Quick Wear: Report to the Host, You have been Attacked!

Chapter 1036: My boyfriend is Transformers 38

But the human firepower was too strong, he was blocked for a while, and he couldn't keep up.

The cobwebs with fire in their hearts vented all their anger on these humans.

Screaming for days.


Xi Gang turned into a small alley, and Yin also entered, and then obeyed Xi Yan's words and turned into a third form, human.

The silver that has become human is still wearing his previous clothes, covered with scars.

His blood was not red, but green.

But even that doesn't make him look any better.

The third form of transformation has already consumed silver's last strength.

"I'm sorry ..." After saying these three words, he could no longer support himself and passed out.

Xi Yan was ready to catch the silver.

[Host, do you really need to consume 10,000 points to teleport to the bedroom at home? 】


[Report to the host, the success of the teleport exchange, deducting 10,000 points. 】

In the blink of an eye, Xi Xi, holding silver, appeared in her own room.

Xi Gang first held silver in the bathroom, helped him wipe the wounds on his body, and then gave him medicine.

Guessing that perhaps human medicine has no effect on this special existence of silver, Xi Xiu also specially exchanged medicine for him in the main **** space.

Xi Gang was relieved after he helped silver to heal the wound.

Place silver on the bed and help him cover the quilt.

Looking at Yin Ping's peaceful sleep, Xi Yi smiled, "You're all right, then it's best."

After finishing speaking, Xi Xuan made it very natural to get a kiss on Silver's lips.

At the same time, I also saw the soul mark of silver.

The smile on Xi's mouth was deeper.

She never missed the feeling in her heart.

I just do n’t know why it turned into a kiss to recognize your lover.

But anyway, just recognize it.

Teleporting props are effective on the plane, so after the silver is placed, the cymbals are teleported to the alley that left before.

Saving silver was the first priority, because it became clear that silver was the target of all criticism, and all the Transformers' spears aimed at him.

The next step is to complete the mission of the Lord God, to brush up the affinity with Pang father.

Something happened in City L, and the country ’s troop strength is being adjusted here.

All the armed forces of City L are rushing towards the city center, but these firepowers are not as strong as cobwebs.

The man brought by Pang Father was beaten back and forth, and the car carrying Pang Father hurried back.

When Xi Gang came out, Pang's father's car had just driven.

"Dad!" Xi Yan screamed.

Father Pang immediately saw the driver stop the car and asked Xi to come up.

"I just found you for a long time, where have you been!" Father Pang was surprised and delighted.

Without saying a word, Xi Yan reached out and chopped his hand on the back of Pang's father's neck with a knife, and then took him home with Teleport.

The driver just saw someone in the back seat. Now, look, huh?

What about the mayor and the mayor?

Why are you missing? Did you get off?

Xi Zheng also teleported to Pang Mu's company in the same way and took Pang Mu back home.


The next morning, when Pang and Pang found themselves lying on the bed in the room, they were shocked.

They stepped out of the room and saw their daughter sitting leisurely on the sofa watching TV.

If it wasn't for their memory of the horrific thing that happened yesterday, or if the TV report that Xi Yan was watching was last night's Transformers, then I am afraid they thought last night's experience was a dream.


I think my health will be fine tomorrow, and I ask everyone to forgive me.