Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 600: Old man

This little girl who sold her father was not the original girl who was with her when she was turned to the cellar. ?

She remembered that she was detained in the cellar with many people at the time. The girl in the pink dress was constantly playing and licking the glass, and her attitude was fierce.

Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the girl in the pink dress fell into such a field. It’s really unpredictable...

Just as I thought about it in the heart of Su wine, suddenly, a loud voice screamed and slammed from the side of Su wine.

"I am jealous, selling my father to the fun!? Haha, this time, there is actually this thing, but this little girl is long, it is really good! I see the pity, the beautiful, so looks, well, then I Just bought you, you will come to my grandfather as an 18-year-old!"

As soon as I heard that it was a voice that was not good, the wine of Su wine was swept away.

I saw, beside her, suddenly swayed into a big man who was strong.

This big man, the age of about 40 years old, long tiger back bear waist, face beard, this is not limited.

In the left eye, there is a big knife, watching it is a curse!

The suffocating scent from this big man will not be a good person at first glance!

Sure enough, when the big man appeared, the people who were surrounded by the four people had retired from the house, as if they were afraid of accidentally getting into the unreasonable master, then they couldn’t eat it and walked away!

Dahan is obviously very satisfied with the people who are full of taboos.

The brow is picking up, and the eyebrows are all in the same way.

Compared with the big man who is full of sorrow, he squats on the ground and sells the little girl who is buried in the father. After seeing the coming of the person, he is scared and eclipsed. He wants to go back and escape the big man. It is too late.

The little hand was squatted by the big man and the big hand, the next moment, the little girl, has been tightly embraced by the big man.

"Ha ha ha, yes, it's really good! This little girl, very appetite for Laozi!"

With the big man's laughter, the little girl who was tightly integrated into her arms by the Han Han was even scared like a frightened bunny. She was shocked and afraid and struggled in the arms of the big man.

"You let me go, let me go! I just sell as a slave, please pay attention!"

"Ha ha ha...selling as a slave!? I am not going to buy you back now?? But I am looking at you, I don't need you to be a slave, but let you be my 18-year-old, happy!" Hahaha... But if you like to be a slave, you can do it, then when I am a slave to the warm bed, I will serve the uncle, hahaha..."

The words of Dahan are extremely arrogant and extremely unpleasant.

Looking at the look of the big man with a smug look, Su wine has a kind of impulse to stretch his legs straight to his front!

This big man is really too arrogant, actually in the broad day, oh, no, it is to grab a good woman at the foot of the emperor! ?

Moreover, still in front of the night! ?

I really don't want to live!

Just as Su Shi wine was filled with indignation, the little girl who was held in her arms by the big man, couldn’t struggle, and immediately bowed her head and grabbed the arm of the big man, which was a bite.

As the screams of the big man killing pigs rang, the little girl who was hugged in the arms of the big man immediately escaped from the arms of the great man.

But one accidentally, stepped on his own clothes corner, and even went straight forward.

Just right, Su wine is standing in front of the little girl.

Ever since, the little girl immediately rushed toward the soda wine.

Looking at the little girl who was throwing at herself, Su wine was shocked.

The next moment, it is subconsciously reaching out and wanting to catch the little girl who is coming to herself.

Although how to say, the last time in the cellar, the behavior of this little girl is indeed too unpleasant, but the wine can not be seen at this time, no, no! ?

Just as I thought about it in the heart of Su wine, Su wine only felt that the waist was tight. The next moment, she was dragged and pulled, and she looked down and fell down.


The back of the squat hit a broad embrace, so that the face of Su wine was suddenly a little bit, and it was a little reaction.

Looking up, it’s the squatting black sorrow of the night.

See you here, a sip of wine on the face of Su wine.

A little puzzled.

Good end, why do you want to pull her at night! ?

Just in the heart of Su wine, when she was puzzled, she didn’t wait for her to think more about it. She only heard the woman’s exclamation when she heard the footsteps.

"Yeah, it hurts!"

When I heard the woman’s exhalation, the wine of Su wine was shocked and I looked down.

I saw the little girl who had just rushed to her, and now she fell to the ground in front of her.

That looks like how the wolf is enough to describe it! ?

Seeing this, Su wine wine was shocked, almost did not think about it, he bent down and carefully lifted the little woman who fell to the ground.

"Are you OK!?"

When I heard the words of Su wine, the little girl who was eating a pain, her eyes swept away, and when I saw the sake and wine, it seemed to remember the sake of the wine, and the red lips started, and the voice was low.

"It's you!? Little wine!?"

Looking at the soda wine that was carefully holding up, the little girl groaned and looked surprised.

After all, she never thought that at this time, I would meet someone I met!

Compared to the little girl who is full of surprises, Su wine only nodded lightly.

"Well, it is me."

When I heard the words of Su wine, the little girl who was worried about fear, like a drowning man, caught the life-saving driftwood, and immediately caught the arms of Su wine, lips Kai, the mouth pleaded.

"Small wine, save me, save me..."

The little girl pleaded with enthusiasm, because of the excited relationship, but did not know how much strength she had, just thinking that Su wine can save her.

After all, in this world, she has no one to rely on.

Nowadays, it’s hard to see people who know each other naturally, and you have to catch them!

Compared with the little girl who is pleading, Su wine only feels that her arm has to be broken.

Surprised in my heart.

Unexpectedly, this little girl looks weak and how powerful it is! ?

The arm hurts a lot, just, seeing this little girl, a poor and memorable ink research, Su wine can only let her hold her arm, it is comfort.

But I did not realize that the night of the night standing next to her, his eyes, never moved from her body.

Naturally, it is the painful color of the soda wine at the moment, and the income has been fully absorbed...