Raising a Fox Consort: The Cold Demonic Wang’s Sweet Love

Chapter 932: Urgent urgency

Now, taking advantage of the original soda wine, suddenly frowning, as if it is very uncomfortable, my heart suddenly shocked.

"Little wine, what's wrong with you!? Is it not uncomfortable!?"

The night is cold and the mouth is cold, the eyebrows are tight, and the tone is even more unpredictable.

After saying this, the night ink will turn around and the doctor will come to the outside.

After all, this little woman in front of him is more important than his own life.

He is the most uncomfortable for this little woman!

Just thinking about it in the nighttime cold heart, the original Su wine, which was uncomfortable in the eyebrows, was suddenly a panic, and immediately, the red lips started, and immediately whispered.

"Yeah! Don't! Cold, don't pass the doctor, I'm fine!"

Sue wine is open, and the tone is anxious.

After all, she is just urgency now, and it is useless to pass the doctor. In the end, if she is making a joke, she really should not be a human being.

Just now, how can she talk to the night, and I am in a hurry! ?

Oh, really, oh...

Just in the heart of Su wine, I was so anxious that the night ink was hearing the words of Su wine, and my heart was wondering.

However, the next moment, I saw the embarrassment and shyness of the Su wine wine eyebrows, and the appearance of the words and the words, the deep black scorpion first flicked, and suddenly understood.

No wonder this little girl is so uncomfortable, and she is not willing to pass the doctor. It turns out to be...

Thought of this, the night ink cold mouth is just a light hook, then, hands raised, and then patted.

As the crisp applause sounded, the two little squats dressed in powdered clothes and dressed up were slowly coming in.

"Wang Ye is auspicious."

"Well, get up!"

When I heard the two little sly words, the night smog only gently nodded, and then the eyes swept away, just a glimpse of the little cockroach that had just walked in, the red lips slightly open, and the voice said.

"In the future, you will be waiting for a small wine. Remember to be careful, don't let the wine have a flash, if not..."

Finally, there is no opening to say when the night is cold, but the majesty of the face is chilling!

Two small baboons standing in front of the night ink, seeing this, immediately scared the body and trembled, and then, they bowed their heads and screamed, and dared not look at the cold and cold face of the night.

It’s just that the red lips are slightly open, and they say in unison.

"Wang Ye, slaves will try their best to take care of the little girl, please rest assured."

After hearing these two little words, the night ink cold nodded.

The majesty of the face is still unabated.

Looking at the night of the night, I was still very gentle, and now I look at other women, and I look like a cold face.

The two little sisters were horrified by the nightmare of the cold body.

Seeing this, Sue Liquor only feels funny.

However, as soon as the United States lifted up, goodbye to the two powdered robes standing by the bed, the wine was only strange.

I want to come, these two little sisters are just entering the government.

Looking at the two little sisters, the age is about 13 or four years old. If you are modern, you are just a junior high school student who just finished junior high school!

Even so, Su wine is also very happy.

After all, in the Wangfu, she did not know the rumors about her in the back.

Nowadays, the night ink has picked up two young babies who have just entered the government to take care of her. I want to come, and the night cold is really considerate!

Just as I was thinking about it in the heart of Su Liquor, I saw a guard, and suddenly a hurried walk came in.

I saw that when I came in, I first bowed on one knee, and bowed to the night and cold, and then I said.

"Return to the prince, the emperor summoned."

When I heard this, the night was just a little nod.

"Well, I know, let people prepare for the horse immediately."

When people came to hear the words, they immediately nodded with respect and respect, and then they quickly retired as they came.

After the people came out to quit, the brows of the wine wine were lightly glimpsed.

The emperor summoned! ?

Is it for her sake? ?

I want to come, these days, she has been unconscious, staying up late on the cold face is full of the appearance of the scum tired, the clothes on her body, or the last few **** to change for him in the morning!

From the night of the cold body, it is enough to see that in the few days of her coma, the night smog is all in her clothes.

Now, the emperor suddenly summoned, it is for her sake!

Looking back a few days ago, she was taken away by Yue Meier's people, and then was arrested by Yue Meier in the dungeon.

In the end, although the night ink cold rescued her in time, however, the night ink cold broke Yue Meier's hand, but also kicked her.

I want to come, Yue Meier now, not dead is also seriously injured!

That Yue Meier, is the niece of the Queen Mother, the cousin of the emperor, if the empress of the emperor is pursued, how to be good! ?

The more I think, the more flustered in the heart of Su wine.

With a small hand stretched out, it was involuntarily pulling the sleeves of the night cold.

The gaze that falls on the night of the cold body is even more worried.

Although, Su wine did not speak, however, the night ink was still falling on himself from the sake wine, full of worried anxious eyes, read everything.

Seeing this, the dark black scorpion of the night ink, first flashing gently.

The next moment, the cold breath on the face, the time, disappeared, replaced by the gentleness of the water.

"Oh, little fool, don't worry, there won't be anything."

The night is cold and cold, the low, hoarse voice, with endless tenderness.

It seems that the March spring breeze is pleasant.

Taking advantage of the night ink cold on the soda wine, the look of the deep feelings, and the gentle voice that can drip out the water, but also let the quietly standing side of the two little stunned look.

Although they have just entered the government, however, they have heard a lot about the four kings of the Xuanyuan Empire.

It is rumored that the four kings of the Xuanyuan Empire, the merits and enthusiasm, the martial arts are high-powered, the power is plunging into the wild, and it is very good to be trusted.

Also, his handsome appearance is the object of the woman's dream! ?

It’s a pity that the rumored four kings are cold and cold, no matter to anyone, they are like a frosty look.

Just now, they have already experienced this in person!

The man in front of me is just a light scoop, and the arrogant domineering out of the body makes people shudder!

However, nowadays, the four princes who were originally cold and frosty, and infinitely majestic, are so gentle and tender to the women on the bed.

The look of the deep feelings, the gentle and petting voice, is really envious and hateful!

At the same time, women, why are they treated so badly! ?