Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 599: Selling a funeral father

Looking at the beautiful and refined river, Su wine is very happy.

After slowly putting the river lanterns in your hand into the river, the heart of the wine is like the other people who came to the river lanterns, and the heart prayed with enthusiasm.

After all, who doesn't want to be with someone you like, look forward to it! ?

After the liquor was finished, the river turned and walked toward the night.

I saw the night of the cold, and I was standing there quietly.

The deep gaze, but it fell tightly on her river lantern.

However, when the night came to see her come back, she quickly recovered her gaze.

"Go back to the government!"

"Amount, yes!"

When I heard the words of the night, I couldn’t help but see the face of the wine.

My heart is weird and confused.

This night is cold, it is really strange tonight.

No, suddenly she told her to come out, just to let her put the river lantern here! ?

Su wine wine is in doubt, and the eyes that fall on the man are also unpredictable and curious.

For the heart of Su wine, the night ink will not know! ?

However, the night smog only gently glanced at the little woman who was puzzled in front of her face. The red lips glimpsed and never spoke again.

Turning slowly, I walked in the direction of the Four Kings.

Su wine and wine see this, his face slightly stunned, after returning to God, never thought about the other, just quickly stepped up and ran towards the man.

The night is deep.

The bustling streets, which have always been bustling, have gradually become quiet.

Around the red lanterns hung high, the entire Beijing city street, all the photos are white.

Sue wine was tightly followed by the night ink, and reached out and yawned.

I only feel that I am so tired now.

Busy all day, she is tired now.

Plus this time in the past, she has already gone to bed and went to bed!

Now, she only hopes that she can go home early, take a hot bath, and go to bed to date with Zhou Gongzi!

Just in the heart of Su wine, suddenly, the scenery not far from the front, but attracted the attention of the Su wine!

I saw that there were many people around them not far from them.

Everyone was there, whispering, pointing at it, as if something had happened inside.

Seeing this, Su wine is a curiosity!

After all, the heart of curiosity is there for everyone!

Sue wine is no exception!

Ever since, the eyes of Su wine have been able to look at the crowd in the past.

But I didn't realize that the night in front of her, the coldness of his eyes, his eyes were falling on the little woman behind him.

For the look of the little woman’s face, it’s natural to see it in the eye...

Looking at the little woman behind her, the eyes looked from time to time inside the pile of people, knowing the curiosity of this little woman, so that the night of the cold, which had been constantly stepping forward, suddenly suddenly stopped.

For all of this, Su wine is completely unknown.

Although her feet are walking forward, her eyes have long fallen into the crowd not far away.

Therefore, naturally, I have never noticed that the night ink has stopped.

The next moment, Su wines only felt ‘Peng’, and the whole person immediately slammed into the strong back.

In a sudden time, a sense of pain, immediately from the forehead of the wine, the painful soda wine immediately licked.

"Hey, it hurts!"

Su wine and wine mouth exclaimed, the small body, but also took a few steps back, almost fell to the ground.

However, at this time, Su wine only felt a tight waist, a slender big hand, has been tightly wrapped around her small waist, from her bad luck on the ground!

Feeling the strangeness of the waist, the wine of Su wine was lifted and I couldn’t help but look in front of me.

On the right, it is the man’s helpless black box.

"You can't even walk!!"

The night is cold, and it is quite helpless for this little woman in front of me.

Say this little woman is smart! ? This little woman has a bit of alertness, like a small fox.

However, many times, this little woman is very confused! It’s like this now.

People look at it, it’s funny, and it’s helpless.

However, when watching this little woman confusing, Night Mohan felt that this little girl was extremely cute.

I can’t wait to stay with this little girl all the time, protecting her...

For the mind of the night cold, the wine cellar will know! ?

When I heard the words of the night, I thought that I had just watched the excitement, but I ran into it after going to the night.

When I think of it, the face of Su wine is suddenly a glimpse.

Seeing the look of the night on the cold face, I noticed that there was no anger in the night, and my heart was relieved a little.

Immediately, I said that I was too busy.

"Wang Ye please forgive sins, the slaves are wrong!"

When I saw the sake and the sake of the wine, I was so trembled that I was only sighing.

"But it, not for example!"

The night is cold and the mouth is open. In the tone, there is a little more helplessness that I have never noticed.

It is said that the wine of Su wine is not angry at the night, and it is completely relieved.

Look away, and see the crowd not far away.

I still have doubts in my heart.

After all, the time is not early, there are fewer people shopping on the street, but there are a lot of people gathered there, and I don’t know what happened.

When I think of it, the wine of Sue is swept away, and it falls on the night of the cold.

The red lips are slightly open, and the words are like a word.

I saw this in the night, I don’t know the thoughts of the little woman in front of me! ?

However, the night ink did not say much, just follow the spirit of the wine, and took a steady pace, walking toward the heap of people.

Su wine and wine see this, the heart is happy, and immediately followed the past.

When the wine was followed by the night, when it came to the crowd, it took a lot of effort to squeeze in.

When the soda wine was squeezed into the front, the beauty was swept away, and then I saw the scene in front of me, and my face immediately slammed.

It turned out that surrounded by people, it was a young and thin girl.

This little girl, wearing a filial filial piety, pale face, so pitiful.

In front of the little girl, there was a wooden sign that was written to sell the funeral father.

See you here, a sip of wine on the face of Su wine.

In the past, on the TV, I also saw a lot of bridges selling the funeral father.

Unexpectedly, here, there is such a thing happening!

However, the most doubtful thing about Su wine is that the little girl who sold her father in the eyes, how to look at it, is a bit familiar! ?

The more I saw it, the more I felt that the little girl in front of her eyes was familiar, as if she had known each other.

After a long time of thinking, Su wine finally remembered.