Raising My Children With My Personal Spatial Ability

Chapter 2780: Is salty fried rice still edible?

"Lu'er, Xing'er, Zhou'er, there are snacks over there. If you are tired of cultivation, eat some." Qian Yirong explained to his younger brothers.

Brother Nuonuo's fried rice is for him and his elder brother, so don't grab the other younger brothers, he thought.

If An Yilu and the three of them could hear his voice, they would definitely say: Don't worry, even if they are hungry, they won't **** it from the eldest brother and the second brother.

After all, if I eat my little brother's meal, I probably won't want to eat it again for three days.

"Okay, second brother, let's go."

An Yilu pulled the two younger brothers and turned around to leave.

And not far away from them, Qian Yiyun couldn't help laughing watching the children playing tricks on each other.

But when she thought of the dishes her little nephew cooked, she suddenly restrained her smile, thinking that she should also practice hard. If she didn't practice, she might be able to get this meal.

Thinking about it, she followed An Yilu and the three to practice aside.

It's not just that she doesn't want to eat the food of her little nephew, but she really needs to practice, otherwise, a weak person like her would not be able to get along in Huayanjue.

"Little aunt, do you want to practice too?"

An Yilu watched the little aunt come to them, took out the medicine refining handbook that her mother gave her, and asked.

"Yeah, everyone needs to work hard, so does my little aunt, otherwise, she should be eliminated." Qian Yiyun looked at them and said softly.

"You won't be eliminated, little aunt is still a rookie."

An Yixing shrugged his nose and muttered softly, including them, they are all newcomers.

They just came to Huayan Jueding, so there is nothing that cannot be eliminated. As long as they work hard enough in the future, it will definitely be someone else who will be eliminated, and it will definitely not be them anyway.

While talking, he secretly glanced at Nuonuo, seeing that he was still boasting about the fried rice he made, he hurriedly said.

"Little aunt, let's practice quickly."

"Okay, hurry up and practice."

Qian Yiyun also looked over there and said with a smile.

In fact, the little milk boy was wronged. He really thought that the fried rice he made was delicious.

Because that time, when he fried the fried rice for his three elder brothers to eat, the three elder brothers said it was delicious, and then he wanted to have a bite himself, but was rejected by the three elder brothers.

The three elder brothers told him that the fried rice was for them, how could he eat it himself.

Therefore, the little milk baby who didn't eat really thought that the fried rice he made was very delicious. Otherwise, why would the three brothers cry and say that they should put it away at the end of the meal, and save it for dinner to eat slowly?

He would never have imagined in his dreams that the three elder brothers really couldn't eat any more, so he thought about hiding the unpalatable fried rice first, and then secretly pouring it out when the little milk boy was away.

Then, just say they are done eating.

And just as the three of them entered the state of cultivation, the fried rice for the kid Qian Yinuo was also ready.

When the little milk boy was making fried rice, the two big brothers were already in a daze, because they saw a certain little guy pouring a lot of salt into the fried rice.

"Brother, this...cough!"

Qian Yirong swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then coughed lightly, not knowing what to say at all.

He wanted to ask, is fried rice with so much salt still edible?

Even if they don't usually cook, they still know that the salt is not put in this way. What's more, brother Nuonuo not only put so much salt, but also put a big spoonful of sugar and soy sauce afterwards.


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