Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 1454: You are so good.

Leaves left and left, while softly comforting, while reaching out, wipe the tears on the face for the leaflets.

After all, in the concept of Ye Zuo Zuo, a good girl is a pain for people, so she naturally has to pity the leaflet, isn't it? ?

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, unexpectedly, the leaflet that was crying, and then saw the injury on the left and left back of the leaf, was immediately shocked.

"Yeah! Young master, how have you been hurt!? Flowing so much blood, it must be very serious!? All blame the small leaf, it is the leaflet did not stay well with the young master, let the young master you are injured..."

The leaflet was open, and while holding the left hand of the left hand, the guilty guilty.

Taking advantage of Xiaoye’s self-blame and guilt, Ye Zuo Zuo only felt funny and helpless.

"It’s just a small injury. If you are nervous, let’s say, how can you blame you for this?!"

"Young master, how is this a small injury! Your body is a thousand gold, the slave is not well protected, so that the young master is injured, you blame the leaflet..."

Taking advantage of Xiaoye, the more guilty and self-blame.

Wen Yan, Ye Zuo Zuo immediately said.

"Okay, but it is a minor injury. You don't have to continue to take everything on yourself. It's so messy now, let's go back first!"

"Well, that's fine. After going back, the slaves must give the young master a good dressing..."

Hearing the words of Xiaoye, I saw the face of Xiaoye’s face worried about guilty guilt, and Ye Zuo Zuo was helpless and felt at ease.

After all, it’s a very good thing to be cared for so much!

Be aware that in the past, she was also so cared for.

Unfortunately, since her grandparents and their best girlfriends have left her, there are no other people who care about herself like Xiaoye.

Sometimes think about it, she really misses the days before!

And her girlfriend...

I don't know, where is she now? ? Is it in the same dynasty as her! ?

Small wine, I really miss you...

Just as Ye left and left heart sighed, suddenly, a burst of panic, delicate voice, but not far from her side -

"Four Lord, I was really scared to death, but fortunately, you are all right, or you don't know how to be good..."

Hearing the exclamation of the woman not far from the side, Ye Zuo Zuo was not looked at by the subconscious.

I saw that, not far from her, Huayue Rongzheng was tightly immersed in Huangpu’s proud arms, looking at Huangpu’s proud eyes, and was anxious and moving.

At this moment, Huangpu proudly on his arm, but he was cut by a sharp weapon, blood stains, apparently injured, just to see the situation, the injury is not very heavy.

Only now, Huangpu Ao also refuses to take care of the injury on his arm, but gently comforts the frightened beauty in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay."

Huangpu proudly opened his mouth, and the sound was a bit gentle.

It is said that Huayue Rong is a touch of impression.

"Four Lord, I can't think of it. You are so good to Rong, when you are in danger, you can't help yourself to save your life. Finally, you are still hurt because of the rescue, and the child is really..."

"Hey, the district is a little hurt, this king is still not on the heart! Well, you are shocked today, the king will send you back first..."

"Well, thank you four..."

Looking at the pair of men and women not far away, Lang Cai female appearance, apparently just now, Huangpu proud with Hua Yuerong, staged a hero to save the beauty of the drama!

However, taking advantage of Whampoa's injured injury, it is clear that Huangpu proudly likes this flower month!

I don't know, if one day, he knows the true personality of Huayue Rong, will not like her like this! ?

However, these things have nothing to do with her.

I thought so in my heart, Ye Zuo Zuo immediately took the leaflet and walked toward the Wangwangfu...


When the leaves left and left with the leaflets returned to the palace, the leaflets immediately went to the housekeeper to ask for the gold sore medicine, and wrapped the wound for the left and left leaves. However, it was blocked by the left and left openings of the leaves.

"Wait, Xiaoye, you take this clothes off for me first, then give me the gold sore medicine!?"

Ye left and left to speak.

It’s not easy, they are not found in men’s clothing, and it’s really convenient to go out like this. She doesn’t want to know what she’s wearing as a man’s dress, and she’s being talked about or causing unnecessary trouble.

Wen Yan, Xiao Ye immediately nodded.

"Then, Wang Hao, the slave who changed clothes first, will give you a gold sore medicine."

After the leaflet finished speaking, he immediately turned and left.

Seeing the leaves leave, Ye Zuo left quickly replaced this men's clothing, the head on the daze, but also quickly untied, let a long black hair, casually draped behind.

After doing these things, Ye Zuo Zuo is also tired.

Although, she does not care about the wound on the back of her hand. In the past, she had never tried anything big or small! ?

It’s just that this body is as strong as her past body.

I was injured and had so much blood. She only felt that her body was a little weak.

It seems that in the future, she will have to eat more blood to supplement the body.

After all, a healthy body is more important than anything else.

And now, Ye Zuo Zuo is tired.

The lobular leaves have not come back yet, and the left and left leaves are lying directly on the chaise longue in the room.

At this moment, it is already at night.

The night winds slowly, blowing in from the carved window that opened.

In the early summer night, the cool breeze, blowing people, sleepy.

After a while, Ye Zuo Zuo will sink into his dreams...


At the same time, the other side -

"Small leaf, what do you want gold sore medicine to do!? Who is hurt!?"

When I heard Xiaoye was so late, I actually wanted to take the golden sore medicine, and the uncle of the second palace, Lin Shu, immediately asked.

Falling in the eyes of the leaflets, doubts, but with a little bit of inquiry.

Hearing the words, and facing Lin Shu’s confusing eyes, Xiaoye’s heart was first panicked, knowing that Wang Zi’s own family did not want to be known to be a man who disguised himself as a man, so Xiaoye first suppressed it and found it. The guilty conscience, the small mouth opened, said openly.

"Yes, it was Wang Hao who accidentally injured his hand, so, let the slaves come to get the golden sore medicine..."

The leaflet is not good at lying, so when you talk about it, it is a bit stuttering.

Moreover, she can only say this.

After all, the two kings treat the next person, although he is more generous than other houses, but the current person, even if he is sick, can only go out to see the doctor himself, can not take the medicinal of the palace.

So now, she only said this.

Just after Xiaoye finished saying this, he quickly lowered his eyes and dared not look at Lin’s gaze again. He was afraid that he would show his feet.

In my heart, it is very nervous.