Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 601: Wang Ye, please save the women.

See you again to the little woman next to me, a look of painful look, the night of the cold, the beautiful eyebrows, can not help but glimpse.

For this little woman who only ignores her own actions for others, my heart is even more unhappy!

This **** little woman knows the pain, why not push the woman away! ?

No, she doesn't want her own arm! ?

Looking back, when the woman rushed toward the little girl, the little girl actually planned to reach out and pick it up.

瞧 Her body is thin, the wind blows down, and she does not measure her ability.

If the woman really slammed into her body, she would definitely hit the injured.

However, she did not have any dangerous sense of this, but she only cares about others, but she does not care about herself.

It's like it is now!

In the night, I was angry and angry. However, I saw this little woman's face hurt and resisted the appearance of snoring, and it was inexplicably distressed.

Ever since, the night cold can no longer hold back, striding forward, stretching his arms, and when the woman who is about to catch the wine bottle of Su wine, he opened it.

"You let go! You hurt her!"

In the darkness of the night, the low and hoarse tone is filled with anger.

Start, it is very heavy! Did not care, did not hurt the woman.

Anyway, he doesn't care!

Because, the night ink only cares, but it is such a small woman...

Compared with the unpleasant night of the cold, the original is holding the arms of the soda wine, and using the wine as a life-saving driftwood, that is, Lancome.

I only felt that my wrist was tight, and then, a sharp pain, it was attacked from her wrist.

During the time, Lancome’s five senses wrinkled and immediately exclaimed.

"Yeah! Pain!"

Lancome exclaimed.

I only feel that my wrist is about to break.

Feeling that the sharp pain of the attack came, Lancome was immediately painful and angry.

Born to be rich, I have never suffered much since I was a child.

The recent family changes have made her try a lot of pain.

Nowadays, she has been stunned by the bully. She already feels that she is unlucky enough.

Now, people are so indifferent to their wrists, the pain of the pain, the pain of Lancome is nothing but swearing!

However, while Lancome was angry, the black scorpion lifted up. When he saw the red man standing in front of him, the whole person suddenly seemed to be a bit of a point, and immediately stayed stagnation!


There are so beautiful men in the world! ?

The long body is standing, the red robe is evil, the hair is like water, the facial features are beautiful, and the king who is exuded from the body is domineering, people can’t ignore it...

The man in front of him, as if in the sky, the arrogant and arrogant moon, noble, proud, charming, but can only be seen from afar, but can not be embarrassed...

I missed her Lancome. I have seen many beautiful men since I was a child, but I have never had a man who can make her heart move.

However, this man in front of her, let her fall in love!

Such a handsome and noble man, she Lan Lan, must be fixed!

Thinking of this, Lancome’s heart is even more determined.

The gaze that falls on the night of the cold body is even more powerful!

For the firmness in Lancome, and the potential must be won, how can the night cold never see! ?

Looking at the woman who is in front of her, the night is in the cold, and it is a quick disappointment...

For such a woman, he is seeing more.

For the mind of the night cold, Su wine does not know.

At this moment, she was listening to Lancome's cry, and then saw the night of the cold and tightly rubbing Lancome's wrist, the eyebrows could not help but glance.

"Wang, please spare her! She is not interested..."

Su wine and wine opened, pleading.

Although she was just listening to the night, she was very surprised and moved.

However, I couldn't bear to see the little girl next to her.

You must know that the night of the cold is the practice of the family, the strength of the hand, do not know how big.

Then he was dragged down by him. Presumably, the hand of this little girl is not necessary!

Just in the heart of Su wine, but I don’t know, Lancome heard the words of Su wine, and my heart was once again shocked!

The red lips started, and the eyes of the man who fell in front of him were even more shocked.

"Wang, Wang Ye!? You are the four kings!?"

Lancome spoke up and exclaimed with disbelief.

Before, when she saw this man, she was shocked to be a man of heaven.

Moreover, I feel that the man who is naturally exposed by this man is domineering, and he thinks that this man is not an ordinary person.

Unexpectedly, this handsome man is actually a prince!

I think that I have heard of the book before, the four kings of the Xuanyuan Empire, wrapped in red clothes for many years, handsome and compelling, not exactly the same as the man in front! ?

Thinking of this, Lancome is even more shocked!

After the shock, Lancome is more happy in her heart.

I can't think of it, my eyes are really good!

The first fancy man, the identity is so extraordinary!

The more I thought, the more my heart was determined.

This man, she must get it!

Thinking of this, Lancome's next moment, like what I thought of, the brow immediately slammed, and then, with a soft foot and a slam, it collapsed in front of the night.

The brow is locked, and the red lips are open, pleading.

"Wang, please save the people!"

Lancome opened, and the pale little face was a pitiful look.

Lancome’s own self is not bad. At this moment, he is wearing a filial filial piety and his face is pale. It seems that he is more and more pitiful.

Looking at Lancome's so pitiful appearance, many people around him are even more moved.

Su wine and wine met, but also sympathy and compassion.

Although there was something unpleasant between them in the cellar before, the little girl gave her a bad impression, but Su wine was understandable.

Plus, this little girl in front of me is now degraded, it is pitiful.

Thinking of this, the wine of Su wine could not help but look up and look toward the night.

The gaze that fell on the night of the cold, with the unreserved pleading.

"Wang, you can help her!?"

Su wine is pleading.

When I heard the words of Su wine, I didn’t speak at night, but I licked my lips.

The eyes that fell on the soda wine were even more helpless and annoyed.

Although, the night ink cold knows, this little woman, the mind is simple, the heart is kind, the road is not flat, always have to help.

What he likes is also the clear mind of this little woman.

However, what makes him quite helpless is that this little woman, no matter who she is, is willing to help.

Just, but don't care, that person, the value is not worth helping!