Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

v1 Chapter 563: Crisis

Li Yundong glanced at the three challenge books in front of him, and suddenly he took a glimpse of his heart. He took the challenge book quietly and opened his first look. His face was suddenly stunned and he frowned and did not speak.

I saw that this first challenge book has no door and no party. The above payment is a very strange name. The words are harsh and mean, and the words are sharp and sharp. They are provocative against Li Yundong and write down the place and time. Li Yundong only glanced at it. Then he threw the challenge book aside and sneered at it.

Then Li Yundong opened the second one again. From this point of view, Li Yundong only saw that there were only a few strong ink characters on the challenge book: killers, people will kill! The drop is the word Zhang Huashui.

Li Yundong’s face was astonished. It was like seeing something incredible. He didn’t understand why someone would send him such a challenge book, but he didn’t write the place and time, and he didn’t offend this person!

Li Yundong shook his head and opened the third challenge book. I saw that the third challenge book was like a beautiful invitation. It was a paper note with scattered scent of gold powder. There is a row of neat and tidy little yo, and the words are beautiful, like a woman's hand, revealing an elegant atmosphere.

Before Li Yundong had not had time to look at it, he secretly wondered: Did he still offend the female practitioners in the practice world? How do women give me a challenge book?

Li Yundong looked down and saw that the above essay wrote: Although I lived in the Gaoyeshan Aoyuan, I lived in a simple way. I have never heard of the world, but I still know the true name of the invincible. The orange child, the heart is full of surprises! Since ancient times, the Chinese and Japanese spiritual circles have been wearing water, and I have heard that there is another great practitioner in East Asia, and I am shocked by the true spirit of the real people. My heart is really aspire! I hope that when I am in a hurry, I will go to Gaoyeshan for a meeting, and when I am going to sweep down, I will see the flowers and talk about the moon. When you and I both decided to compete under the cherry blossoms, it must be a rumor, and it will be a great event!

Li Yundong saw these words, although he was polite, but there was a hint of needles in the lines. He suddenly picked up his eyebrows and sneered. He looked up and looked at the asters and others: "You have seen these three. Gauntlet?"

Asters, Su Shi and Zhou Qin all nodded. Li Yundong indulged for a while and asked: "Who sent it?"

Su Shi rushed and said: "The first one was suddenly thrown into our living room, and when it first appeared, the challenge book was like being brought in by an invisible person from the door, and then in front of us. The face slowly floated to the table."

Zhou Qin said with some disdain: "Send the challenge book to show off, hey, I really don't know how high!"

Li Yundong nodded and asked: "What about the second one? Zhang Huashui of Qingcheng School did not avenge him? Is it because Zhang Cunyi was seriously injured by Shenxiu and died when he died? But what about this? ?"

Aster is also puzzled: "This second challenge letter was sent by a Qingcheng school Taoist two days ago. At that time, this Taoist priest showed extremely strong hostility towards us. Even I don't know why. ”

At this time, the little foxes clamored with the enemy: "The head, the people of the Qingcheng School are too unconscionable, you obviously complained with morality, but they complained about it, and there is such a thing under the sun! You must teach them well. !"

At this time, Su Shi stopped her words. She blinked her eyes, looked at Li Yundong, and looked at the foxes who were excited. Her heart was full of struggle and hesitation.

Xiao Shantou has been unable to understand why his master did not let himself tell Li Yundong what happened in Qingcheng Mountain. In the heart of her heart, when she was fighting, Li Yundong asked: "The third challenge book is the Japanese Tanjong. Sent over? When did you send it? Who sent it?"

After he had finished asking this question, both Aster and Zhou Qin looked at each other. Zhou Qin said with a twilight: "Sorry, Master, we don't know... This challenge book suddenly appeared on the table. None of us know how it came about!"

Li Yundong suddenly burst into shock: "You don't know about Aster?"

Shion shook his head helplessly: "I don't know! But it should be the trick used by the Japanese sects to show off."

Li Yundong has a glimpse of his heart. He knows that Aster is also the top master of the realm of Yangshen. Although the fighting method is not as good as himself, but the realm is almost the same, and her cultivation is the authentic qigong of Xuanmen. Anything is lower than her, even She was able to detect it as if she was a little higher than her and was within 10 meters of her side.

But the other party can sneak into their homes without any awareness of the asters, put down the letters, and leave safely. This is a provocative act in itself!

Your own nest is actually being freed by the other party!

This shows that the other side must be a golden master above the realm of the Yangshen, at least the strength is equivalent to the golden body, and the Tantra Tantra is one of the most important sects in Japan. Its status is equivalent to the true religion of China. The orange child is also the inheritor of the sect of the sect. Her master must be a decisive figure, and she will never be able to personally take the risk to send this challenge book. It must be his men!

It can be said that one of the men of Tantra has the strength of the golden body, which is really terrible! How good is the master of the orange child? Is it the legendary master of thunder?

Li Yundong suddenly felt that the forces around him and his own strength were still too weak, and compared with the sectarian forces that really surfaced, it was still too far apart!

Li Yundong thought of this, a little indulge for a while, his brow was locked, as if he was thinking about something, he thought for a while and asked Su Shi: "What about your master?"

Su Shi shook her head. "I don't know. I didn't see her in these two days. I am also looking for her."

