Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

v1 Chapter 565: Sneak up and follow!

Not far from the blushing red eyes, Li Yundong refused the appointment of Chris and others. She was quite gloating and watching the fun, but she soon found Zhou Qin very sympathetic to see Chris, and Lu Hongling suddenly felt a move. I found that Ziyuan was not around at this time, and went to Zhou Qin. He whispered: "Zhou Qin, are you so relieved that Li Yundong will go to Huangshan alone?"

Zhou Qin did not suspect him, sighed and said: "I want to go too, but... Master does not let me, what can I do?"

Yan Hongling squeezed his eyes on Zhou Qin, his eyes swept away from Krys, and then blinked.

Zhou Qin is also a very intelligent woman, she immediately realized: "You mean..."

Yan Hongling immediately made a snoring action, then rubbed his eyes.

Zhou Qin’s eyes lit up and she voted gratefully for Qi Hongling. She immediately stepped forward two steps, but she walked halfway through. She hesitated again and turned back to Xiao Hongling. “No, if Master knows. I will definitely blame me."

Qi Hongling laughed and secretly pointed to Su Shi: "You pull her together, will Li Yundong blame you?"

Zhou Qinyi, then happy, she smiled and nodded to Qi Hongling, then went to Susie and said softly: "Su Shi, do you want to go to Huangshan?"

Su Shi is looking at the direction of Li Yundong's departure, and he can't help himself. He can easily hope that the stars will look forward to the moon. When Li Yundong returns, no one will expect it to be less than ten minutes. He will leave again. This is really a small bow to the heart!

When Xiao Shantou listened to Zhou Qin’s words, his eyes suddenly brightened: “Want to go! Zhou Qin’s sister, are you going to go?” But Xiaotou’s face quickly looked awkward and said: “But Yundong knows that I am not Obedient, he will marry me!"

Zhou Qin pointed to Klis and others and whispered: "We said that these foreigners insisted on going to Master, and then we persuaded them to useless, and they were afraid that they would have an accident, so they had to go with them to find Master? You See how?"

Su Shi was overjoyed and nodded quickly, but she immediately frowned and asked: "But how do they know where Master went?"

Zhou Qin suddenly hesitated, but she quickly pointed to the next side of the red diamond, said: "We said she said leaked!"

Su Shi was shocked: "Ah? This is not so good?"

Aside from the red dragon, I heard it, and suddenly I was shocked: "Why am I saying that I have a leak?"

Zhou Qin turned his head and looked at Xiao Hongling as if he was laughing and laughing. "It’s your idea. Is there anything wrong with your loss?"

When Yan Hongling saw something in Zhou Qin’s words, she smiled a little with guilty conscience, but soon she said, “Oh, even if I said something leaking! However, you must not say my idea, otherwise I won't admit that I said something leaking!"

Zhou Qin Daxi: "A word is fixed!"

But Su Shi said with suspicious words: "What are you talking about?"

Zhou Qinsu had a slap in the face, and she said to Su Shi: "Su Shi, now don't care so much, Master Yang God is flying very fast, and will not be able to catch up in a while, can't go, One sentence?"

Su Shi hesitated for a long time, she thought about it, she really missed Li Yundong's thoughts, and worried about the safety of her sweetheart, she slammed her teeth and said: "Okay, go!"

Zhou Qin was overjoyed and quickly walked over to Chris, and said in English: "Clyice, Master is actually testing you. If you want to apprentice in China, you have to go through a lot of tests. If you really want to worship, you should follow. My master is going, where is he going, where are you going!"

Chris looked a happy face and quickly asked: "Where did he go?"

Zhou Qin suddenly smiled and had a smug plan. She smiled and said: "He went to Huangshan, but if you want to go, I am afraid I can't find him. I will take you with Su Shi!"

John and Chris were all happy, and only Alba whispered a few words, no one heard what she said.

On the side of Qi Hongling, after seeing Zhou Qin, Su Shi and Chris, and so on, they quickly chased Li Yundong’s direction. She saw everyone far away and went for a long time. She was proud of it. Laughed: "Right you are a fox in the world, one is a big man who is witty and extraordinary, so I want to be in the scheme of Hong Ling, haha, count it!"

At this time, Shion in the room heard her laughter and curiously came out and asked, "What are you laughing outside?"

Yan Hongling said that he had just said his own strategy, and then said: "Aster sister, I see you and Li Yundong eyebrows in the weekdays, obviously like the other side likes the other, but they refuse to say it. If not for me You, when can you smash this window paper?"

But Shion’s reaction was unexpected, and he said with surprise and anger: "Do you help me?"

阮红菱奇道: "Isn't it? You dare say that you don't like Li Yundong? Hey, this Li Yundong died of Su Shi, the last time she fell down like this, Li Yundong did not blame her, hey, this time, with Su Shi In nature, I must be in trouble. When I see her again and again, I will get into trouble again and again. This will lead Li Yundong to one day and will bother her. At that time, Aster Shijie you..."

