Raiders of Abuse Scum

Chapter 2633: The dragon who only loves treasure is cu

  Chapter 2633 The dragon who only loves treasures is cute 23

She tried her best to please Mo Xuan, but in the end she couldn't get a look back at Mo Xuan, but Jiujiu didn't have to do anything, but could get the favor of Mo Xuan. The things she was thinking of were things that people could easily get. Nothing makes Syndra more angry than this.

  If Xiaomo said that he wanted to kill Jiujiu before, so that he could have a chance, then at this moment, he really wanted to kill Jiujiu, so that he could balance himself.

  Jiu Jiu and Mo Xuan knew nothing about Syndra's murderous intentions. The two were still eating and drinking happily, and by the way, to see if they could collect anything that would satisfy them.

  Of course, these things don’t just refer to treasures, there are some more fun or beautiful things.

  Because Long Xuanyuan was killed, Mo Xuan's injury has never been healed. His original handsome face was really blue and purple, and it was horrible.

  Even if the two of them have been shopping for half a month, the scars on their faces are still very dazzling. Every time Jiujiu sees Mo Xuan's face hurt, he wants to laugh extraordinarily.

  Although Mo Xuan was beaten badly by Long Xuanyuan, Jiu Jiu did not treat him better because of the bad way Mo Xuan was beaten. Instead, he did all the same toss Mo Xuan as before.

However, what makes Jiujiu puzzled is that Mo Xuan is like a white bread, as if he has no temper. No matter what she asks him to do, he will do it with a smile, even if she is obviously bullied, he still To smile at her, give Jiujiu a fist on the cotton, feeling unable to complain.

   Soon, the two of them arrived in a small remote country.

  Because it is relatively remote, the national power of this country is notoriously weak, and basically any country can invade its existence.

  Because of this, the complexion of the people of this country has passed the feeling of today and I don’t know if there will be tomorrow, even in Wangcheng.

  Jiu Jiu looked at the hawker looking like you want to buy it, buy it if you don’t want to buy it, and get out of it.

The price of the silver coins that Jiujiu threw down is greater than what she bought. If you change to another country, the hawker will surely say something pleasing with a smile. However, the hawkers in this country will directly put the silver coins without raising their eyelids. Throw it in the cash drawer and continue to stand in front of the small stall lifelessly.

  Jiu Jiu walked along the way to the palace, looking at the exceptionally rough palace, Jiujiu frowned, disappointed.

  The imperial palace is now in tatters like this. What kind of presents can be found inside.

   Thinking of this, Jiujiu sighed for a long time, turned around, looked at Mo Xuan who had been following him, and said, "Why don't you go back, I don't think there is anything good here."

  Previous Mo Xuan still had some thoughts about treasures, but after he had Jiujiu, Mo Xuan could only hold Jiujiu in his eyes. Even if he wanted to collect treasures, he was built on the basis of pleasing Jiujiu.

  So when I heard Jiujiu say to go back, he immediately followed Jiujiu and turned around to leave.

  But before the two people turned around, they were surrounded by people who did not know where they came from, and pushed forward by the surging crowd until the city wall followed.

   Jiujiu subconsciously turned his head to look for Mo Xuan, and only then saw Mo Xuan looking at him 50 meters to his left.

   Seeing Jiujiu, Mo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, and squeezed towards Jiujiu with great difficulty.

When Mo Xuan forcefully walked towards Jiujiu, the noisy crowd instantly became quiet, and then Jiujiu heard a coquettish voice, "Today, whoever receives my hydrangea is my husband. "

  As soon as the female voice fell, the bottom began to cheer, and Jiujiu even heard some men crying excitedly.

   Jiujiu, "..."

   looked up at the city wall, because facing the sunlight, Jiujiu could only see the figure of a slender woman dimly.

   Jiu Jiu squinted her eyes, no matter how she looked at it, she felt that this woman seemed familiar, and the breath in her body seemed to have been seen somewhere.

  However, I didn't wait for Jiujiu to think of where I saw this woman. A hydrangea fell from the sky, and the people underneath instantly rushed towards the direction where the hydrangea fell like crazy, snatching desperately.

  Mo Xuan, who was still walking towards Jiujiu, was forced to stop, but Jiujiu was forced to follow the crowd. After a while, Jiujiu and Mo Xuan lost their position.

Originally, Mo Xuan could find the location of Jiujiu based on the smell of Jiujiu's body, but Long Xuanyuan was angry that he did not wait a thousand years before hooking up with Jiujiu, and he used the same set he used to hook up with Long Qianqiu. , I couldn't be more angry and blocked the mutual induction between him and Jiujiu.

  Mo Xuan is really black.

  At this moment, the hydrangea fell from the sky, and Mo Xuan raised his hand to take the hydrangea away, but he didn't think about it. He heard a click, and the hydrangea passed through Mo Xuan's hand and hung directly on Mo Xuan's wrist.

  Mo Xuan, "..."

  Onlookers watched the crowd, "..."

  The princess throwing hydrangea, "..."

   Jiujiu, "..."

  Fuck, what is this operation?

  Mo Xuan only had Jiujiu in his heart. Naturally, he couldn't be the husband of a princess who didn't want to work. Naturally, he took the hydrangea off his arm without thinking about it, raised his hand and walked out, ready to find Jiujiu.

  However, the soldiers who had been waiting under the city wall quickly gathered around, stood in front of Mo Xiao with a smile, and said, "Congratulations to this gentleman for'catching' the hydrangea of ​​our princess."

  Speaking of this, the soldier paused subconsciously.

  Because, the face of Mo Xuan at this moment is really unsightly.

  Although the outline can still be seen better, but the color is really a bit weird, I don’t know if it is a birthmark or it is labeled like this.

  If it is labeled like this, it is good to say that if it is born, it is really a bit bad.

  However, although I was a little bit resistant to Mo Xuan becoming the princess's husband, but because the hydrangea had already reached Mo Xuan's hands, the soldiers could only say, "Sir, please."

  Originally, Jiujiu, who was still amazed, saw the picture of the soldier paused because of the marks on Mo Xuan's face, and instantly laughed unkindly.

  Oh my god, it’s really her,

  The soldiers are all like this, and I don’t know if the princess will want to chop off her hand throwing the hydrangea after seeing Mo Xuan’s appearance, or that she will throw Mo Xuan directly out of the palace.

   Just as Jiujiu was paddling his toe probe to see what Mo Xuan's reaction was, suddenly he smelled a very strange smell at the end of his nose, and then completely fainted to the ground.

  At this moment, Mo Xuan threw the hydrangea to the ground and walked out with a brutal face.

  (End of this chapter)