Raising Evil Spirits

Chapter 8524: good deal

"The first one! It's back, it's back!" Yudai pointed down the mountain happily.

"As for that? If you're so excited, let's go down the mountain and have a look." I stood up and stretched, and then jumped down from the mountain.

Yudai also followed behind. She couldn't help but muttered: "Is it possible to say that I'm not excited? I can't stay still for a moment. This is the most powerful secret place in the academy, and it's not the back garden of the school."

After landing, the demon spirit body quickly approached, holding a bunch of fruit held by the curse spirit attribute. It looked like some kind of natural treasure.

The demonic spirit excitedly held the fruit and brought it to us, with an expression of asking for credit on his face.

"What, it's just the Yinghuo Fruit! I thought it was some good thing!" Yudai couldn't help complaining.

After hearing this, the demon spirit's expression suddenly shrank, but I took out a few cursed spirit crystals with a smile, squeezed them and exploded them, then transformed them into the purest cursed spirit energy and poured it into the demon spirit's eyebrows.

The demon spirit was overjoyed and quickly knelt down and kowtowed.

"Although it's just the Yinghuo Fruit, it can be considered a good start for the whole plan. If you get better things, the rewards will be big." While I poured in the spiritual energy, I also didn't forget to absorb all the things it encountered along the way. kind of scene.

Everything the demon spirit can see will be recorded on the light screen, so after checking it, I got the picture I wanted.

Yudai also quickly wanted to learn the same thing, but I reached out to stop her and said, "I'll pass it to the team area. You can take a look at it yourself."

The academy's Noble Phantasm record transmission is similar to that of a mobile phone. It is also used to prevent students from harming each other. It is somewhat similar to a recorder.

Yudai quickly unfolded the light curtain, revealing everything the demon spirit had seen along the way.

"Wow! You demon spirit is dishonest. It obviously had three Yinghuo fruits, but it secretly ate two of them on the way!" Yudai said, about to accuse the demon spirit.

The demonic spirit was so frightened that it squatted down with its head in its hands, trembling and not daring to resist.

"Okay, just don't do it again. Look at the back. It has also experienced some dangers. At least it has the ability to bring things back, and it is very fast. If it does it again in the future, it will not be too late to punish it." I waved my hand and asked the demon spirit to The body rushes to do things.

"Hmph, you did all the good stuff, and it's not my demon spirit anyway." Yudai snorted and opened the map of all the demon spirits.

After a while, she said excitedly: "There seems to be a point coming towards us at high speed! It's great, but it's running so fast!"

"No, be on guard. Maybe this demon spirit has encountered an enemy that it can't deal with and can't get rid of!" I immediately became vigilant, looked at the big trees around me, picked one and jumped up!

Yudai's reaction was not slow and she even climbed up the tree faster than me.


Sure enough, the demonic spirit with antlers and a dog's head was running wildly with a piece of fairy grass in its mouth. It was being quickly chased by a giant python!

The giant python spit out the letter, and rocks flew everywhere it passed, and the hardness of its scales was evident.

I guess he stole the natural treasures from the python's lair. I glanced at Yudai and she shook her head and said, "Giant pythons that can survive in dangerous areas and use the accompanying natural treasures to practice are at least immortals." At the first-term level, we may not be able to get any benefits..."

I nodded and moved my finger, and the flying knife with dead leaves appeared in my hand.

As if aware of the strange movement of the fairy energy in the tree, the giant python immediately stood upright from its wandering state. Its height was as high as the big tree!

"Are you crazy!?" Yudai looked at me in shock. She was caught off guard by my unhesitating move to leapfrog the level and fight monsters, so she could only summon the aura of the mid-level immortal soldiers behind me.

I waved my finger, and the dead leaf flying knife instantly penetrated into the giant python's protective shield, and penetrated the opponent's body without any hindrance!

Yudai also moved her fingers, and the halo rotated rapidly under her control, slashing towards the giant python in a weird arc!


After the giant python suffered a penetrating injury, it still endured severe pain and knocked away the halo with its tail, which shows the terror of its scales!

Yudai was dissatisfied with this attack. My flying knife was able to hit a target. Her aura was that of a mid-grade immortal weapon, but it was actually shot away. This made her very unconvinced.

When she moved her fingers, the halo also corrected its flight path and chased after her!

The giant python seemed to be able to tell that its opponent was also in the Immortal stage, and immediately waved its tail towards Yudai!

The fight between the two also bought me a round of time. The flying knife with dead leaves surged in the shape of a fairy pattern. It turned around and penetrated again. The giant python stung and roared, and blood rushed out from the four holes!

The Dead Leaf Flying Knife is not an ordinary fairy weapon. Once it enters the body, the body will immediately decay and fester quickly. Even the smallest scars can continue to expand!

Therefore, I couldn't stop the damage and repair it in time, and I had to continue to fight back with vigorous movements. The python's injuries became more and more terrifying. It seemed that it understood how powerful I was and started chasing me!

Yudai also took the opportunity to use the cutting damage of the halo, swinging the halo around like a whip, cutting a ferocious mark on the python's scales every time!

But being unable to cut the scales means that the effect of the halo is limited, which is not as good as the damage I caused to the giant python. As I continued to penetrate the giant python's body, more blood tanks were opened, and the giant python The speed became slower and slower, and finally there were signs of exhaustion!

Unable to continue instilling immortal power into the scales, Yudai's attacks began to cut through the giant python's carapace easily, and even the skin and flesh were deeply cut open with huge gashes, and blood splattered all over the floor!

The giant python kept writhing in pain and planned to fight in a trapped beast, but I couldn't give it a chance to fight back. The dead leaf flying knife took the opportunity to pierce its jaw!


The giant python fell to the ground. Even though the demon spirit body refers to the level of the immortal stage, because it was not surrounded and killed by the demon spirit body, the soul strength is not strong now, and it is only at the level of the spiritual stage.

If you want it to reach the true solution stage or the pointing immortal stage, you must consume at least a small mountain of cursed spirit mines.

After I recovered the giant python's body and the demon spirit, I looked at the antlered dog demon that ran back with the spiritual grass.

The dog demon tremblingly brought the fairy grass up, and Yudai collapsed on the ground: "What, it's not cost-effective at all! For a snow frost grass, we almost used up both of our immortal powers! Hundreds of demon spirit bodies Well, if this happens, we will be exhausted!"

The dog demon was so frightened that he lay on the ground and did not dare to move, but I treated him equally and gave him a share of everything the previous demon spirit got. This made the dog demon leave with tears in his eyes.

Watching the video it brought back, the situation inside the restricted area was gradually revealed. Based on their back and forth routes, I also marked various landmarks in the restricted area.

"It doesn't matter. Bringing back the immortal soldiers is a low probability thing, but the completeness of the map is gradually expanding. This is the most important thing." I smiled.