Waiting for her to finish, Aster suddenly became furious: "Family!" She couldn't help but raise her hand and slap it to the blushing fan. But when her hand was about to fan her face, she stopped hard. .

Asters quickly glanced at the room and quickly pulled the door. He resisted the anger and yelled: "Are you helping me? How can you make such a thing? You have never heard of Nine Temple, don't you ruin a pro? You, you let me down!"

After that, the asters rushed to the outside.

Yan Hongling was frightened by the rare anger of Aster. She subconsciously grabbed her face. When the asters left, she asked subconsciously: "Sister, where are you going?"

Aster turned and angered: "Do you know how many people are staring at us now? I am going to chase them back!" She said, she raised her hand and hated and pointed at the red scorpion and gave her a look: "If they have three long and two short, I will never spare you!"

The red lingering eagle looked at the aster, leaving her heart feeling both wronged and sad. She couldn’t help but shed tears. She cried: "I want to be a wicked person for you, obviously?" He likes to read his name at night and dreams, but he refuses to open it! I am a wicked person, you can't forget my good, and you must marry me!"

The more he wanted to think about it, the more he couldn’t think of it, and he turned to the door of his own room, and he burst into tears.

In the view of Aster, Su Shi and Zhou Qin and the two foreigners who did not have the three-point practice of Kung Fu, must not go far, so after she rushed out of the community, she immediately picked a place where no one was flying to a place. The roof of the high-rise building is surrounded by the condescending.

Aster looked at it for a while, and she saw Su Shi and Zhou Qin and Chris and other people suddenly flashed across the corner of the street. She immediately shouted: "Su Shi, Zhou Qin!" After that, I immediately chased the past. .

Su Shi’s ear pointed, and immediately heard the shout of Aster. Her heart was tight and she quickly said to Zhou Qin: “It’s not good, it’s definitely the Aster sister knows, come and grab us back!”

Zhou Qin also frowned: "Aster is a man who is too stable. She will definitely not agree with us. What should I do?"

Su Shi saw Zhou Qin looking at herself. Her eyes slid and turned, and she immediately looked at Chris and John.

Chris was quite scheming. Although she didn't know what happened, she didn't answer the subconscious. Orba couldn't understand what they said, and she kept silent. Only John said: "Of course it is avoiding." She is! Or how do we find Master?"

Zhou Qin and Su Shi were happy at the same time, laughing: "This is what you said!"

The two took Chris, John, and Alba to the corner, and Susie quickly put a Yantian female seal to hide their figure.

Asters just came to the place where their group of people had appeared, but they saw the shadows disappeared. She was suddenly shocked and quickly searched around, but she was originally a beautiful woman who looked beautiful and beautiful. This appeared on the street and suddenly attracted The road people were amazing and incomparable to her. Some drivers were drivers and even saw the asters. They were shocked by her amazing beauty.

Shion saw this happening on the street. She couldn’t help but feel a headache. The heart became more anxious. The last time Tanjong was secretly sent a challenge book under her eyelids, which made her quite ashamed. Now Li Yundong will Everyone entrusted her, if Zhou Qin and Su Shi had something wrong with them, how should they face Li Yundong?

Asters is not willing to yell on the street, she has a quick thought in the heart, the dark road: it is difficult, they are hiding from me?

Ziyuan deliberately stumbled on the street, quickly stepped away, but he hid in a corner and secretly looked around.

When Christ saw the asters leave, she said, "She is gone, can we go out?"

Su Shi raised a finger and made a squeaking action: "Hey, Aster sister can be smart, she won't be so stupid, she must be waiting for us, don't worry! Anyway, we know Yundong go. Huangshan, when we go later, we can find him after Songguyi."

When Christ saw her, she closed her mouth and didn't speak. The group waited for a long time. Until the rumors of Alba, John was very impatient. At this time, Aster was disappointed from the corner. A flash of light, the people on the street did not pay attention, instantly turned into a blue light and flew into the air, flew in the direction of Huangshan.

At this time, Su Shi was relieved and said with pride: "Well, we can go, go behind the Aster sister!"

Zhou Qin sighed: "The delay has been so long, I don't know if I can't catch up! Forget it, let's go! Now the speed of the train is fast, it is estimated that it will arrive in Huangshan, Anhui in a few hours."

After a group of people negotiated, they stopped a car together and went to Huangshan with Li Yundong, Ziyuan and others.

But who they don't know is because of the agitation of Qi Hongling, but it has since become famous in the practice world, known as "the fairy, the immortal, the fox fairy", the "three immortals" alongside the three immortals!

Similarly, Chris, John, and Alba, the three foreigners who want to worship with different purposes, will completely change their respective destinies and will part ways.