Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 730: Dazzling

"Snatch? I don't want anything. By the way, Xia Yitian, I'll rob you to be my man, and then take you to the lord of the Sifang Ghost Gate, what do you think?" Han Yao said with a grin.

"Sister! You have to be more reserved!" Ru Xuening picked up Han Yao's clothes and hid her behind: "Things should still be needed, the damage is huge, not just a few dragon soul fairy grass or yin The aura can be clear. Since you dare to carry the position of the leader of the Sifang Immortal Gate, you must take responsibility. Of course, Ru Xuening will support you, and I am also convinced by the decisions and friendship of several major events. You can be considered a man who dares to be a man. Of course, there are still a lot of minor problems, but think about all these years, how old-fashioned ghosts want to form an alliance with Sifang ghost gates, it is not just a whim, and finally collapsed and ended. It's a pity, let's see where your kid can go, how?"

"What Sister Ru said is that the alliance is a long-lasting act. After people love it, they will give chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea to the flat. If you form an alliance, I will always seek various benefits for everyone. Otherwise, what is the meaning of the alliance?" I said , And then looked at the ghost gate to the west.

To the west was a middle-aged male ghost who took over He Xifan. He saw me looking over and said, "I am Hu Xiaolin from the Western Immortal Gate. This time I succeeded the leader He Xifan and became the Western leader. I also agreed to form an alliance. After all, the immortal gate always gathers few and separates more. Now it is good to have a leader. We don't ask much. Just like the others, we are dead."

"No problem, the Sifangxianmen need to be united, they need to be unanimous to the outside world, and there is always sacrifice, which is what I should do." I nodded.

"Yes, if we unite from the four parties this time, how could it be used by mankind? Fu Qingyun is simply using us as a gun. We also need a spokesperson to fight for our welfare!" Ruan Qiushui interrupted at this time. Yes, and gave me an apologetic look.

I frowned and swept towards Zhou Xuan.

"Xia Yitian, you are a human being after all, and you are very busy in the world. How about letting me take charge of the Sifang Immortal Gate for you?" Zhou Xuan said blankly.

"Yeah, it's good for my mother to be the boss of the ghost! She is amazing, the greatest!" the little nephew said in a revelation.

"Zhou Xuan, don't mess around!" Master Baishun frowned and warned.

"You? Who are you? Can you compare to Xia Tiantian? Xia Tiantian is only smart, and it doesn't look like you can bring us good." Han Yao said immediately.

"Huh, what's the use of being clever? What's important is force, which can smooth out all forces. If I were to be the master of the Sifang Immortal Gates, I would definitely lead everyone to develop toward the deep sea, and Zhou Xuan would not need anything for the treasures I would get there. ! This can't be done in Xia in one day!" Zhou Xuan said vowedly.

My face darkened, and I looked at Ruan Qiushui. This little Nizi was very capable of tossing. If I hadn't taken refuge in Zhou Xuan early, I should take it for myself. It must be her superior idea.

"Sifang Ghost Gate is not an army after all. How can you bring it to burn, kill and looting at will? What is the difference between that and the Deep Sea Ghost Clan? The alliance pledge is just for everyone to share the resources of immortality, and to form an alliance when encountering major events. Together." I said somewhat upset.

"Yes, I said what I said one day!" Han Yao smiled, as if supporting me unconditionally, I don't know, is this female ghost really looking at me?

Ru Xuening looked like a headache, and said, "Xia Tiantian said it’s the Lord. I haven’t seen other people. I know that Xia Tiantian has a lot of tricks. As long as we don’t cheat us, I don’t Just go and listen. Let’s do this. The next day I will go to Tianyi Dongfu alone to pay a visit. I will talk about other things in detail at that time. I have something to do, so I won’t discuss it with you."

"Well, I'm leaving too. I haven't digested the matter of the fairy gate in Yangjian. I will go to the private meeting for one day, but today I have to take some big ghost gates in the east to leave here." Han Yao decisively ignored it. Zhou Xuan said again: "Xia Yitian, I will visit you with my sister when I turn around. Don't be too anxious."

"I will also go to Tianyi Cave with Senior Han and Senior Ru here, and I will have to talk more at that time." Hu Xiaolin said, and said goodbye.

"Okay, then I look forward to your coming." I quickly agreed, saying that they are pregnant with ghosts, and these ghosts must see the sweetness. To disturb, it is polite, but in fact, I want to come to the dragon soul fairy grass. And the yin-qi block, or the ghost will ally with you.

Of course, alliances also have the advantages of alliances. After the alliance, everyone will not easily bully anyone. News from the underworld from all sides will also fly in. It is very important for building an intelligence network. And my Tianyi Dongfu will be as infallible in the future. Open the phoenix coffin, first of all other ghost gates will not cause trouble.

Directly ignored by the three ghosts, Zhou Xuan was so angry, but she didn't dare to have an attack, so she could only be a dumb eating Coptis chinensis, and could not tell.

It seems that I still have a lot of points in the eyes of the Sifang Ghost Gate. At least I have stabilized it first, and the Southern Ghost Gate is also a victim, and also as a hero to relieve the deep sea ghost clan, winning other ghosts. The recognition of the door, after all, from then on, at least the deep sea ghost tribe has lost a wave of big forces, which ushered in a brief peace in the northeast of the Shifang Sea.

