Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 294: Small family rolling into the arms

With this embarrassing move, Su wine also heard the sound of the continually sounding 咔嚓咔嚓, the sound that made people hear the scalp tingling and frightened.

Looking at the scene of horror in front of me, the heart of Su wine is even more instant mention of the eyes of the blind.

It’s awkward, because the cockroaches on the ground are already standing up.

At this moment, step by step, coming towards her side.

Seeing this, the sake wine is even more scared to scream. Then, run your legs!

However, she only took a step, and her feet were tight, as if she had been caught by something.

Looking down, I saw that it was the cockroach, using its white finger bones, holding her ankle tightly.

The empty eyes were watching her tightly, as if complaining about something...

Seeing this, the sake wine was even more scared by the scalp, and then it began to struggle.

"Ah, don't catch me, don't catch me, ah..."

Su wine is constantly shouting.

However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get rid of this embarrassing embarrassment. Finally, she fell to the ground.

Ever since, Su wine can only continue to roll on the ground, I want to open this awkward as soon as possible.

I don't know how long the soda wine has rolled, and my heart is scared of the six gods, and they are crying out.

However, at this time, Su wine suddenly rolled into a very warm place.

This kind of warmth, like the sunshine of March, softly sprinkled like, sprinkled on people, so comfortable...

Feeling the comfortable warmth of the body, let the original heart of the soda wine slowly flatten down.

The cockroaches that were holding on to her ankles suddenly disappeared.

In the original darkness, I changed my style.

Looking around, I saw blue sky and white clouds, birds and flowers, and the mountains in the distance, almost blending with the whole world, it is beautiful!

There are still four weeks, and there is endless flower sea.

The red purple powder is blue, so delicate, splendid and charming.

As the breeze slowly, the flowers swayed and swayed, bringing a burst of pleasant floral scent...

Looking at the picturesque scene around, the panic in the heart of Su wine is immediately gone, and there is only a pleasant mood.

At this moment, the wine is like a butterfly flying in the sea of ​​flowers, so flying and flying, just thinking, can always be as free, carefree as it is now...

Compared to the sweet wine that is sleeping in the sweetness, the night ink is just a sly look at the little family who just rolled into his arms.

This little family, I want to come tonight is shocked.

He just fell asleep, but he heard the exclamation of the little family opposite him. He wanted to come, like a nightmare.

Hearing the words, the night ink cold brows could not help but immediately, then opened his eyes and looked toward the little family.

I saw this little family, I was frowning, my face was full of confusion.

The lips are slightly open and they are constantly crying.

"Don't catch me, don't catch me, ah..."

Hearing the exclamation of Xiao Ding Ding, he knew that he was doing a nightmare, and that the night was cold and he wanted to wake him up.

Who knows, not waiting for him to get up, only to see this little family, then began to look like a head, rolled over to him.

Looking at this little family who rolled directly from the opposite side, the night ink Han Jun face was slightly stunned. After returning to God, I saw that this little family has already rolled into my arms.

For the sleep of this little family, the night is not easy to catch.

However, seeing this little family who rolled into his arms, Night Mohan felt that he should push him away.

After all, since he was young, he used to go to bed alone.

Except for the little fox he had raised before, lying outside his chest and sleeping, no one else was lying next to him and slept.

However, nowadays, watching the little family who fell into his arms and fell asleep, the hands of the night smothered, but slowly stopped.

I saw the little family who was rolling into his arms. At this moment, I slept very quietly, unlike the panic that I had just lost.

The eyebrows stretched, and the corners of the mouth were slightly hooked, like what a dream was doing...

Looking down at the little family in the arms, the night is cold and can't bear it.

After all, this little family, sleep so sweet, so familiar, people can't bear to wake him up...

Thinking in my heart, the night ink could not help but slowly gaze at the little family who was sleeping in the arms.

I saw this little family, long and handsome!

On the small face of the palm of the hand, the forehead is full, the nose is elegant, and the lips are small.

Although the brow is slightly rougher, it does not detract from his handsomeness.

There is also a long, curled eyelash, like a black fan, and under the light of the fire, cast two shadows in his eyes, making his facial features more and more feminine...

As the saying goes, look at the beauty under the lamp, the more you look at the more beautiful, really!

Unexpectedly, a small family, actually looks so good!

Now that he is still young, he wants to come. If he is a few years old, he will be able to take advantage of the capital.

At that time, there must be a lot of girls, and I am fascinated by him. ?

Thinking of this, the night ink cold heart, can not help but feel a strange feeling, it seems a bit unpleasant.

I thought, this little family, after growing up, the beauty of the side like a cloud, the night of the cold will frown.

For his own heart, the night is cold and unpredictable.

After all, this little family is a man, a normal man, if you grow up, you have to be a biological child, isn't it? ?

No, not this little family is not normal, but he is not normal! ?

Thinking of it, the night of cold ink can not help but be surprised.

For the thought that suddenly appeared in the brain, it was even more shocking.

He has always felt that he is normal again. He is also a normal man with normal physiological needs.

However, there have been no other women around.

Not that he didn't want to, but he felt that those women were close to him for other purposes, making him feel sick.

For the night of the cold, it is lacking.

So over the years, there have been no other women around.

Even those women who racked their brains and tried to climb into his bed were all thrown out by him without mercy.

However, nowadays, for the closeness of his little family, he has no feeling of resentment.

This... seems to be abnormal! ?

After all, they are both men, aren't they? ?

Why do you feel sick for those women who are close, and then throw them out mercilessly! ?

But for the closeness of this little family, he didn’t feel disgust at all, but felt that... of course! ?

Of course! ?

I really saw the ghost!