Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 2204: I am the most beautiful in the world 9

  Chapter 2204 I am the most beautiful in the world 9

   And some people with more determined will power after seeing Jiujiu's appearance, they said that there is no such good-looking person in the world. They must have opened multiple filters and beauty.

For those who praised their beauty, Jiujiu smiled and expressed his thanks. For those who said that he had opened a multi-layer beauty filter, Jiu Jiu rolled his eyes and went back unceremoniously. The beauty filter can be so beautiful, why don’t your masters open it, it’s so ugly, it’s you, right?"

  Obviously rolling his eyes, such an inelegant gesture was made by Jiujiu, but it was unexpectedly beautiful.

  Everyone said that as expected, beautiful people are so pretty even when they roll their eyes. Jiujiu fully explained what Yan Zheng is justice.

  Jiu Jiu is famous for singing. Just when everyone thought that Jiujiu's live broadcast content was singing, Jiu Jiu opened the game page calmly. When the fans looked confused, Jiu Jiu said, I am the game anchor, thank you.

  Everyone: "..."

  What is this operation?

  You should know that the game that Jiujiu opened is a very popular game of eating chicken recently. It is the kind of game where a hundred people parachuted to a deserted island and then picked up equipment to fight all the way to the decisive circle. Only one person can survive.

  Because you can live a long time by picking up a better equipment in the early stage, the luck of this game also occupies a large part. Of course, the overall situation is also very important.

Because girls do not have any advantage in games or anything, and Jiu Jiu looks too good-looking, no matter how she looks like a person who eats with his face, I suddenly heard Jiu Jiu say that she is a game anchor, and I watched the crowd’s faces. At a loss.

  Fuck, I thought you were going to be an entertainment anchor, but I didn't expect you to be a game anchor. I never thought that you were like this Yu Jiujiu.

  But what fans didn’t expect was that Jiujiu was not only a game anchor, but also a technology leader.

  She likes to jump to crowded places every time she jumps, and her luck is super good. Nine out of ten landings are just a spray.

  The spray gun is a shotgun, which is a powerful gun. As long as you spray it twice, it will basically be cold.

   Jiujiu started the massacre mode by spraying in the early stage, and when he had enough equipment, he started the torture mode. Basically, every hand of Jiujiu didn't kill more than ten or twenty people.

  Jiu Jiu, with this fairy-like appearance, Shura-like means, directly killed out of a group of game anchors, and officially became the boss of the game anchor.

  After all, nine out of ten of the ten good games are men. Occasionally there is a woman who likes to double row with men. Although she has strength, most of them are taken to lie down.

  But Jiujiu is different. Jiujiu is a single-row Shura field. Going up and killing is just not too fun.

  Moreover, the most important thing is that Jiujiu's live broadcast is really not beautiful, even the most picky person can't pick Jiujiu's mistake.

  Jiujiu’s eyes are large and black and white. There is no blood in the white of the eyes. The bridge of the nose is quite warped and there is no trace of plastic surgery. His lips are beautiful smiling lips, which give people a feeling of smiling even when they are not smiling.

   Jiujiu’s chin is not the kind of sharp chin that can stab people to death, but it looks particularly comfortable, especially with the facial features, it really looks like an imaginary fairy.

On the first day of   Jiujiu's live broadcast, he was extremely brutal and created the highest record of rewards on the live broadcast platform.

  Moreover, the content of Jiujiu’s live broadcast was posted on Weibo. Jiujiu’s sharp operation and the bubbling face even if the beauty filter was not turned on, simply poke the hearts of countless otakus.

  Overnight, Jiujiu became an otaku **** and goddess, and his status was close to the highest teacher, and it was still on the rise.

  Because Jiujiu really has no black spots, many people who want black Jiujiu don’t know where to start.

  Before, I said that Jiujiu looks good because it turned on the beauty and filter, and then the live broadcast was not turned on. It was exactly the same as the previous video, and there was no attack.

  The skill of playing games is not bad, and even many people say that Jiujiu's level is already at the level of professional players, and it is fine to play professionally.

  Some people who wanted to black Jiujiu racked their brains, and finally came up with a hot search for Jiujiu.

  On behalf of the fight, no matter when it is a black spot.

  Many anchors are even hacked into dogs because of acting.

   And there are more reasons to say that Jiujiu will fight on behalf of him. One is that the camera keeps tapping Jiujiu’s face and not his hands, so Jiujiu is likely to fight on behalf of him.

  If Jiu Jiu is not guilty, and has the ability to get two cameras, she can show them that she is not playing on behalf of her.

  Originally, because of the live broadcast last night, he became a house goddess, and he was thinking about when he could enter the entertainment circle to make a movie. Jiu Jiu, who won the award, was woken up by the manager's phone early in the morning.

  After hearing the manager say that someone had hacked the topic of typing on her behalf, Jiu Jiu's face was blackened to the bottom of the pot, and she said in an unpleasant tone: "Will I need to fight on behalf of?"

   Jiu Jiu was in the top position for a long time, and the oppressive manager was a little breathless in an instant.

  When the manager signed with Jiujiu, Jiujiu said that he could sing and play games, but he wanted to take the route of the game anchor.

  Because there are now many female anchors who are selling dog meat with sheep’s heads. The label is game anchors, but they are actually singing and dancing. So the manager thought that Jiu Jiu was also going to take this route, so he didn't take it seriously.

  But who knows that Jiujiu is really taking the route of the game anchor, eating chicken in the Shura field last night, and today is a hot search for the Shura field.

   Thinking of today’s hot search, the manager's head hurts.

  However, Jiu Jiuhuo is a real fire. Last night, it created the highest platform reward record, and today it directly occupied the top three hot searches on Weibo, searching for a star comparable to the first-line star, and you can make a direct debut.

  It is impossible for the experience to abandon such a hot anchor.

  The manager asked tentatively: "Jiu Jiu, tell me honestly, do you actually fight on behalf of you?"

   Jiujiu coldly snorted: "It's impossible for the whole world to beat me on my behalf."

The manager choked at what Jiujiu said. After moving his lips, he said, "Okay, I know you didn't fight on behalf of you, but now the people outside are hacking you and you say you fight on behalf of you, so can you hold your hand during the live broadcast today? Bring the operation."

Jiujiu originally wanted others to hack me out of my ass, but when he thought that he would enter the entertainment industry in the future, he naturally couldn’t have scams, so he said very well that he would take the camera on his hand today and then hung up the phone. .

  The manager let out a sigh of relief when he heard that Jiujiu was willing to bring the camera in his hand.

  Because of yesterday’s heat, Jiujiu only went live at 8 o'clock, and there were already more than 300,000 people in the live broadcast room, and it was also increasing because of her appearance.

  (End of this chapter)