Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home

v1 Chapter 835: Who dares to fight! ! !

The mysterious fox is the nightmare of the soul of the Japanese practitioners. This enchanting existence is like a sword of Damocles hanging over their heads. No one knows when the sword will fall.

They have not robbed the Japanese cults, and no one has this ability to completely destroy the celestial fox. They can only seal, so the Tiantai sect and the Abe family will be guarded by the generations of the oracle fox before the seal.

However, with the loss of years, after more than 900 years, even the gods who have been determined will lose their vigilance in the long years, until the shocking scream of Kyoto, Japan: "Who can stop me? "! The Japanese practice world has just awakened as a dream, and recalls the horrible history of the Toba Emperor.

After the Tianji Xuanhu fled, the Japanese practitioners organized a large-scale crusade squad, but they were sunk by Li Yundong in the middle of the road. The defeat of this war made the Japanese morale decline, and everyone was reluctant to think about the secret. Xuanhu's thing: Nani, we can't even beat a hairy boy, but also want to deal with the mysterious fox? Gossip, everyone wash and sleep!

But this kind of ostrich mentality did not let them live a few days of peace of mind, the coming will still come, but only a little later, earlier.

I heard that the mysterious fox suddenly appeared in Nasuno, Ise and the Ise, and I really felt that I fell into the ice cave, and the body was cool.

This time, the mysterious fox appeared in the wilderness that once sealed her? Why didn't she sweep the sects of the Japanese practice circles one by one, and each of them broke down, and chose to take the initiative to appear in Nasu? what does this mean? Tianji Xuanhu has already recovered its full strength. Is she going to be **** in this place?

Everything that Ishimin will understand before Iyun came out of the cloud was missing, and the deep rise in my mind was a deep fear.

The more powerful, the more you will understand the horror of the mysterious fox, just like the bigger a circle, the larger the area it touches, the more you know how big the world is!

Nine hundred years ago, the whole Japanese practice community united, plus 80,000 soldiers, which defeated the Tianji Xuanhu, now? With the decadent morale of the new defeated division against the mysterious fox, how much is the odds?

There has always been some cynicism, Ise, who is full of seriousness. He knows that this thing has brought the Japanese spiritual world to life and death. He turned his head and said to the monk in front of him: "Go, let's go to Nasu!"

Such things are endless in Kyoto, Osaka, and other places in Japan. The Japanese practice circles are in a hurry. Almost all the masters carefully explain the aftermath in front of the door, or some sects simply come out. Can't win your heavenly mysterious fox, we are not alive!

Japan has a small land area of ​​only 310,000 square kilometers. There is no Yunnan province in China. The country's land area is only about 3 percent of China's land area.

According to the provincial capital city report, the Chinese weather forecast will also be reported for four or five minutes. If it is reported in the second-tier cities one by one, it will not be reported in half an hour, but the Japanese weather forecast can be summarized in one sentence: there is rain in the country or No rain in the country!

At this time, it was late at night, and the sky was so gloomy that it could not reach the five fingers. When it was raining in Mie Prefecture, Tochigi Prefecture was also raining, and it was still pouring rain.

Only a moment of lightning and thunder can see through the lightning light that there are many small black spots in the sky that are constantly flying toward Nasu, Tochigi Prefecture.

In the place around the Shijing area where Nasuo was killed and killed, the rolling hills were covered with practitioners from various factions. When Ise Shino and Ise came out of the cloud, they discovered the Tiantai Zong. The pure land of Zhenzong and the Tantra Tantra, the masters of the three giants of Buddhism, have all arrived. Many of the great sects of Shintoism have come a lot. At this time, the sky is still coming to the top of the world.

Although it is easy to provoke a thunderstorm when flying in the sky at this time, at this time, the situation of 100,000 people is in a hurry. In order to arrive as soon as possible, all the practitioners have chosen to fly directly. If there is any bad luck, it will be smashed by the thunder, then I have to read Amitabha. Or shouting a gossip Yalu, and then screaming, screaming and going.

