Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 1438: apologize

If it is because of today's events that will damage the man's future, then she will be tired of her and will not get what she wants.

For so many years, everything she is tired of can not be ruined because of this.

Thinking of this, Huayue Ronghong could not help but see.

The phoenix swept away, looking at the front, full of smug leaves left, my heart, has long been the left left and left whip.

Just, for her future, there is that throne, today, she is forbearing!

Thinking of this, Huayue Rong first gently smashed Huangpu proudly, his face, all for a look for him, and the whole picture, and then slowly turned his head and looked at the left and left sides of the leaf.

"Two Wang Hao, just the last thing, is that Yue Rong misunderstood you, and all of them blame the moon is not good, accidentally blown into the water, and suddenly panic, so I mistakenly thought that it was the second king who pushed you into the water. Here, the monthly allowance for the two kings is not."

Huayue is open, and this is really beautiful.

Once, it was clear that she did not intentionally frame Ye Zuo Zuo, so that she could preserve her kindness and generosity.

Again, she shows her weakness and wins the sympathy of others.

Third, her apology shows her ritual and generosity...

For the mind of Huayue Rong, Ye Zuo left eyebrows can not help but pick one.

This flower month is really not a good one!

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, after the words of Huayue Rong finished this, the thin body was even more shaken, and it was a weak wind.

Seeing this, Huangpu Ao, standing next to Huayue’s body, immediately saw his hand and quickly held the crumbling flower month.

"Ron, you are all right!? Was it just frozen in the lake!! Now, the king will take you back!?"

Huangpu proudly said, just as the painting has already been docked.

Seeing this, Huangpu Ao also refused to accept it now, or in the eyes of the public, immediately stretched his arms and then picked up Huayue Rong and walked toward the shore.

Taking advantage of Huangpu’s arrogant look, it’s like a woman in her arms, and she’s so weak that she can’t help but feel the red lips.

Because, she has not neglected, Huayue Rong was left on her when she was left by Huangpu, and she was unwilling to look.

I want to come, because today's things, this flower month, is a grudge to her!

However, how about that! ?

She is left and left, and she has always been a person who does not commit me. I am not a prisoner.

In addition, this matter was originally provoked by this flower.

If you don't do it, you won't die, no wonder she, don't you! ?

Just as I thought about it in Ye Zuo Zuo’s heart, suddenly, the sound of Xiao Ye’s anxious panic sounded from the crowd in front.

"Wang Hao... are you okay!?"

When I heard the leaflet, the left and left face of the leaf was first, and then, along the source of the sound.

I saw the thin and thin body of Xiaoye, and it was hard to squeeze out from the crowd.

The delicate little face is full of anxiety and tension.

"Wang Hao, are you okay!? When I came here, I heard that you were Wang Hao, you have an accident..."

The leaflets are open, and the face is full of anxious colors.

Wen Yan, Ye Zuo Zuo is just a hook in the corner of his mouth, gently shaking his head.

The next moment, Ye Zuo Zuo seems to think of something like it, lips open, asked.

"Small leaf, where have you been?!"

The leaves are left and left, and the face is full of doubts.

Thinking of it just now, she seems to have never seen Xiaoye.

It is said that the leaflet brows are tightly glimpsed first, and the eyebrows are all annoying and doubtful.

"I just went down, I was going to find a snack and a fine wine. Who knows, just went to a room, I don't know who, I closed the door, let me push, I can't open the door, and finally, I still shout. For a long time, I was discovered by Xiao Er and helped me open the door..."

The leaflet is open and the face is full of doubts.

It is said that Ye Zuo’s face is a glimpse first, and he knows it.

I want to come, and I will leave the leaflet in the room. ?

Before, she was interested in designing her, so it made people close the leaflet. At that time, she had nowhere to isolate, no one helped.

In addition to the previous left and left leaves, the act has always been arrogant, when the time, Huayue let himself fall into the water, marry her, when she, she also jumped into the Yellow River is also not clean.

Fortunately, she had seen the footprints on the ground long ago, otherwise she didn’t know how to argue for herself...

I want to come, this flower month, she must not look down!

Just thinking in Ye Zuo Zuo's heart, I saw that everyone who was watching the lively crowd saw the paintings already on the beach. There was no lively watch here, and they went into groups of three and five.

Seeing this, Ye Zuo left wants to leave.

After all, going out today, always encounters unpleasant things, and has long disturbed her Yaxing.

I want to come, the next time, if I want to go out, I still disguise it, or else, with the famous fame and deeds of Ye Zuo Zuo, no matter where I go, I will look at the eyes with different colors, really uncomfortable!

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, I saw that a tall figure had crossed her and walked toward the shore.

Looking at the man walking in front of him, Ye Zuo left face is a glimpse.

For the appearance of the man in front of him, in fact, Ye Zuo Zuo is puzzled.

After all, this man obviously hates her, isn't it? ?

Why did she suddenly appear when she was besieged! ?

Although later, this man has been standing silently, but Ye Zuo left still noticed that this man, at first, wanted to maintain her.

Thinking of this, Ye Zuo Zuo, the man who is more and more worried about this man.

Just in the left and left heart of doubt, the man’s gaze falling in front of him is a bit of exploration and doubt.

However, just thinking about it in Ye Zuo Zuo’s heart, suddenly, the man who crossed her, suddenly, as if he had noticed something, suddenly turned around.

For a time, four eyes are opposite.

When looking at the pair of deep and narrow peach blossoms of the man, the left and left faces of the leaves are the first.

I think again, I have been holding this man in front of me!

Today, he is caught by him!

Thinking of this, Ye Zuo left face is not a glimpse.

However, very quickly, Ye Zuo Zuo quickly regained his gaze, bowed his head and refused to look at the man in front of him.

Relative to the face of the embarrassed leaves left, Huangpu's deep black scorpion, just flickering, but did not speak, just slowly turned around and walked toward the shore.

Although the man has recovered his gaze, Ye Zuo left his heart, but some heart beats.

That is because of voyeurism, being embarrassed by people, and the heartbeat is accelerating...

Just, very quickly, Ye Zuo Zuo will adjust the chaotic heartbeat.