Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 906: Disfigured

Just in the heart of Lu Zhan’s helplessness, suddenly, a bodyguard rushed in from the door.

The rushing man walked into the hall and immediately bowed to the knees in front of the night.

The night ink sees this, and immediately said.

"Does anyone find it??"

"Returning to the prince, the slave did not find a small wine, but in the vicinity of the disappearance of the wine, found this brand..."

When the people came to speak, after saying this, they immediately respected and raised their hands, and handed the brand in their hands to the front of the night.

Seeing this in the night, I immediately reached out and picked it up and looked down.

When I saw the word 'Yue' engraved on the token, I frowned.

"Yue!? This token is owned by the Yuewangfu guards."

I saw the token held in the hands of the night ink, and saw the above handwriting. Lu Xing saw this and immediately said.

It is said that the night ink has not said much, but just quickly stepped forward and rushed to the outside.

J! He dares to hurt his woman, he will never be light!


"Oh! Why don't you be embarrassed!? Just now, you are not very cool in this county!" Now why not be jealous, it is really a bone! Oh!"

The mouth snorted and Yue Meier threw the long whip in her hand on the ground.

From now until now, she has been whipping up this **** teenager for more than an hour, and she is tired of playing herself.

However, in front of the teenager, it is weak and unpredictable, and the bones are hard.

I have just been fainted by myself for a few times, but I have not died yet.

However, this is also good.

If this boy died so early, she still felt that it was not fun!

The person who dared to grab a man with her Yue Meier, she must let him survive, can not die!

When I think of it, Yue Meier’s eyes are swept away and she looks toward the torture apparatus on the side.

When Yue Meier’s gaze fell on the top of a dagger placed on the table, it seemed as if something interesting was thought of, and it suddenly became bright.

The next moment, I saw Yue Meier’s hand, and the dagger on the table was gently picked up.

For Yue Meier’s move, Su wine is naturally seen in the eyes.

Looking at the dagger held by Yue Meier in the hand, the heart of Su wine was shocked.

This is a very sharp dagger!

Especially in the light of the fire, the coldness of the blade is constantly shining, it really makes people shudder!

Seeing this, Su Jiu Liquor only feels a horror of fear, but also quickly emerged from the bottom of my heart.

The body trembled, and the fear in my heart continued to pervade.

It is a pity that in addition to fear, Su wine can't do anything.

Now, she feels so painful!

He looked like a knives, and she felt that her body was not her own.

The strength of the body has long gone.

Su wine knows that he has already died soon...

At this moment, Su wine can only watch silently watching Yue Meier holding the sharp dagger and slowly walking towards her side.

On the face, the unsatisfactory smile is to let the wine of Su wine squat and fear.

Although, already knowing that his life is not long, this Yue Meier must have thought of what cruel method to torture himself, Su wine is still in panic.

"What do you want to do……"

The sake of the wine is open, and if it is said, it will be weak.

Yue Meier heard the words, could not help but grin.

"Oh, what am I going to do!? What do you say!?"

Yue Meier smiled and smiled, holding the sharp dagger in his hand and swaying in front of the soda wine.

Taking advantage of the panic in the wine cellar, Yue Meier’s heart was more excited and excited.

"Oh, I am afraid!? It doesn't matter, I won't let you die so soon, because I haven't played enough yet! I am going to cut your face with a knife and a knife. You just didn't mean it." Am I ugly!? Now, I want to make you a real ugly monster! Hey!"

When I heard Yue Meier’s words, Su wine and wine smashed into a sigh of relief, and it was full of fear and panic.

Although she is now dead.

It’s just that everyone loves beauty, especially girls, which one doesn’t value their looks! ?

Today, this Yue Meier, actually wants to destroy her capacity! ?

When I think that I am going to be an ugly one, the heart of Su wine is even more panic.

"no, do not want……"

"Don't!? Oh, I want it! What I hate the most is your face! I want to draw your face with a knife and a knife. At that time, even if you go to Huangquan, it is also a ugly monster! Hehehe..."

Yue Meier opened her mouth. After saying this, the corner of the mouth is a hook, the smile on the face, so stunned, haze...

The sharp dagger in her hand was slowly lifted up, and then she was drawn towards the face of Su wine.

"Do not!"

Su wine and wine opened, and the voice was exclaimed.

The fierce screams rang through the entire dungeon.

The sharp dagger, ruthlessly cut down, Su wine was shocked. Finally, I couldn’t help but close my eyes and couldn’t bear to watch it again.

Despair in my heart is constantly coming to my heart.

After all, for a woman, there is nothing more than disfiguring that makes her desperate and painful.

Just as Su wine was disheartened and desperate, suddenly, Su wine only heard the sound of ‘哐啷’, and the sound of the power fell on the ground.

Then, it was ‘咔嚓’, the sound of broken bones!

Wen Yan, Su wine is still not waiting for reaction, in front of him, it is the scream of the woman's stern, lingering in the ear, heard the words, people are scared, chilling!

When I heard this sudden scream, Su wine was shocked.

After all, the scream should be her, isn't it! ?

Why is it Yue Meier! ?

Suddenly in my heart, Su wine can not help but tremble the eyelashes, and then slowly opened his eyes...

When Su wine opened his eyes and looked at what happened in front of him, his heart was even more stunned, and the whole person was shocked.

I saw Yue Meier, who had been hand-held with a sharp dagger on her face. At this moment, the hand holding the knife was being twisted tightly by a long and powerful hand.

With the strange arc of Yue Meier’s arm, the eye of the eye is a look, Yue Meier’s hand is abolished!

Goodbye, Yue Meier’s face, which is distorted by pain and suffering, seems to be awkward!

Seeing this, Su wine is shocked.

After all, just now, she thought that she was going to die in Yue Meier's hand. Unexpectedly, the world is unpredictable, but it took a while, and Yue Meier, who was just sullen and sullen, had already broken her hand.

My heart was surprised, and the eyes of Su wine were slowly swept away. I followed the big hand of Yue Meier and slowly moved up.

On the right, is a familiar handsome face that can no longer be familiar!