Quick Wear: Report to the Host, You have been Attacked!

Chapter 2744: Death Roulette79

Otherwise, why do you think it happened so well? How can someone as powerful as her always be in the same horror world with you? "

Wen Youyang understood, he understood everything.

Why did he not see Lu Zhu for so long after he experienced the first checkpoint, but when he entered the second checkpoint, Lu Zhu suddenly appeared in his ward.

He also wondered. Since Lu Zhu already knew which hospital and ward he was in, why did he only come to him when he was approaching the checkpoint?

It turned out that Lu Zhu went to clear other levels.

There are four levels in the first level, except for the first level they experienced together, and three more.

The second level has four levels, which add up to seven levels.

Seven terrifying worlds.

In a short period of time, Lu Zhu passed through seven terrifying worlds in a row!

After experiencing the second level together, Lu Zhu went through the seven horror worlds again with his hands injured, so that he could have the opportunity to choose and enter the third level with him.

Unconsciously, Wen Youyang's face was wet.

He reached out and found that he did not know when he cried.

When people are extremely sad, they don't even know how to cry.

"You are sad?" Yu Na said with a mockery: "This is only when you are in the first level. After you enter the second level, Lu Zhu wants to enter the horror world with you every time. Then you have to go through the horror world of level one, two, and three to have a chance to choose.

When you enter the third level, she has to pass through all the relevant cards except the last one, in order to have the opportunity to choose the same level as you. "

Wen Youyang was so shocked by her words that she stopped breathing.

In other words, every "coincidence" he thought before was under the premise of great sacrifice by Lu Zhu.

Every time they met in the horrible world, Lu Zhu experienced at least eleven horror worlds.

In the later period, Lu Zhu had to experience twenty-three horror worlds in a short period of time before meeting each other in his level.

Wen Youyang covered his face, tears kept flowing, and his fingers couldn't cover it.

Twenty-three horror worlds ...

And it has to be completed within the prescribed time, that is to say, maybe Lu Zhugang has come out of a horror world, and she hasn't breathed well yet, she must enter the next horror world.

Otherwise, time is simply not enough!

Not even enough time to rest, not to mention time for occasional injuries and healing.

No wonder she vomits blood ...

In such a high pressure state, if it was Wen Youyang, he wouldn't want to die.

Lu Zhu actually made such a big sacrifice for him without knowing it, just to help him in his level and make him survive successfully.

Wen Youyang was crying.

He hated why he was so useless, how could he let Lu Zhu help him so?

Those are all horrible worlds. Even if Lu Zhu was training himself, he didn't have to enter it with such high intensity. If he died inside, it would really be dead!

Lu Zhu, why are you so stupid ...

---- Orange God has something to say ----

I do n’t know if you understand, meaning 12345. You assigned 1 randomly at first. You want 2 next, but the order is random. You do n’t know if your next is 2.

Then if your next one is 2, then the next one can only be selected from 345, it cannot be repeated.

If you want to choose by yourself, you have to go through all 2345 to get the chance to choose 2 freely.