Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 538: He likes this little girl

He, do not like this little family to be held by other men!

Even the man who holds this little family is the most beloved fourth brother he has always been!

Unhappy and uncomfortable in the heart, the night Moyu could not help but step forward, and then, with his hands extended, he said to the night.

"Four brothers, you are too tired, it is better, I will hold a small wine just fine..."

At night, Yu Moyu opened his mouth and wanted to take the soda wine that was held in his arms by the night.

However, goodbye to the night of Momo's move, the night of the cold is the subconscious side of the side.

The red lips started, and the voice said.

"no need."


When I heard the words of the night, I couldn’t help but look at the face of the night.

The good-looking brow is a little lighter.

However, it is not to wait for the night Moyu to think about other things. Suddenly, another voice full of anxious voices sounded from behind them -

"Cold, you are fine, it is so good!"

As the man rang, the wine of the Soviet Union was swept away.

I saw that a long figure flew toward the side like lightning.

With a fixed eye, the man was wrapped in a brown robes and lined up tall and tall.

The deep facial features are handsome and compelling.

The nervous worry between the eyebrows did not hide his concern for the night.

Come none other than last night, I wanted to hit her meal was also no trace of wind!

When the wind hurriedly rushed, the worried eagle, first looked up and down the night.

After seeing the night and the coldness of the cold, the original Jianmei was finally stretched out.

However, the wind is a little relieved.

Looking away, I saw the look of the three people in front of me, and the handsome face could not help but glimpse.

For the mind of the night cold, the wind is not known.

However, what happened to this boy in front of you! ?

How do you feel, this boy, seems to be strange! ?

On the occasion of doubts in the wind, Su wine and wine saw no trace of the wind, and behind him, the guards who arrived, the face could not help.

"Wang Ye, it’s better to let the slaves go down! The slaves are all right, the slaves can go on their own..."

Su wine wine said, he struggled, and he had to come down from the night.

You must know that the night ink is a grandfather, and you are seen, the prince, holding a small family...

If this matter is passed out, how will everyone discuss this matter! ?

She is not afraid, but she is worried that the reputation of the night will be damaged!

Just as the heart of Su wine was worried, however, holding her hands, she never slept.

Seeing this, the night ink cold thought that the night ink did not hear, could not help lift the beauty, looking toward the man in front of him.

On the right, it is the man’s deep black night.

Seeing this, the heart of Su wine is first, but she still has to wait until she speaks something, but sees the red lips of the man, and the low-pitched voice is gently spilled from his mouth.

"Your body is still empty, and the king is holding you, no problem."

The man spoke, and the words fell behind, and he didn’t want to say anything more about the sake and the wine. He held the soda wine and took a big stride, striding toward the woods.

He was hugged by the man in his arms. Seeing all the people around him, they were full of stunned eyes and unbelievable eyes. Su wine was even more shocked and embarrassed.

For a time, I don't know how to react.

I only feel that the thick heat of a stock is going straight from my heart to my head.

Hot cheeks, if you put an egg up, don't know if it will be cooked! ?

In my heart, Su wine, in the end, can only deeply bury his own shy and hot face in the man’s arms...

Compared to the full of shy wine, the night is cold, but it is a happy mood!

Before, he thought that he had a broken arm sleeve, and when he liked this little woman, he struggled for a long time.

Finally, he also gave up the entanglement.

Not even care about the eyes of the world.

Just want to follow this heart, pity this little woman...

In the past, when he thought that this little woman was a man, he did not care about the eyes of others, let alone now!

Night Mohan doesn't care what others think about them.

After all, he likes this little girl.

Whether she is a man or a woman!

Just as I was thinking about it in the night, I was standing in front of them, and I was still stupid.

The stunned, unobtrusive looking at the two people who went further and further, the night Moyu was completely shocked.

The red lips started, and I couldn’t believe it.

"Four brother, what the **** is it??"

He, despite the strange eyes around him, took a small family and strode away.

It’s hard to be done, he forgot, he is a grandfather...

Just as the night in the night of the ink was shocked, the wind standing next to the night of the ink was no trace, and I heard the whisper of the night.

The words, the wind without traces, the handsome face is a slight glimpse.

Goodbye to the night, Mo Yu, a pair of stunned eyes, full of dull appearance, first striding over, then, reached out and gently patted the shoulders of the night Moyu, thin lips slightly open, said.

"In the future, you will understand..."

The wind has no traces, leaving this inexplicable sentence, and no matter the night Moyu, taking a steady pace, striding toward the outside of the woods.

Looking at the figure that the big step left without the wind, and the inexplicable words he just said, the nightmou Yu’s heart became more and more confused.

The brow is close, and the beautiful Danfeng is full of doubts.

"In the future, understand what!?"


Su wine was held out of the woods by the night, and then he sat on the carriage waiting outside, and then set off for the four kings.

When the carriage stops at the gate of the Four Kings Palace, the wine is afraid that the night will be like the one just now. Regardless of his own identity, he will hold his own carriage and go to the chariot. When the time comes, so many people look at it, sure. There was another rumor.

She didn't want to be the subject of discussion after the meal, and she couldn't bear the ugly night of the night, and the reputation was damaged.

Although the dozens of guards who just followed, I saw the scene of the night when I was holding her on the carriage. However, the guards of the four kings were carefully selected by the night.

Each one's words and deeds are very close.

Therefore, even if they are seen by the guards, Su wine also knows that those guards will never talk like the rest of the palace.

However, the other people in the Four Kings House are different.

So, Su Jiu wine saw the slowly moving carriage finally stopped, knowing that the four kings had arrived.

When I didn’t want to, I jumped from the carriage.