Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 500: It’s so good.

Thinking of it, the night of the cold can not help but take a steady step, step by step toward the small family in front of the body.

Su wine, which was originally about how to explain it, suddenly felt that it was dark.

Seeing this, Su wine wine has a slight face and can't help but look up.

On the top, it is the man’s handsome but full of inquiry.

When I watched the man who didn't know when I came to the front, and then looked at the charm of the close-up, the wine was so scared that it was a few shots.

The heart was shocked, and immediately subconsciously took a big step back.

But I don't know, behind her, but there is a small stove!

Although the charcoal fire in the stove has burned almost, it is still hot!

Su wine wine kicked over the small stove, and then the small body board lost its balance and went straight behind it.

Seeing, she was about to fall on the stove, and the wine was scared out of her throat.

When the red lips started, I couldn’t help but scream and scream...

However, it was thought that Su Jiu was thinking that he was about to fall over the charcoal fire, and he was so scared that he couldn’t think about it.

However, it is on the occasion of this millennium.

Su wine only feels that her waist is tight. The next moment, she only feels a pull.

Then, her whole person was included in a generous and strong embrace...

This embrace is so familiar.

The smell of the nose is the faint smell of the ambergris, which makes people so attached.

What I heard in my ear was the violent heartbeat of the man.

Hearing, Su wine was surprised.

No, the man is nervous now! ?

When I think of it, the heart of Su wine is not sweet.

I thought that this man is also worried about her nervousness. Su wine will feel like the whole person, as if he is in heaven, the whole person is light and floating.

This feeling is so good!

Being able to be held by this man in front of her is something she always dreams of.

Thinking about it, when she was a little fox, she could comfortably nest in the broad embrace of this man, and then comfortably adjust the most comfortable posture in his arms, and then comfortably sleep.

At that time, she was so happy.

However, at the time, she still felt unsatisfied! ?

Now, I am held by the man in front of me! ? Su wine is so attached.

I only think that if time can stay at this moment forever, how good is it...

Just as I was sighing in the heart of Su wine, I didn’t know that she was holding her night and cold, and her heart was not less than her!

Just now, when I saw this little family, I suddenly kicked the stove and almost fell on the charcoal fire. The night was only a shock to my heart. I almost didn’t even think about it, but I stretched my arm and took the small family’s Xiao Man waist, and then subconsciously put this little family Ding Yu into his arms.

This action is done subconsciously.

When the night of the cold reaction came over, the little family had already been put in the arms.

Seeing this, the beautiful face of the night is not a slight glimpse.

However, after returning to God, the night of the cold did not immediately push the small family in the arms.

After all, he had long wanted to hold this little family in his arms.

Unfortunately, he had not had the reason to hold this little family before.

Now, just right, as he wishes...

Thinking of this, the night is cold and my heart is moving.

Just remembering the wound on this little family, the night is not too hard to hold, so I am afraid of hurting him...

Feeling, the little family in the arms, more and more slimmer than before.

I feel that here, the beautiful eyebrows of the night ink, can not help but glance.

Thinking, this little family, long is thin.

After these few days, it was actually thinner than before, and the skinny is distressing.

Is this little family, not eating before? ?

At the time when the night was cold and distressed, Su wine did not know his mind.

At this moment, he was held tightly in his arms by the night, so that the wine can not help but gently close his eyes, and feel the rare moment.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, there was a bang from the window, like something was knocked over.

Wen Yan, Su wine wine was shocked and immediately returned to God.

When I looked away, I looked out the window.

It’s just that she’s outside the yard, but she’s empty.

I want to come, what kind of mouse is like, and strolling outside her small kitchen, and then kicking something over! ?

Just thinking about it in the heart of Su wine, I remembered myself and was held by a man!

Seeing this, Su wine wine was shocked and could not help but quickly leave the man's broad embrace.

My heart is even more annoyed.

I almost fell down just now. It was the man who helped her in time, but she did not leave in the arms of the man.

This is really...

I don't know how to think about her in the night! ?

Just as the embarrassed and annoyed in the heart of Su wine, it is even more difficult to hang down the small head of the seeds, and never dare to look at the night of the flag.

Compared with the embarrassed soda wine, the night ink only feels empty in the air, and the little family who was originally held by himself has already left.

As Huaizhong’s young family left, he only felt empty in his arms, as if he was missing something, but he was not used to it.

If he can, how much he thinks, just keep holding this little family until eternal...

For the mind of the night cold, where does the wine and wine know! ?

At this moment, she is bowing her head and squatting, and the small head of the melon seeds hang low.

After leaving the man's arms, he couldn't help but bow down and said softly.

"Xie Wangye."

When I heard the sake wine, the dark black scorpion of the night ink was only flashing lightly, but did not speak.

Although the wine has not looked up, it still feels like the man, who is on his body, the burning gaze.

Perceived this, Su wine is not flustered.

However, goodbye man suddenly came here, and there was a bit of doubt in his heart.

When the red lips opened, I couldn’t help but ask.

"Wang, please ask if you have a slave?!"

It’s strange that these three nights, the night is not sleeping, but come to her.

Just as I thought about it in the heart of Su wine, the night ink was heard in the words of Su wine, and naturally I also noticed the heart of Su wine.

Look away and look out the window.

At the moment, it is already half past three.

At this time, he came to this small family residence, it is a bit wrong.

However, he can't stand it anymore.

Before, he was suffocated by this little family.

Seeing this little family again, with the woman's eyebrows, the smile looks like a flower, the pleasant smile, deeply stabbed his eyes.