After the ghost gates of the Quartet disperse, I plan to go to Yangjian to see the situation. After all, Han Shanshan and Wang Yuanyi are still up there, so I can't leave them back to Tianyi Cave.

Looking at Li Jiansheng, he was still cross-legged, and the three Li Mufan masters and disciples were also guarding the law. They seemed to have disappeared from the major event just now, which shows how severe Li Jiansheng's injuries were.

"Uncle, uncle, I want to eat candy..."

Just when I was about to walk over, the little nephew hugged my thigh on the back heel, and licked my tongue against my mouth full of fangs, which was terrifying.

Usually Xijun and Wang Yan love to eat sweets, so I brought some, took out a package, unpacked, and stuffed a lollipop into his mouth.

The little nephew was quite satisfied with the sound of cracking candy, and then secretly told me: "Uncle, let me tell you a secret..."

I was taken aback, this little nephew really became more and more vivid.

"Uncle, I will never kill you again. I have a new goal. I want to kill my dad's mistress. She makes my mother angry." The little nephew whispered, and a fierce light appeared in his black eyes.

I didn’t understand it for a long time. Until Zhou Xuan looked over bitterly, I suddenly remembered Zhang Yidan. Zhang Yidan’s body was with Li Poxiao. Zhou Xuan was so entangled with Li Poxiao, and Li Poxiao was also entangled with Zhou Xuan. Who is Xiaosan jumped out!

I looked at the blindfolded Li Duanyue who was sitting quietly like a virgin, and suddenly the word "bad" appeared in his mind. Seeing the little nephew eager to try, I quickly grabbed his head with my big hand.

"Don't, adults, don't interfere with children, your mother must have her own thoughts." Are you kidding, Li Duanyue's natural sword pill can kill the earth immortal, and the little nephew will die after this cultivation base is over. !

"No way, last night my mother saw my father and that aunt together, and when she came back, she cried and said that it was the third party! Uncle, the third party is the third party, do you understand?" The little nephew told the story. , I almost got angry after listening.

Zhou Xuan was so angry that she walked over quickly, picked up her little nephew, and turned around and left.

"Hey! Zhou Xuan! Do you understand this is child abuse? This is still your son!" I am speechless. Although my little nephew is inhuman, it is so unsightly?

"Do I want you to control it?" Zhou Xuan was so angry, but she still held her little nephew in her arms, and the little nephew was lying on Zhou Xuan's body, turning his head around, showing a pitiful expression at me, as if saying ' Uncle save me' or something.

I can't control other people's housework, but I don't understand how Li Poxiao likes Zhou Xuan last year. Is there something unspeakable happened in it?

Master is still cherishing the death of grandma grandson, looking very sad, but obviously it is not the time to disturb him, and Yuanci is surpassing the dead souls with the Fuhai monk, and the other ghost gates are almost gone. At this time, the giant ship is not. There are a few people left.

Zhou Xuan brought the army and began to incorporate the army of the deep-sea ghost clan. Even the huge deep-sea ship was also hand-in-hand. I don't have any soldiers now. It's not easy to seize this ship, but Zhou Xuan is cheaper.

"One day, Uncle Master and I are leaving, and Uncle Master will return to Fengzhen. His old man said, in any case, the things that should be done must be completed, and the promises that must be kept must be kept. I will go to me this time. Sister, I still want to hear her complete thoughts." Yuanci sighed after speaking. This time it was still too hasty. He felt that his sister hadn't explained many things clearly.

I nodded and learned how to put my hands together in return, and Fuhai followed to say goodbye to me, but this time he didn’t say much, just nodded. I wanted to give Yuanci an enlightened pill. Poor mouth, but good character.

"Reactive merit is not subject to profit." Fuhai said, and then took the lead in breaking the boundary and returning the sun.

Yuanci originally came to see me to take out the medicinal pill and rubbed his hands to shine, but when he said this, he choked off and waved his hand to say no.

"Yuanci, this is for your sister. She can help the most. I deserve it." Yuanci and I winked our eyes.

"Cough cough, yes, my sister is so capable, you won’t be wronged if you give two of them, she feels sorry for her brother, this enlightenment period of medicine can’t be used, she will definitely send me, um, Xia Yitian, you kid It's really a Qiqiao and exquisite heart, and the poor monk likes it very much!" Yuan Ci smiled and stretched out both hands, holding the pill, and then took a piece of coarse cloth and carefully wrapped it up.

I saw him behaved, and suddenly regretted giving him the pill, but the kid wrapped the pill and said, "That’s all, I’m rushing to deliver the medicine to my sister. Don’t leave the poor monk to eat. It’s fast food, goodbye."

I almost vomited a mouthful of old blood, but still watched this kid break the boundary and leave.

Master and Uncle Nangong were left. I then looked at Li Poxiao's side, and prepared to go and say goodbye to them. By the way, I divided into a few pills or something. As a result, there was a flower in front of me, and Li Jiansheng suddenly saw something familiar. Silhouette!