Raising My Children With My Personal Spatial Ability

Chapter 2877: The last piece of rhyme and soul magic j

He felt that something must be happening, otherwise, he would not have such a feeling, his perception of danger is very sensitive, the only time he stumbled was at Qian Jiyun's place.

"Could something be wrong?" He stopped cursing, and he couldn't help asking himself.

Outside, Qian Jiyun and the others passed through a passage with nine bends and eighteen bends, and finally came to an empty cave. As far as the two of them could see, there was a huge purple-black stone.

Around the stone, there is a faint black mist, which wraps the whole stone, making the stone faintly visible.

"Human sacrifice, I haven't seen it for many years."

Smelling the breath of fresh blood, Stone made a hoarse sound, but soon, Stone reacted.

"Plane traveler, what gust of wind is it that blows you in front of me? Did you bring me a sacrifice?" He sensed the suppressive aura emanating from Qian Jiyun's body that belonged to the plane traveler. hold his breath.

Then, he felt that something was wrong, there was also an inexplicable aura in another person that frightened him, which could suppress his thirst for blood in the cracks in the stone.

"Devil Heart High Priest, it's really..."

Do you think he has stayed here for too long, do you want to destroy him?

But did they forget one thing, destroying him is tantamount to erasing Huayan Jueding, Huayan Jueding is now, so many people live in this place, how can it be erased? That is how many human lives.

"Plane traveler, don't worry, I didn't plan to come out, if you didn't come over, I would still be asleep."

What he said was the truth. If the plane traveler hadn't entered the Howler Cave, he would still be in a deep sleep, and he couldn't think of anything else for him to do outside.

Their Yunhun Moyu often sleep for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, how can they have the time to pay attention to the outside world.

"This is…"

An Jiuyue is familiar with the things in Wulong Mountain, but she really doesn't know about the things in Huayan.

Even micro-nano doesn't know what the thing in front of him is.

"This is the last piece of Yunhun Demonic Jade between heaven and earth."

Qian Jiyun answered his wife's words, and stared straight at the Momentum Jade.

"The rhyme soul demon jade was born from the spiritual power of heaven and earth, and has the ability to open up space alone. When the magic jade is destroyed, Huayan Jueding will also disappear."

Hearing Qian Jiyun's words, An Jiuyue was dumbfounded.

So, the good teacher wants to take away such a piece of rhyme and soul magic jade that determines whether Huayan Jueding will disappear, and keep it for himself?

He is such a big baby, even if he doesn't even think about it, can he hold the Rhyme Soul Demon Jade in his small space? I'm afraid that Yunhun Moyu will swallow him before he starts to move?

She could feel that this charm jade was nourished by human blood.

Such a thing is extremely dangerous in itself, the good teacher is afraid that his death is not miserable enough?

"This deity has brought you human essence and blood." Qian Jiyun said to Yunhun Moyu after answering Jiuyue's words.

But hearing his words, Yunhun Moyu was silent.

He looked at the new plane traveler, and then at the Demon Heart High Priest standing beside him. If he had a heart, his heart would be pounding right now, right?