Li Yundong licked his lips tightly. He thought for a moment, looked up and looked around. He saw Su Shi, Shion, Zhou Qin, Qi Hongling, and the foxes on the top of the fox door looked at themselves and waited. Taking his own ideas, Li Yundong took the opportunity to make a decisive decision. He said categorically: "Although we are famous in the Lotus Conference, we are actually not profitable at all, and it has a little useless limelight. Instead, it has provoked some martial art. As the so-called gun-headed bird, we are now in the limelight of this genre, then we must pay more attention to it, we must continue to grow ourselves!"

Shion listened and suddenly asked: "Li Yundong, are you going to decide to find Wanzhenyuan?"

Li Yundong said with a decisive statement: "The master of the Tantra Tantra can easily enter our home. What does this mean? This means that our old guards are already ineffective. He can bring a gentle and challenging book today, and bring it tomorrow. A powerful magic weapon to kill and rob! I can't tolerate such a situation, so even if Wan Zhenyuan has a conspiracy, I have to go!"

Aster nodded and carefully said: "You don't have to worry about this. The refining process of the Yuanling Lingdan is not as long as you think. As long as the place is well selected, it takes only two days to give him the Millennium Snow Lotus. At the time, you can ask to watch it until Lingdan is released."

Li Yundong smiled slightly: "I know, just..." He didn't finish talking, but he heard a sudden knock at the door, and a crisp female voice rang at the door: "Is Li Zhenren at home?"

When I heard this voice, everyone suddenly curiously looked at the door. Su Shi quickly walked to the door and opened the door to see it. I saw a plain figure, but the figure was full of pride. At the door, it was Lin Xueqing who used to display the amazing skills of "Fenghuang three nods" in the Dongwu Tea Competition.

Su Shiyi, could not help but ask: "Is you? What are you doing?"

Lin Xueqing glanced at her, as if she didn't bother to talk to her. She snorted and said, "Is this your home? I can't come?"

Su Shi saw her talking unceremoniously, and she was also polite: "Cats, dogs, dogs and dogs can come, but you can't!"

Lin Xueqing's eyebrows were picked, and her eyes flashed with a touch of anger, but she quickly resisted. Her eyes passed from her shoulder and looked directly at the living room, Li Yundong. She said loudly: "Li Zhenren, this is you. Is the hospitality?"

Li Yundong also heard her voice at this time. When she went to the door, she looked at her unexpectedly and said, "Is it you? Is there something?"

Su Shi met Li Yundong and came over, posing a face to Lin Xueqing, and then let it go.

When Lin Xueqing saw Li Yundong coming over, there was still a hint of challenge in the eyes. Especially Li Yundong is now in the limelight. There are no two in the world. Does anyone in the practice world know the name of Li invincible?

Even if he can't beat him, he can let him eat a squandering loss. Then he will go out and say, and it will immediately become a famous thing!

Lin Xueqing looked at Li Yundong carefully, but saw Li Yundong’s temperament and the changes he had encountered before.

The former Li Yundong was full of enthusiasm and temperament. Although he was full of glare, Lin Xueqing’s tea art was defeated and he felt that Li Yundong was not unbeatable. Especially after she went back to the penance, her skill rose and she was ready to come out. When I reported the predecessor, I suddenly found out that Li Yundong’s previous atmosphere was converging.

Like the sea, although there is no previous lang lang, but the calm sea is full of people's vast expanse, people can not understand how deep he is, how strong!

Lin Xueqing was shocked by Li Yundong's temperament for a time. She looked at Li Yundong with a stunned look, as if she couldn't believe it for a while, Li Yundong was so leaps and bounds!

“It’s no wonder that the practitioners who participated in the Lotus Conference in the practice circles all called him Li invincible!” Lin Xueqing said in a dark voice, “It’s not a lie!”

Li Yundong saw her eyes staring at herself at the beginning, but this hostility quickly dissipated. He wondered: "Lin Zhenren, are you looking for me?"

Although Lin Xueqing secretly stunned Li Yundong’s entry into the country, she still said with no words: “Can’t you come without it?”

Li Yundong smiled and said: "There is no such thing as not going to the Three Treasures Hall. I have no relationship with you and your Master on weekdays, so you have to do something, let me just say, okay?"

Lin Xueqing had met Li Yundong before, and his words were very exciting. Li Yundong would immediately refute it. At this time, Li Yundong was light and faint. It seemed that there was no anger, and she could not help but be surprised.

Lin Xueqing seems to have re-acquainted with Li Yundong. He looked at him and said, "Okay, I am going to pass you a message."

Li Yundong asked: "What?"

Lin Xueqing looked at Su Shi, who was next to Li Yundong, and the asters and others behind him. His mouth was tight and he did not speak.

Li Yundong knew what she was thinking, and said with a smile: "Here are all people, you can say anything."

Lin Xueqing’s eyes were still full of suspicious eyes on Su Shi and others, but he saw Li Yundong’s no sign of concession. She only snorted and said: “Wan Zongzhu said that if you find the Millennium Snow Lotus, you can go to Huangshan. Matsutani is looking for him."

Li Yundong suddenly burst into shock: "Wan Zongzhu? Wan Zhenyuan let you come? How did he know that I got the Millennium Snow Lotus?"

Lin Xueqing laughed, leaving a word, turned away and giggled: "I want to know? Go to Huangshan Songgu, you will know!"