Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

v1 Chapter 834: The war will start

Li Yundong and Su Shi have just shared the effect of flying. The love of feelings is like the oil in the honey. When the gods fly to the sky, they are reluctant to separate them. The **** are tightly interlocked together. It seems that they are afraid. The other party will disappear in the next second.

At this time, although the sky is raining heavily, the lightning in the clouds is mixed, and the heavens and the earth are dark. Only when the lightning is thundering will the sky be illuminated in an instant, but in such a hazy night, Li Yundong and Su Shi feel that the heart is very bright. The thunder of the ears is like a celebration.

The two men joined hands and flew into the thundercloud. Suddenly they heard the thunder in them. When the loud noise came, Li Yundong looked up and saw the thunder, and countless golden lights scattered around, after a while I flew to the home of Tiannan City.

Li Yundong smiled and said: "It seems that Shion and Zhou Qin are in a thunder."

Su Shiba lowered his eyes: "Yeah, they are so powerful, this can start to thunder. Right, Yundong, you said who is going to thunder?"

Li Yundong smiled slightly: "It's hard to say, anyone is possible. Both of them have been taught by Master Zhang Zhishun. As long as they realize what is the void, what is the combination of heaven and man, they can qualify for thunder and robbery. And they The two are talented and intelligent, and they are extremely rare spiritual geniuses. Ziyuan was originally a child in the inner chamber. The understanding of spiritual practice is extremely profound. The reason why she has practiced has never been a breakthrough. It is stuck in the bottleneck of Yangshen and Jinshen. Tiandufeng inhaled the immortality of the Yuanyuan Lingdan. It can be said that she has successfully broken through to the realm of the golden body. With her understanding and her qualifications, it is not difficult to understand the realm of immortality."

"And Zhou Qin, not to mention, the birth of auspicious days, although not inheriting such power, but she is also the body of the transformation of the spirit, although the repair has been worse than the Aster, but she practiced hard, every day The time and energy spent on spiritual practice is far above us, and she has read through the "Spirit of Heaven" to have a deeper understanding of the practice, and it is not uncommon for this to break through to the realm of the golden body. ”

Li Yundong was talking, and he saw a man who flashed a faint golden light in his home in Tiannan City. From a distance, he could clearly recognize that it was a woman. The woman’s body was awkward. When the dust came out, Su Shi smiled: "I know, this is the sister of Aster, just that is Zhou Qin's sister! They are both very powerful, and they are crossing the thunder!"

Li Yundong also nodded, his eyes showing the color of approval. He turned his back and pinched Su's nose: "You can also go to the thunderbolt now, do you want to go together?"

Su Shi made a face to Li Yundong: "No, it’s not good to go through a thunder, it’s easy to get things done."

Li Yundong knows that if two people cross the thunderstorm in a thundercloud, it is very easy to cause a big accident, because the power of the thunder is automatically determined according to the power of the robbers themselves. The stronger the strength of the robbers, the more powerful the thunder Big, and vice versa, if two people simultaneously drilled into a thundercloud to thunder, then Lei will automatically add the strength of these two people together to determine a person, and then drop the terrible power of thunder.

That kind of Tianlei is definitely not something that one can bear, even if Li Yundong is going to be beaten.

When Li Yundong saw Su Shi’s righteousness, he smiled and said: “Well, let them go through the thunder, let’s go to heaven and play for a while.”

This thundercloud is extremely large, and it is evenly covered. It covers almost the entire city of Tiannan. Li Yundong flew out of the sky with Su Shi. This is the scope of this thundercloud. The two men flew hand in hand to the sky and wore it. After the tumbling thunderclouds, the two suddenly broke through the thick clouds, and the bright and bright moonlight suddenly sprinkled on them like water, making them feel like a thin layer of white gauze.

Li Yundong took Su Shi’s hand and stood in the very high sky and looked down at her. The two saw a black cloud that was rolling under the soles of the feet. It was surrounded by the washed stars, although they did not see Li Yundong. Said the sun, but the sky is hanging high in the moon, in addition to the dull thunder under the soles of the feet, there will be no other sounds, only the starry sky and the cold moon are accompanied by them, quiet and stunned, meditation air.

At this time, the world was quiet, and there was no tension in the thunder. Li Yundong and Su Shi held hands and looked at each other and smiled.

