Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 1128: Small wine, please forgive me for being

Nowadays, when you hear the words of the night, the wine in front of the soda wine seems to have a scene of the ten-mile lotus flower and the enchanting bloom.

Yangliuyiyi, clear water.

The most important thing is to eat salmon!

You must know that Sue Liquor is a foodie. When you hear it, you are excited.

I think that those squid, steamed braised, stewed and stewed, are all very beautiful.

The more I thought, the scorpions in the mouth of the wine of Su Shui, all flowed out.

Just hate, now you can get to the Bihezhuang, and taste the food there!

Just thinking about it in the heart of Su wine, the night of the cold ink sees this, the deep black scorpion, first flicker, the red lips slightly open, whispered.

"How, small wine, let's go to Bihezhuang!? If you go now, take the carriage, you can arrive in the evening, it is clean, the environment is beautiful, we can rest there for a few days."

"Oh, really?! Then let's go! Just listen to what you said, my saliva is coming out, but I am pregnant, can I eat salmon??"

At the end of the day, Su wine wine brows a glimpse, can not help but worry.

Since pregnancy, she has also begun to focus on these dietary taboos.

Although she loves to eat, she only has children now. I have to know which ones can be eaten and which ones can't be eaten!

Just as the heart of Su wine was worried, the night was cold and the words were just a low smile.

"Oh, it’s really a good time to be a mother. I started to know that these diets are taboo. You can rest assured that I have already asked the doctor. The doctor said that pregnant women can eat salmon, and eating salmon, there are many delicious food for pregnant women. The squid is sweet, flat, can cure edema, and can be safe."

Listening to the night of the cold, the head is the road, people who don’t know, think he is a doctor!

Thinking of this, the wine of Sue is not a grin.

I only feel that I am really lucky!

This man is not only handsome, but also valuable. These are the second.

The most important thing is that he is good to her.

This man will not only be a good husband, but also a good father!

Just as I was thinking about it in the heart of Su wine, my mouth was deeper and deeper.

Taking a look at the wine, wine, mouth and mouth, the night ink Han Jun face a sigh, asked by the opening.

"Little wine, what are you thinking about??"

When I heard the words of the night, the wine was just picking the good-looking brow and gently glance.

"Don't tell you, if you tell you, you should be proud!"

"Oh, you little girl..."

When I heard the words of Su wine, I couldn’t help myself at night.

Although, this woman did not say, just, just look at her expression, she has already guessed a few points.

When I think of it, the night is cold, and it is joyful and joyful.

With both hands tight, the woman in her arms will be held tightly in her arms.

Because he loves her, she doesn't want to lose her.

So, some things, he has to be sorry for her.

Small wine, please forgive me for being a must...


Bihezhuang, just in the suburbs of Beijing, if you take a carriage, it will be half a day.

When Su wine came to Bihezhuang, I found out that the night of the cold was not clear, this Bihezhuang, as described by him, is the same!

Looking around, it’s the lotus flower that I can’t see at first!

It is the summer season when the lotus blooms.

The lake is clear and the lake is clear and crystal clear!

Looking down from the lake, I saw a group of fish, swimming freely and carefree, so free!

On the lake, the lotus leaves are green and the lotus is enchanting.

Some are in need of release, and some are completely in full bloom.

A small dragonfly is constantly moving through it, making the whole lake more energetic!

The breeze slowly brings a burst of coolness, accompanied by the elegant lotus fragrance, which makes people smell and sigh!

On the lake, a white jade bridge was built.

The stone bridge nine turns, and in the middle of the lake, a beautiful pavilion stands in it.

Surrounded by many lotus flowers, the white jade pavilion has a pure and independent feeling of independence!

Looking at the beautiful scenery, a pavilion, a flower, a water, a leaf, are so elegant, like poetry, people are immersed in it, really can not extricate themselves!

Just as the wine was slowly admiring the beauty of the eyes, the ear suddenly heard the man’s low and hoarse voice.

"Little wine, do you like it here??"

"Well, I like it so much, I like it so much! Cold, you have such a good place. In the past, why didn't you bring me here??"

Su wine is open, and his face is happy and complaining.

Although, the four kings' palaces are beautiful in environment, carved and painted, and the houses are continuous, and every place is a shot.

However, in the four kings' palaces, they are also heavily guarded, unlike this.

The beauty is like a fairyland on earth. Looking at the beautiful scenery in front of you, people are immersed in it. As if all the troubles are gone, they will disappear.

Just thinking about it in the heart of Su wine, the night ink is hearing the appearance of Su wine and complaining, the corner of the mouth, just a light hook.

"I actually wanted to bring you here very early. It’s just that you’re out of business, you can’t find time, now...”

Speaking of this, the night of the cold can not help but pause, and then, the red lips slightly open, can not help but laugh.

"If you really like it, I will bring you often afterwards."

"Well, good, cold, this is what you said, absolutely can't talk!"

When I heard the words of the night, the wine was immediately grinned.

Looking at the little woman in front of me, it looks like a smile.

In the setting sun, it is even more beautiful and thrilling.

The happiness and smile between the eyebrows is even more exciting.

Seeing this, the night of the cold ink can not help but move.

Looking at the eyes of the Su wine, it is also accompanied by deep affection and distressed struggle...

However, in this regard, Su wine has no knowledge.

Today, Su wine is only deeply attracted by the picturesque scenery in front of you.

After a little fun to enjoy, Su wine is also hungry.

At night, the cold winter is ready for dinner, and the soda wine is followed by the night and cold, sitting directly in the white jade pavilion on the lake.

There are a few beautiful dishes on the table, all of them are squid!

However, whether it is steamed and boiled, it has its own characteristics and is very delicious!

After all, these squids are just catching up, but they are fresh!

With a cup of fragrant Longjing tea, Su wine only feels that there is nothing, which makes her more satisfied than now.

Sue wine is full of oil, but the face is a satisfying look, like a cute little cat, it is stunned, it is heart and pity.

Taking advantage of the scent of the sake wine, the night ink is just sitting still, quietly picking out the fish bones in the fish, and then putting the fish that has picked the fishbone in the wine bowl.

In order to avoid the urgency of the sake wine, it was accidentally stabbed by the fishbone.