At this time, the practitioners of the various factions did not raise the lights. They each sacrificed their spells, holding a ball of water that could not be extinguished in their hands, or they were surrounded by a fire and flame that could not be moved. They will clearly illuminate their respective bodies. From afar, they will see the fire on this mountain range. It is like a fire dragon, spectacular and full of momentum.

At the beginning, the practitioners who came from the Japanese practice circle did not dare to ignite. I was afraid that after the fire was over, the enemy would be dark, and the mysterious fox ran over to clean up myself. But slowly, the Japanese practitioners came. More, the Japanese courage is slowly getting bigger, and I don’t know who is the first to start the ignition. Slowly everyone else is also on fire. It seems that people who walk the night are more courageous. The trick of sipping is also getting bigger.

The practitioners of the major martial art schools saw Ise Izumo and Ise Shinko also came, and they were overjoyed. They all know that these two people are masters of thunder and robbery. They are the leaders of the Japanese practice community. The momentum suddenly grew a lot.

Some practitioners who have been with Ise Izumo and Ise Shingo on weekdays have greeted them with a big voice, and the voice is also spread out in this thunderstorm, as if the fear of the mysterious fox can’t be heard. of.

Ise Izumo and Ise Shino, these two Ise Shinto's top powers looked at each other and looked worried. At this time, the Abe family's patriarch Abe was also arrogant and tall and long. I came over and looked at them with inquiring eyes. It seemed that I was asking for confidence in a battle.

Ise's face was gloomy and shook his head slightly. She whispered in a low voice: "Listen to the tricks of these guys talking, a bunch of fools! Can the big voice scare away the mysterious fox? Their courage is scared Broken!"

The sound of Ise’s cloud is small, but the people next to it are still heard. They use the eyes of dissatisfaction and blame to look at Ise, and the Ise next to him sees it and immediately laughs and says: Oops, there is a reason, this is all the weather, you still wear such a hat, is it not uncomfortable?"

Abe is full of sorrowful smiles. As a patriarch of the Abe family, as long as he goes out, it is naturally a matter of style. This is the accumulation and style of the millennial family, even if it is dead, it must die elegantly.

Abe raised his hand and put his hands together in a long, wide white yin robes. He used his sleeves to cover his smile and masked his voice. He whispered: "Shenguangjun, I have something to ask for."

Although a fierce battle against the war was in the forefront, Ise was still a slap in the face, and he sent a Japanese lang person to the pie, his hands were shrunk in the kimono, and the two arms were not placed in the sleeves, but from the chest. I wore it in front of the placket, one arm holding my chest, and one hand rubbing my own beard.

Ise shrine smirked and said: "There is no reason to talk about it! We have been dating for decades, not so polite."

Abe rationally used his cover to cover his face, his face was serious, but his eyes were full of pleading. He whispered: "My dog ​​has to follow me to attack the mysterious fox this time. I don't want him to make trouble. And our Abe family and the celestial mysterious fox have a **** sea enmity, and we will bear the brunt of the Abe family in case of a big fight. In case... I have a long and short time, I have to take care of my dog!"

Ise Shinji converges on the smile, and his eyes are looking forward to Abe, who is not far from the excitement. He can't help but sigh: "It's a newborn calf, not afraid of the tiger!" He said, he regained his gaze. Said: "If you are reasonable, please rest assured, I will take good care of him." He said, he smiled and said: "There is a lot of consideration in the rational, we are masters here, on strength, far beyond 900 years. The former Japanese practice community, and the rational prince is a very powerful yin and yang master, there will be no things."

Abe rationally smiled and said nothing.

After a while, Ise suddenly turned his head and said to Abe rationally: "How did Abe, the mysterious oracle, appear here?"