Li Yundong saw the little girl laughing sweetly, and it seemed that the eyes and the eyebrows had to flow out of honey. The sweetness reached the extreme. He couldn’t help but smile: "What are you doing so happy?"

Su Shi tightly pinched Li Yundong’s hand, and said: “Yundong, my biggest dream before is to go around with you and go to heaven. Now this dream has suddenly come true. I feel happy inside. Merry... I’m afraid that this happy day is not long.”

Li Yundong laughed happily, and he politely reached out and pinched the tip of the nose that was pinching the little girl: "Don't be stupid, we will always live very fast. Where do you want to go later, I will take you there, okay?"

Su Shi heard a joy, and he showed his small fingers: "Okay, pull the hook and hang it, for a hundred years, don't change!"

The two men kissed each other hotly, swearing like two children, and made a hundred-year vow.

At this time, in the distant Japan, a thunderstorm thunderstorm also fell on this land.

In the sky over Mie Prefecture, Japan, a thunderous bang smashed the night, a flash of lightning broke through the sky, and suddenly the sky was bright and clear.

Ise's clear face, which was raised by the cloud, was also whitened by this lightning moment, but it was only a moment, and soon the lightning rolled across the sky. Her face quickly covered the night with the surrounding Shrine Shrine. in.

Next to her, Ise was sitting under the promenade of the shrine in front of the shrine. There was a tea tray and a tea set in front of him. He was soaking his tea while he looked up from time to time to look at the sky that thundered.

Mie Prefecture is Japan's tea field, and its output ranks third in the country. It has a long history of tea culture. Similarly, this county was once the ancestral home of Ise Shinto. It is modern, and many foreign tourists come to Mie Prefecture. Not going to the famous Ise Shrine, it is equivalent to not going to Mie Prefecture.

Behind Ise Shinko is the famous Great Shrine of Ise Shrine. When you look at these buildings during the day, you will feel that these antique Japanese-style buildings have a quiet and majestic, like a neatly arranged warrior. Sensen is not afraid to let go.

When the night falls, this shrine is hidden in the night, just like a group of giants hiding behind the shady, multiplying the majesty, especially at this time thunderstorms, the rain along the shrine's eaves like a string of pearls, hanging out a channel of water The curtains have made the place more and more mysterious.

"Oh, that's true... This time of the thunderstorm, it seems that the power is extraordinarily big!" Ise Shenguang self-disciplined a cup of tea, holding a teacup in one hand, a hand-carrying his unshaven Chin, swearing.

Ise Shinko’s words are like saying to Ise, but it’s like talking to himself. After I looked down at him, I looked up at the sky and seemed to watch the sky rolling. Lei Yun thoughtfully.

Ise Shenguang looked at her curiously and couldn't help but ask: "Hey, have you looked up for a long time, are you not afraid of neck sore? Is it so beautiful? Why didn't I find out that you used to feel thunder and rain?" Interested?"

Ise was out of the cloud and bowed his head. His eyes looked deep into the light. She said softly: "I was thinking... Why did Li Yundong beat me so easily?"

Ise Shenguang couldn't help but sighed. He knew that Ise was out of the air and was proud of it. Although he lost to Li Yundong, he was convinced that he was convinced, but after returning home, she couldn't understand why she was so powerful. But still able to beat myself?

With such doubts, Ise went out of the cloud and went crazy and began to read the Chinese Taoist practice books.

In this era of knowledge explosion and information explosion, there is no secret in any sect of any sect. Perhaps the most crucial one or two sentences must be passed on to the population. Without these two words, these ** are just Second-rate**.

But Ise is looking for the most basic truth: she began to suspect that their Japanese practice methods have gone wrong, just like the orange crane holding a five-leaked barrel for a long time.

A very simple truth restricts the development of the entire Japanese practice community.

But even if wise men understand, they can't change! Because the Japanese practice community has been flourishing since the Meiji Restoration, even after the defeat of the Second World War, the practice community relied on the "Draft Constitution of Freedom of Religion" of General Taishang MacArthur, which was more powerful and powerful.

At this time, the Chinese practitioners who have been powerful for two thousand years have completely fallen to the bottom. Japan has been fading with China’s prosperity and strength, and it has become a long-term decline.

