Quick Wear: Report to the Host, You have been Attacked!

Chapter 2710: Death Roulette 45

Isn't Zhang Jiaqi just a kid? What would you do to a child? Do n’t you have a wife and children? Your aesthetics should be normal! "

The head teacher's face was grim, but he didn't speak.

He bumped his head against the ground and jumped to the sofa all at once, repeating everything he had done to Zhang Jiaqi on the principal.

It was just that his behavior towards Zhang Jiaqi was with his hands. When he arrived at the principal, every touch and contact he brought with him a blood stain on the principal.

"Then you feel it, is this behavior normal?" Said the class teacher viciously.

Wen Youyang looked at the movement of the head teacher and could not help but tilt his head.

He can already see from the movements of the class teacher that the poisoning of Zhang Jiaqi was at the beginning.

The blood-stained principal on the sofa suffered a tragic explosion (harmony), which also proved that the class teacher had indeed taken the last step to Zhang Jiaqi.

Incomparably sinful, as if fallen into hell.

In that day after day of torture, it's no wonder that Zhang Jiaqi's mood gradually collapsed, and with a little stimulus, he was on a dead end.

A pair of slightly cold hands covered Wen Youyang's eyes.

"Don't watch." A deep voice sounded in the ear.

Wen Youyang's hand was pulled, and he followed Xi Xi out of the office obediently, leaving the scream behind his ear.

After leaving the office, the thick **** smell of the nose suddenly disappeared, and the fresh air came in, making Wen Youyang somewhat unaccustomed.

But soon, a new **** smell came.

Wen Youyang took away the slightly cool hands covering his eyes and saw the hell-like scene in front of his eyes.

Dead bodies are everywhere.

These are the people who followed them into the horror world.

Many of the corpses are warm and acquainted with the eyes, Xiaorou, burly men, and those who have spoken well to Lu Zhu.

Their death was quite cruel, and at a glance they knew it was killed by the class teacher.

The death was exactly the same, with a ruptured brain and blood.

Wen Youyang's lips pursed a bit, and what he wanted to ask was not asked after all.

Xi Zheng answered for him: "You guessed right, because we quickly solved the puzzle, we died so fast. It should be the head teacher killed them on the way to the principal's office."

The principal is the key to completing the task, and the head teacher is equivalent to the last big boss in the game.

When Xi Zheng and Wen Youyang found the principal, they would trigger the resurrection of the head teacher, the big boss, and kill all the way to find the principal's revenge.

Wen Youyang bowed his head.

It's not because of how deep he and these companions are, but just a kind of sadness and sorrow in the heart.

Although he came to the horror world for the first time, according to Lu Zhu, he will have many times in the future.

Can he survive every time?

If not, he will one of these corpses one day or another.

He was afraid of death.

He didn't want to die.

"Lu Zhu, Wen Youyang!" A gasping voice reached the ears of the two.

They turned to look around and found Yu Na covered in blood.

Xi Yan raised his eyebrows, Wen Youyang was very surprised!

He hurriedly greeted him, and when he saw crumbling Yu Na, she reached out and helped her: "Are you all right?"

Yu Na shook her head and looked at Lu Zhu with complex eyes.

"I promised what you said before, can I be yours now?"