Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

v1 Chapter 733: The Japanese are crazy! !

Han Zhen’s words were mad, but it was the look of Chris at the door.

Chris glanced at him, suddenly frowned, and quickly walked in and asked, "How come you?"

Although Han Zhen was shocked by the beauty of Aster, he is more greedy with the family background behind Chris. If he can marry Chris, the benefits for their family are very important.

It is precisely because of this that Han Zhen immediately converges on the arrogant smile on his face and restores the face of Risvin on weekdays. He smiles and says to Chris in English: "Cris, why don't you say hello?" Come here?"

Chris was thrown into the crew by Li Yundong a few days ago. Although she was very happy with Liu Feier and others, her life was very exhausting, especially since she thought she was coming to China to study. However, Li Yundong made a TV drama in particular, and Li Yundong now let her rush from Haikou to Tiannan City, and went to more than a thousand kilometers. This is what the mud people have. anger.

However, Chris did not dare to scatter the gas on Li Yundong's head, so she squandered this anger on Han Zhen.

Chris originally did not like Han Zhen, who had a dark background. After listening to his words, she even browed, but said to him in Chinese: "Who are you, why should I talk to you?" Say hello? Where do I go, do I still have to tell you?"

This sentence rushed to Han really almost no anger, he stunned, his eyes flashed an angry color, but soon recovered, he laughed, because Chris and himself used Chinese When I speak, I also speak in Chinese: "Cris, I just care about you, especially your family. They care about you. Your brother Jim cares about your safety. I specially invite you to come here to find you."

In the asters and Zhou Qin, Chris had a feeling of being pressed at the same time, but in front of other people, she was still a first-class mind. She glanced at her brother. Immediately, he sneered: "Han, don't take my brother as a shield. What is his character? I don't know it yet? If it isn't you, will he come here?"

Han Zhen frowned, and asked for a general look at Jim. Although Jim didn't know what they were talking about, he was not an idiot. He looked at the expressions of the two and knew that Chris had given Han really embarrassed. He Immediately said: "Cris, how do you help an outsider? Do you know that your father has promised you to get engaged with Han?"

Chris stunned her eyes immediately and subconsciously used her native language. She said with amazement: "What? I? And Han? Hell, who agrees? Why is my marriage the last lover?" ”

The more she wants to be annoyed, the more she looks at her, and her eyebrows are upside down, glaring at Han Zhen: "Is it behind you?"

Han Zhen sighed and said to Chris in a sincere manner: "Cris, I really love you!" He said, he looked at Li Yundong, who was taking a leisurely tea, and said with ulterior motives: "With some people Different……"

Chris angered: "He is my master, you are a little polite!"

Han Zhen frowned and looked at Li Yundong with disdain: "Master? What do you learn from him?"

Chris heard a glimpse of these days, and Li Yundong and their practitioners got along with each other. She also found that practitioners like Li Yundong are extremely low-key on weekdays. They don’t want others to know their true identity. She can’t be in front of Han. Saying that she came to China to study and practice, she had to say something hard: "What do I learn about you?"

Han Zhen was stabbed again by her, and she had no choice but to continue to think of Jim for help. Jim said at this time: "Cris, the family misses you very much, Grandma also misses you, she wants me to come to you and take you back. So, do you have the heart to let us stay in such a ignorant and backward place? What magic has this man used to charm your soul?"

If Jim is ignorant and sensible, he may not be able to say that he is moving, but he mentions Lin Guozhen, which makes Chris think of Lin Guozhen’s words that he once said to himself, Chris. I immediately understood that my grandmother would miss her own, but when she said that she would come to China to practice, her grandmother not only did not stop, but encouraged and appreciated.

When Christis turned around, she immediately decided that Jim must be a "false sacred sacred". She wanted to sneak herself back to her grandmother's feelings. She immediately sneered and said: "Jim, first of all, I am coming to China. This is Grandma. Yes, this is not only a ignorant and backward place. On the contrary, it is a magical and charming country with a profound and profound culture of 5,000 years. I like this culture. The charm of this culture has captivated me. !"

Jim sees his sister in public, his face is a bit stunned, but on weekdays, Crisis is very popular with her parents. She is fair and modest. She is very prestigious in the family. Many things are heard by her sister. I was angry and didn't dare to attack Chris. I had to turn around the gun and fire at Li Yundong. He shouted loudly: "Hey, you are a yellow-skinned monkey. If you don't persuade Chris to go back, I will dismantle you. Bones!"

His words made Han Zhen also sneak in, and Han Zhen on the side listened to his eyes and twitched, but he could not speak.

Li Yundong saw him yelling at himself and screaming loudly. Obviously, there was no good word. He took a sip of tea and said to Feng Na, "What is he talking about?"

Where is Feng Na willing to translate this to Li Yundong, but she rarely sees Li Yundong playing in the school. Knowing that this translation is translated, it is bound to be staged here. She doesn't worry that Li Yundong will suffer when she fights. In her opinion, Li Yundong is a living god. I am afraid that Superman will wear underwear inside and rush here. Li Yundong can also beat him in his underwear and wear it on his head. go back.

But if you really fight, these two are foreigners. On the ground of China, you play a Chinese. It’s a big thing, but if you play a foreigner, it’s a big problem. If someone is going to pursue it. That can alarm the foreign consulate.

