroyed, the spiritual power is distributed in this virtual spacetime, and it will be recovered again. Don't come back, if you die this time, then you will disappear forever under heaven. 】

Mu Lan raised her head suddenly, smiled miserably, and said, "Then die, anyway, Kirin is dead, I don't know what else is going on. I created hundreds of millions of creatures in virtual spacetime, but those are not Kirin. ... "


After a while, the system said:

[The eighth task is being integrated with the previous task, please wait ...]

[The 92nd time, the 91st time, the ... three times, the second time, the first time. 】

[Complete the task of the reincarnation of Best, the analysis is as follows:

Earn points: 100050;

Gain skills: Thirty-six tactics, Sun Tzu's art of war ... Love of Kirin; Reincarnation;

Strategy success: 100%;

Original owner satisfaction: 100%;

Mission completion: 100%;

Task summary: The host Mulan successfully completed the reincarnation task standard, please use the corresponding secret key to unlock the sealed memory. 】

Mu Lan looked up and looked at the teddy bear. It just said that she had successfully completed the task and could unlock the sealed memory. Mu Lan couldn't wait to know what she had gone through. She was anxious to know the secret key. What is it

Mu Lan sat up, frowned, thinking desperately, what would be the key to unlocking her memory?

Since the reincarnation stone was initially set to let itself enter the virtual space and time, to attack the boss of the villain, and at the moment, he said such a requirement, which represents this secret key, which must be on himself.

What she has now, with the exception of countless types of skills, is the physical body that she carries.

And this task is set by the reincarnation stone, so the secret key should be the true body of reincarnation.

Mu Lan thought about this, and then she turned to the system and said, "The secret key is the reincarnation, which is my own, right?"

The system made a rapid dip sound, saying: [Didi ... warning, wrong key, wrong key ... If all three times are wrong answers, the memory that was cut off and sealed will be completely destroyed by the system. . 】

Mu Lan was anxious, she said in a panic, "No, why is it wrong ?!"

She lowered her head and continued to think, except for her body, those points and satisfaction do n’t look like keys, so what can become a secret key is only the numbers that she obtained. Unclear skills.

There are so many skills, there are about a thousand, but there must be only one real secret key, among these skills.

When Mu Lan analyzed it, she gradually calmed down, and rationality began to analyze the answers one by one. Finally, she opened her mouth and said difficultly: "The secret key is the love of Kirin, right."

The voice landed, and a pleasant sound of the system sounded, the system said: [Ding, the key is correct, the system officially releases the host Mulan, the clipped memory of Best Raiders, countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 】

[After unlocking, cut memory begins to transmit to the host. 】

[Progress is as follows: 1%, 2% ... 98%, 99%, 100%]

[Host Mulan restores the sealed memory, and the system automatically enters standby mode, Didi. 】

Mulan felt a dizziness in her brain, and all the memories swarmed up. She helped her withstand the pain, and half an hour later she opened her eyes again.

She lay on the ground, looking at the sky of the colorful life space, and murmured: "The original reincarnation stone is me, I am the reincarnation stone, the soul of Kirin has completely disappeared ..."