In the hundreds of years since the numerous collisions between China and Japan, most of the Chinese and Japanese practitioners have been the vanguards. There are countless killings on both sides. The Japanese practitioners have won numerous victories against China on a large scale. This victory is the entire Japanese practice community. It has never been seen in the history of thousands of years!

This made the Japanese practitioners from a kind of respectful and cautious student mentality, suddenly turned into a arrogant and arrogant nouveau riche mentality.

The so-called victory covers everything. With the support of the government and the enthusiasm of the people, the Japanese practitioners rely on their own unique cultivating system to quickly cultivate a large number of murderous madmen and fighting methods like "Takahashi Masahiro". machine.

Their existence is not like the practitioners of the Chinese spiritual circles, but exists for the cultivation of immortals. Their purpose of existence is only one: victory!

Do whatever it takes to win!

This kind of practice is almost the same as the magic road. When the whole country is enchanted, the magic road becomes the right way, and the real fairy road becomes the magic road!

Japanese Buddhism is also good, Ise theology is also good, most of their practice pays attention to a "fast, steady, awkward"! Moreover, most of this power comes from faith and inheritance. It is supported by the belief power of hundreds of millions of believers. It is too easy for a practitioner to become stronger through the power of faith!

The cultivation of Japanese practitioners is quick and easy, so most of them only cultivate **** and do not practice life. Therefore, they do not pay attention to building a foundation, and it is even more impossible to go to thunder.

It is because the power comes too fast and too easy, so the entire Japanese practice community has fallen into an inexplicable exaggeration and arrogance, no one is willing to think, and no one is willing to risk the thunderous robbery.

But when these Japanese people suddenly met Li Yundong, the reincarnation of the Ming Dynasty, he was repeatedly attacked twice by his opponents. He was weak and strong. After the head shot, the entire Japanese practice community was shocked, and finally someone began to seriously reflect.

Yi Shi Yun Yun is one of the deep thoughts. She became a Tibetan goddess at a young age. The power is equivalent to the realm of thunder and robbery. At such a young age, she has such an achievement. Looking at the history of China and Japan for two thousand years, Extremely rare.

She has reached such a state, naturally it is impossible to grow beautiful by herself, and it is impossible to rely solely on the power of faith, and more depends on her understanding and intelligence.

There are absolutely no shortages of wise men in the Japanese, but because of their innate pattern, they are often too short-sighted to find a game, but not for the overall situation.

Li Yundong’s head-on attack made Ise’s faintly aware that the practice methods of the entire Japanese practice community seemed to have a huge problem, otherwise it would not be repeated again and again in the hands of the same person!

However, where is this problem?

Ise can feel that if he can understand the truth, not only will his own strength be greatly leap and upgrade, but even the entire Japanese practice community will be overwhelming.

Sometimes, outsiders seem to be simple, but the insiders can't see them in life and death. It is like the orange crane carrying five leaking barrels to die and playing so many years of water, but there is no hint of Wang Yuanshan.

Ise is also faintly watching the thunderclouds rolling in the sky. If you think about it in your heart, you can think that the answer you want is like a layer of invisible tulle. You can touch it, but you can’t get it. !

Ise Shinko sees the cloud and keeps his eyes flashing. It seems that the next second will be clear, but for the next second, she still maintains this position. Without a little movement, there is an apple on the top of the head that is crumbling. Falling down will allow Newton to discover the law of gravity, but this apple will not fall!

Ise Shenguang looked straight and shook his head, and he slowly drank the tea. It was at this time that the sky suddenly flashed a thunder and a series of sparks, and Ise’s eyes suddenly flashed. She squatted and stood up straight, and her mouth was just about to make a cry of enlightenment. Suddenly, the stone path outside the shrine flew over a figure, but it was a monk wearing a shackle and wearing a fight.

This monk refused to let the pouring rain drench on his head. He was not far ahead, and he shouted loudly away: "Shenguang adults, Yunyun adults! Nothing, big things!"

Ise Shinko and Ise are out of the cloud and turn their heads toward the monks. They see this mad rushing to the front, and they are out of breath: "Heaven, the mysterious fox... now I am here!!"

This sentence can be no small feat, suddenly shocked the two people, and said the same thing: "What do you say?"

The monk breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had just rushed for more than a thousand miles: "The celestial fox, in the wilderness, appeared!!"

========================================================================================================== Consternation, I remembered wrong, made a spring equinox, has been revised, apologize to your book friends~~