Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 1684: Dead eye

At the thought of this, Huangpu’s heart is even more exciting.

However, Huangpu’s heart is excited and excited, but he is not sure.

After all, these facts are in front of us, but he still can't really be sure.

Because, the greater the hope, the more he is afraid of disappointment.

So now, he has to trace it well...

If it is, as he thinks, hehe...

Thinking of this, Huangpu’s deep black scorpion is full of a smile and light.

For the mind of Huangpu, the left and left sides of the leaf are completely ignorant.

At this moment, she just kept doing artificial respiration for the little boy on the ground.

I don't know how long Ye Zuo has been doing. I saw that the little boy who was drowning in the water, just under a cough, finally woke up.

As the boy awakened, everyone around him was shocked and unbelievable.

However, I can see that this little boy woke up, and everyone was very excited and excited.

The fierce applause and sighs are even more ups and downs.

The young woman on the side, seeing her son actually escaped from the dead, even crying and laughing, unable to hold his son.

The kind of joy that is lost and recovered is more visible to people, and the heart is happy and sour.

Looking at the mother and child who are tightly clasped together, Ye Zuo Zuo only feels envious and envious.

After all, her parents are gone.

She has long experienced the love of her when her parents are there.

Today, she only envy others...

Thinking of this, Ye Zuo Zuo Mei Yu, is envious and gratifying.

The young woman on the side, after excitement, remembered what she was doing, and she continued to thank the left and left, and she only slammed her head.

Seeing this, Ye Zuo Zuo was busy with his hands and held his hand and said.

"You don't have to be polite, this is what I should do. The younger brother just drowned. Although he was rescued, you still took him to the doctor's office to find a doctor and see what kind of discomfort there is."

Ye left and left, carefully said.

After all, saving people is what she should be.

If it is not to die, it is not her style.

Moreover, Ye Zuo Zuo is not afraid of anything, most afraid of others too much enthusiasm and excessive gratitude to her.

Taking advantage of this young woman, I have to kneel down and thank myself, and Ye Zuo Zuo suddenly panicked.

Looking at the left and left of the leaf, the flustered appearance, the side of the Si Yunyun Fan is even more endurance.

I only think that this boy is really special.

With chivalrous spirit and saving people, he is in the first place.

But it won't lead.

Such a good person, there is really less in the world!

Just thinking in the heart of Sikong Yunfan, Ye Zuo Zuo repeatedly advised that the young woman had led her child to leave.

As the young woman left, the people who were standing around the four sides immediately dispersed.

Looking at the young woman, leading the child to leave with joy and laughter.

From time to time, he still bowed his head and dared to say what the little boy said. The scene was really warm, and he left the left and left, and he could not bear to look away.

I don't know if she will become a mother's day in the future! ?

Maybe, no! ?

After all, she knows that she is a dead-hearted person, but if she does something, she will not give up if she does not do it.

It’s like, but if you love someone, you won’t change...

In Huangpu’s heart, there are other women, and his heart can no longer accommodate other people.

Therefore, in this life and in this world, she will not have a day to become a mother! ?

Just thinking in the left and left heart of Ye, my heart, not to be a dark, heart sigh.

Compared with the left and left minds, Sikong Yunfan does not know.

Just now, squinting at the young boy, the faint mourning between the eyebrows, Sikong Yunfan sees this, his face is not a glimpse.

"Ye left, you just saved people, how come now, but it seems like some unhappy!?"

Sikong Yunfan opened his mouth and his face was full of doubts.

When I heard Sikong Yunfan’s words, Ye Zuo’s face was first stunned and immediately awakened.

As soon as the gaze was lifted, he looked at Sikong Yunfan standing on the side.

However, it is not necessary to say that the left and the left are more than others, and the end of the eye is swept away.

When I saw that it was not far from the black man who came to them, Ye Zuo’s left face could not help but squat.

I saw that at night, the night is deep.

The man was wrapped in a black robe, and his hair was like a water. He used a black hair band to gently beam a small bundle, and the rest were all scattered behind him.

This is black, if it is not a handsome face, it really makes people unable to notice his existence!

Just now, when I see the man who suddenly appears here, Ye Zuo Zuo’s heart is very strange.

It's him! ?

Huangpu, how could he appear here! ?

Just in the left and left heart of the leaves, I was shocked and confused. I was standing there, waiting for the left-left and left-handed Sikong Yunfan.

See you again, Ye Zuo Zuo's gaze is just looking straight behind him, in the middle of it, it is a strange shock.

Seeing this, Sikong Yunfan’s face was a glimpse first, and then he couldn’t help but turn his head and look behind him.

When I saw that I had already walked to the black man behind him, Sikong Yunfan’s face was a glimpse first, followed by the beautiful star, first flashing.

Then, the red lips opened, and the mouth exclaimed.

"Hey!? Auntie, how come you are here!?"

Sikong Yunfan opened his mouth and his face was full of doubts.

After all, this time, this man should not be in the palace! ?

Why now, will appear here! ?

Just thinking about it in the heart of Sikong Yunfan, the next moment, as if I understood what it was like, my eyes swept away and I couldn’t help but look at the youngster in front of me.

I want to come, the hero is saddened by the beauty, this is true!

Although, this beauty is a man...

Thinking of this, Sikong Yunfan’s heart could not help but sigh.

After all, he does not understand the emotional things.

He has always been a game, never tempted any woman.

Therefore, I have never known anything about it.

However, now, squinting at the front, this man who has always been a self-control force, because of his feelings, has tormented his own problems, and he feels distressed for him.

Therefore, with this example, he is empty, and he is still far from feelings.

Just thinking in the heart of Sikong Yunfan, standing on the side of the left and left, do not know the mind of Sikong Yunfan.

At this moment, when you see the appearance of the man in front of you, the left and left hearts of the leaves are very complicated.

It was full of surprises and complicated eyes, but it was tightly on the man and never moved away.

After all, before the man was indifferent to her, alienated, strange, she thought that in this life, she will never see this man again! ?