Abe looked at the monks who were in the cold wind and cold rain in the temple near the wilderness in the distance, and whispered: "It was they who found someone here to thunder, curious, then went See, whoever saw it, found a nine-tailed fox squatting in a hotel."

Ise was out of the cloud and frowned: "The mysterious fox did not kill them?"

Abe shook his head reasonfully: "No, she should have deliberately let them go."

Iseki took a breath of cold air: "It’s coming!"

Although it was unlucky to be alone, the hearts of the people were heavy, as if a boulder was in the heart, and the shouts of the savage savage of the various practitioners could not cover the fear in their hearts.

They can't understand why Tianji Xuan Fox dared to appear here suddenly. Why did Tianji Xuanhu prefer to wait for them to gather together instead of taking the initiative to attack.

Is she waiting for them to join us, do they want to kill them all?

When I think of it, the practitioners in the Japanese practice circles are angry and fearful.

At the same time, in a small hotel in Nasuno, Liu Feier stood in the courtyard in horror, looking at the continuous fire on the distant mountains, and the eyes were full of fear and looked at the mysterious fox.

These days, she also knows the past of many mysterious foxes, and knows that she is here to prepare for the killing. Although the method of the celestial fox is fierce and cruel, but after all, everyone is a family, not Non-family, the heart of the foreigner, and most importantly, if the celestial fox is hung up, I am afraid that I will be finished, I will be treated as an accomplice by the Japanese, and 80% is dead!

She looked at the roaring fire dragon with fear, and was even more frightened by the faint vocals from the mountains. Liu Fei couldn’t help but ask: "So many people... you, you play Can you win?"

Tianji Xuanhu Mana is still alive, but the understanding of spells and practice has been forgotten a lot. It is equivalent to re-traveling one's own path of practice. Because it has passed before, it will be extraordinarily fast.

Li Yundong had only passed a heavy thunder, and she had already completed the nine-strong thunder. It can be said that the skill has been restored. Apart from not finding her own fox, her mana is no longer under 900 years ago.

Tianji Xuanhu stood alone in the yard at this time, surrounded by empty, neither half a guest nor half owner, the hotel owner has long escaped to know where to go, she stood alone in the rain, Although it was pouring rain all around, she couldn't touch a drop of rain all over her body. The big raindrops on the roof tile made a squeaking sound of fried beans, but they fell on her body but were automatically bounced off.

The mysterious fox looks very delicate and weak. Compared with the dazzling fire dragon on the mountain, it is too small, but she is wearing a fiery red dress. The two white foxtails under the skirt are like skirts. Usually dragging on the ground, the seven golden foxtails are ridiculously rushing, and they are constantly twisting.

When Tianyun Xuanhu heard Liu Feier’s words, she looked up at the fire on the mountain and suddenly smiled and said: “These cowards! A group of ugly people! I see them like chickens and dogs!”

Liu Feier secretly believes in her heart. Her eyes are seen in the eyes of the mysterious fox. The celestial mysterious fox screams coldly and says: "Do not believe? Good, and see me killing the enemy!!"

After all, she was physically moved and quickly disappeared into the place, leaving only a faint afterimage to slowly dissipate.

Almost at the same time, the fire in the distant mountains was chaotic, and the fire dragon quickly twisted and turned. After a while, the mysterious fox appeared in the same place, covered in blood, with two **** heads on his hands. At this time, the afterimages left by her leaving have not completely disappeared, and the exclamations, screams, and screams from the distant mountains have been clearly heard. !

This moment, Liu Feier is really stunned. She knows that the monster of the mysterious fox, which was called Yuga in Japan, is very strong and strong, but she did not expect that this celestial mysterious fox is actually strong enough! ! !

Tianji Xuanhu threw two human heads on the ground, such as squatting, she laughed and looked up like a lang, and sent out: "I am a mysterious fox, who dares to fight!!!"

In an instant, the sound of the mountains disappeared instantly, and the world was dead!