Feng Na was hesitant, and Han Zhen, who was on the side, was keenly aware of her arrogance. He sneered and said to Li Yundong in Chinese: "I don't care if you are a master of Chris, who is worth it, anyway. You can't talk to her anymore, otherwise I will let you not eat and walk!"

Li Yundong listened so funny, holding a teacup, drinking tea, and looking up at him, it was like a sun-drenched lion looking at his own mad dog: "Oh? How can I not take it?" ”

Han Zhenyi gritted his teeth and was about to let go of his words, but he saw the outside of the process suddenly rushing in with two plastic bags packed with fast food. He looked at Li Yundong and shouted in amazement: "Hey, Li Yundong, there are many The Japanese are asking you outside! You are doing something wrong, are you going to blow up the Yasukuni Shrine?"

In this case, except for Jim, everyone else was a glimpse. The little foxes jumped off and hurried to the door and looked around. When they saw it, they saw many hand-painted flags with Japanese characters. People walked along the main street, and a person headed was bending over to ask the passers-by what to do. At this time, they just looked up and looked at the three immortals.

The little foxes looked at him with a pair of eyes and immediately shook their heads back. The rushing Li Yundong said: "The head is not good, the Japanese are coming to trouble again!"

Li Yundong glanced at them with a sullen face, Shen Sheng said: "What is panic, I am here!"

The little foxes saw him sit firmly in the mountains, and then he let go of his heart and stayed beside him honestly.

Aside the asters whispered: "Li Yundong, here is the downtown area, you will restrain the store for a while, don't conflict with them. It's not good, let me take it."

Li Yundong’s laughter, said undecidedly: “These guys don’t talk about credit. I just ran away, and ran away without looking at my face. Hey... are you impatient?”

The two whispered, and Han Zhen and Jim looked at each other and looked at each other. I didn't know what happened. I had to sit on the side and wait for the change.

Li Yundong was sitting next to the tea table in the middle of the hall with a golden knife. His eyes flicked at the door, and there was a sneer in his mouth. He seemed to want to see which familiar face would appear in front of him.

After a while, a group of Japanese people wearing black suits, black trousers, black leather shoes and black sunglasses went to the door. Some of these people held a white rectangular flag, which read Japanese text in black: Japanese はぼうっとしている はぼうっとしている を を を 王 王 王 王 王 きません きません きません きません きません きません きません

There are many Japanese practitioners who speak Chinese in Chinese and Japanese. There are also many Chinese practitioners who know Japanese. Aster does not speak English, but Japanese is proficient. She glances at the flag and suddenly looks strange and looks like a smile. She quickly looked at Li Yundong, his mouth slightly tilted, and held back his smile, trying to see his reaction.

Li Yundong glanced at such a group of people, but also a glimpse. He looked at the costumes of such a group of people. It was really the head of the movie "Black Man", from the head to the feet, especially these people were squatted, the neck of the clothes The exposed skin is more able to see the tattoo, as if a group of triads traveled.

Li Yundong looked strange and looked at the group of people with gaze, and this group of people also looked at the plaque of the restaurant first, then took a look at the store, and the headed one was full. He looked at the flesh and looked at it. He knew that he was not a good person. He said loudly in a strange Chinese tone: "Excuse me, is this the restaurant opened by Li Yundong?"

On the side of Feng Na and Cheng Cheng, they saw that this group of people was not like a good class. A group of people gathered together to kill the murderous, and another gangster style. They both were scared and faceless. They thought it was the underworld to seek revenge. Feng Na involuntarily pulled Li Yundong's sleeves and said in a nervous voice: "Li Yundong, don't promise him, hand it over to me, you must go first."

Li Yundong looked at her, his heart moved, his eyes softened a little, he laughed and said: "Reassured, such people are not in my eyes."

His voice was low, but Han Zhen, who was next to him, was really vocal, and suddenly he snorted with disdain.

Li Yundong did not pay attention to him, and these Japanese vocals outside the voice: "I am Li Yundong, what do you have?"

The man who spoke for the first time suddenly stunned, and there was a glimmer of light in his eyes: "You, is Li Yundong?"

Li Yundong stood up and his face was full of faint smiles, but his heart was already secretly vigilant. As long as the other party had any misconduct, he immediately rushed to preempt.

Li Yundong held his hands and said: "Yes, I am Li Yundong, what are you doing?"

This one of the first one grabbed the first two steps, a pair of imposing postures, the little foxes on the side were shocked, and the subconscious went to Li Yundong.

But when they were in shape, they saw this guy with a full face like a rainbow, and the caster was amazing... smashed into the ground!

This face is full of three slaps, and it’s three heads. He screams in Japanese with a slap in the air. Then, the black people behind him are repeating this sentence. After squatting down, for a time, the door of the Sanxian’s door was crushed by a large number of people!

For a time, everyone in the Sanxianli area was stunned. Han Zhen and Jim, who had to look at Li Yundong’s jokes, were almost chin on the floor, and the inside and outside of the hall were quiet.

Li Yundong is also stunned. What is going on? What kind of nerves does this group of Japanese have? It’s hard to be done. Did the Dragon and Tiger Mountain fight their hearts and minds?