Quickly Pass Through My Shop

Chapter 442: Flower of Evil (5)

However, as soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden movement behind him, accompanied by a slight gunshot, Qiao Shi directly dragged the woman in front of her.

Seeing a fallen bodyguard took out a silencer pistol, the bullet hit the woman's arm and exploded a big hole.

The woman screamed in pain and fainted after a while.

Qiao Shi sneered and walked to the bodyguard. The bodyguard retreated and fired another shot, but was avoided by Qiao Shi.

The next moment, Qiao Shi violently kicked the stone by his feet, the stone hit the bodyguard's wrist, the bodyguard's wrist was numb, and the pistol fell to the ground.

Qiao Shi quickly picked up the pistol and shot it decisively into the hands of the bodyguard with two bangs.

The screams of the bodyguards resounded across the night sky.

Immediately, several shots were fired on the person until he lost his breath. After firing the bullets in the gun, he raised his hand and threw the pistol into the river not far away.

Ignoring these people, Qiao Shi raised his hand and beckoned a security guard to drive her in directly in the patrol car.

It is estimated that it will take half an hour to reach Zheng Zimei’s villa from the entrance of the villa.

The patrol car will be there in a few minutes.

Although the location of Zheng Zimei's villa is remote, it is very quiet.

The villa is not particularly large, a three-story villa, which adds up to less than 500 square meters.

The villa was empty, but it was cleaned very clean.

Zheng Zimei does not often come to this villa. Qiao found her bedroom. The dressing room was already filled with all kinds of clothes, the size of which happened to be hers.

This speed is fast enough.

After turning on the heating in the house, Qiao Shi pulled a set of clean bathrobes and went to the bathroom.

After washing up, Qiao Shi did not rush to rest, but sat cross-legged on the bed to practice physical exercises.

If you don't have the financial resources, then use force to get together.

It was dawn in a flash, and Qiao Shi hadn't rested all night, but he was not tired.

Qiao Shi hadn't even called Zheng Zimei. Early in the morning, Zheng Zimei had already called. After hesitating for a moment, she asked about yesterday's matter.

Qiao Shi nodded nonchalantly.

"Well, I killed everyone."

Although the Zheng family's financial resources can also deal with this matter, making this matter small and trivial, but Qiao Shi does not want to trouble Zheng Zimei with this matter.

"I'll take care of this matter, don't worry, turn around and give me a nanny, good cooking skills, and then give me a driver."

Qiao Shi made no polite offer, and for a while, Zheng Zimei was a little bit dumbfounded.

This person is too indifferent.

"Xiao Ling, was that the same when you used to follow her?"

Zheng Zimei's eyes are full of curiosity. If she can do it so recklessly, she probably won't be so tired alive.

"I have only been with her for a short time, but not so...rampant!"

048 hesitated.

Yes, it is rampant, too rampant!

This person used to be cautious in doing things, but now it seems to be a lot more rampant, or it is more reasonable not to care.

"It's estimated that I have some money in my hand. I'm not afraid of deducting money if the mission fails."

The tone of 048 was rather sour, and Chen Qing didn't say anything, the key was that it was not easy to save money under his hands.

At the beginning, he had pitted the 20,000 mission point, but he didn't expect that it turned out to be his highlight moment.

It's so difficult.

"Maybe something happened, I think she has a pretty good time."

It’s good to be happy, but don’t touch the bottom line of others.

Zheng Zimei squeezed her palms tightly.

When can she be like this...

048 sensed Zheng Zimei's thoughts and immediately laughed and promised.

"Don't worry, when I get stronger, I promise you can do everything you do."

"You just want to talk about it."

Zheng Zimei laughed out loud.


Because the Zheng family did not intend to intervene in Qiao Shi's affairs, the Qi family would definitely do it after probing.

After Qiao Shi stayed in the villa for a week, Zheng Zimei called and informed her that Qi's family was ready to deal with her. Qiao Shi changed his clothes and went directly to Qi's house.

These chaebol families have strict security, and there are countless bodyguards patrolling all the time. It is almost impossible to break in.

After arriving outside the Qi's villa, Qiao Shi avoided some bodyguards and moved in some distance.

But the bodyguards inside are more dense, not to mention, there are countless surveillances around, and there are almost no dead ends.

Qiao Shi took out a blood-painted talisman and stuck it on his body, and walked directly into the villa.

The bodyguards around didn't seem to notice her, and there was no movement even on the surveillance side.

After successfully entering the villa, Qiao Shi directly touched the bedroom of Qi Hongsheng, the head of the Qi family.

Qi Hongsheng and his wife did not sleep together. When he was asleep, Qiao Shi quietly put a dagger on his neck...

Qi Hongsheng, who was awakened by a chill, opened his eyes and saw a coquettish face resting on top of his head, with a dagger on his neck.

In an instant, a cry of cold sweat soaked his clothes, Qi Hongsheng didn't dare to say a word in shock, only stared at Qiao Shi in horror.

"Are you scared?"

Qiao Shi raised his eyebrows slightly, Qi Hongsheng's eyes moved immediately, and there was a dagger on his neck. Qi Hongsheng didn't dare to move at all, thinking desperately in his mind when he had offended this person. The ghost touched his bedroom unconsciously.

This knife, as long as it is lightly applied, it can kill him!

It's just that this person hasn't done it yet, so obviously there is still a chance to talk.

Qi Hongsheng let out a sigh of relief in his heart.

"You, what do you want, just let me go, what do you want..."

Before Qi Hongsheng had finished speaking, he was interrupted by Qiao Shi's sneer.

"Aren't you still discussing **** me?"

When Qiao Shi said this, Qi Hongsheng immediately remembered who this person was. He had seen the photos before.

Just thinking about it, Qi Hongsheng felt even more shocked.

What kind of means is this woman, so she can report her identity so blatantly, so she won't be afraid of them pursuing it!

"You, you let me go, we both assume that this has never happened before."

Qi Hongsheng whispered for mercy.

Qiao Shi shook his head.

"You know my identity now, do you think I will keep you?"

Qi Hongsheng opened his eyes wide in horror for an instant, but the next moment his eyes went dark, completely unconscious...


The next day, Qi Hongsheng was awakened by the housekeeper from his sleep, and he remembered what happened last night in a daze, as if it were a dream.

However, when he saw the note beside the bed, the panic on his face instantly appeared, and he hurriedly called the bodyguard to check and monitor.

However, after watching the surveillance, Qi Hongsheng and the bodyguard looked at each other, and they were completely obliterated by a biting cold.

On the monitor, I didn't see how the woman came in from the outside, but it shot her out of his room.

I saw the woman wearing a dark red knee-length skirt, her gaze at the surveillance location revealed a contemptuous and provocative smile.

At the next moment, the woman's figure disappeared directly from the surveillance, without any signs, just like this suddenly disappeared from the surveillance.

The surveillance video did not detect any manipulation, so this video is real...