Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 118: It's over halfway...

Jin Xiaoyuan silently followed An Zhengxun out of the door, until he went out for five or six minutes, the dormitory was still sluggish when he was young.

After such a long time of contact, everyone knows that An Zhengxun really really cares about Girls' Generation, not for their bodies. Which one of Xiuying Yoona didn't chase him to death, he took a long time to accept it, and the main reason for accepting it was his possessiveness, not greed for anything. Therefore, Quan Yuli has never dared to confess, and is still looking forward to the day when she can be freed, so that he will be happy to see it happen. Once he confesses, he will never have a chance to escape because of his possessiveness.

They didn't expect Kim Hyoyeon to be so relentless, and they didn't expect An Zhengxun to accept it in just a few seconds. This is simply not the same style as his usual performance...

In the end what happened? All eyes were on Kim Taeyeon.

Jin Taeyeon smiled wryly: "He's been a little bit troubled recently, as you all know. He even wants to play with other people to relax... I just told him less than half an hour ago that he shouldn't play with innocent people, but if After all, it belongs to him, so let’s be simple, so that everyone can relax. In fact, I am talking about myself, but I didn’t expect…”

"..." Everyone was powerless to complain. For a while, everyone couldn't tell whether it made sense or not. Anyway, Kim Hyoyeon just bumped into it...

After a long while, Cui Xiuying suddenly glanced at Quan Yuli, who was in a daze, and said slowly: "It's reasonable. If you have spare time to play with others, it's better to be happy about some things."

Zheng Xiuyan and Lin Yuner shook their heads and laughed, not knowing what the smile meant, but they all went back to the room while smiling.

Kim Taeyeon also reluctantly returned to the room. Sitting on the head of the bed holding your knees. Thinking of talking to him today. Thinking of the warm embrace in his coat, he gradually lost his mind. After a while, roommate Cui Xiuying walked in while washing her face. Looking at her appearance, she smiled and said, "Aren't you struggling anymore?"

Kim Taeyeon showed a cute smile: "Don't struggle anymore."

"I told you to be a sister in another way..." Cui Xiuying washed her face lazily: "I knew that anyone can run, but you can't."

Kim Taeyeon was silent.

Cui Xiuying said again: "He didn't ask for you directly, right? He's still waiting for that so-called bet, right? He's so good to you that I'm jealous. How do you run?"

"Yeah... I've been deceiving myself." Kim Taeyeon laughed at herself: "I've never heard of anyone wishing to lose a bet in my life, but now it's really happened to me."

"Haha... It should be said that none of the sisters want you to win! If you win, it means that "gee" is not popular!"

"Uh...haha, that's right." Kim Taeyeon laughed, this bet was a joke from beginning to end...but he still obeyed, confidently waiting for the day when the answer was revealed. He always says we are childish, so it seems that he is also a little childish... so cute.

The sisters chatted easily, and next door to them, Lee Soon-gyu returned to the room. Without further ado, I got on the Internet and got on the game. I saw that the uncle was not there. Li Shungui picked up the phone and sent a text message: "Did you sleep?"


An Zhengxun took Kim Hyoyeon out of the sxm dormitory, and the two walked silently towards the apartment opposite. It's not that An Zhengxun doesn't want to talk. In fact, there is really not much contact between him and Kim Hyoyeon, and he doesn't know where to start when he wants to say anything.

Arriving downstairs in the apartment, An Zhengxun broke the silence: "What's the reason?"

This sentence has no beginning or end, but Kim Hyoyeon easily understood the meaning and looked at him calmly: "I, Yuri, Shungui, have been hiding, trying to escape from your siege, I thought I had escaped, But I didn't expect that just when I was just slackening, I was suddenly submerged."

An Zhengxun raised his head and thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "I don't want to explore the specific reason why you were submerged. In short, your life has been deeply affected by me, so everyone easily falls into the so-called love. It reminds me of a netizen. , her situation is very similar to yours, and my suggestion to her is to try to fall in love."

Jin Xiaoyuan nodded: "oppa, Shun Kyu also told us this truth, we all understand. But sometimes we think about it, just follow oppa, it's not bad. When you fall in love and find a boyfriend, who can know who will be in the future? Not another tragedy?"

An Zhengxun looked at her up and down for a few times, and laughed: "Interesting, you Girls' Generation...Everyone is very interesting, and each one has a different perception from mine."

Jin Xiaoyuan said calmly, "I'll drown if I'm drowning. I don't want to struggle any more. Yuri is too tired. As long as you don't think I'm ugly."

An Zhengxun said lightly: "You have to understand that men are always greedy for freshness. Although you are not beautiful, you are decent enough, at least you are interested in playing for a night."

"Then I'll give you a night's play, which is also a result." Jin Xiaoyuan's voice was a little trembling, but he still pretended to be calm and finished.

"Heh..." An Zhengxun shook his head and took her hand: "You hit the muzzle today, originally I did...hehe...but I chatted with you a few times and thought it was very interesting, but it wasn't like that. Dirty thoughts. Just walk with me."

Being held by his hand for a slow walk, Kim Hyoyeon's heart was thumping, but he felt flattered. Looking sideways at his face, I felt that I couldn't take my eyes away. She was originally a loyal member of the Appearance Association. An Zhengxun's appearance is more handsome than many, and it fits the style of Prince Charming in her heart. Now this relationship makes her like it more and more, and she can't see enough.

After walking for a while, a text message sounded in An Zhengxun's pocket, and he took out his mobile phone and looked: "Are you asleep?" Sender: Lolita with two ponytails.

An Zhengxun smiled and said, "This is the netizen I mentioned just now. In order to escape from that man, she would rather go online in games."

Kim Hyoyeon looked at the text message with a probe and smiled, "Is oppa her online date?"

"Yeah." An Zhengxun replied casually, and began to reply to the text message: "I haven't slept, but I can't surf the Internet at this time."

Kim Hyo-yeon laughed while saying, "I never thought that Oppa would have fun playing online dating. Have you ever seen someone look pretty in photos?"

An Zhengxun laughed and said: "I haven't seen it before. But it's fun to chat with her. By the way. She is. It seems that she is still a crazy fan of your Shungui, and the game id is called sunny."

Jin Xiaoyuan was startled: "Game? The World of Warcraft that oppa said before?"

"Yeah." An Zhengxun just finished answering, when the text message came back: "It's nothing. I was a little flustered just now, but it's nothing to think about now."

An Zhengxun was stunned for a moment and replied, "It's fine, I'm with my friends, so it's not convenient to keep replying to text messages."

Soon the text message came back: "Well, then I won't bother you. Uncle, good night."

An Zhengxun took back his phone, turned his head and saw Jin Xiaoyuan's strange expression, and said strangely: "What's wrong?"

Jin Xiaoyuan came back to his senses and smirked twice: "No, nothing. Oppa, can you exchange numbers with me?"

"It is necessary." An Zhengxun smiled and exchanged numbers, and continued to hold her hand for a slow walk, while sighing: "Xiaoyuan, if this goes on, I'm afraid I can't help but want to include all of you. Then don't blame me."

Jin Xiaoyuan's expression became even weirder, and after a long time he said, "No way."

An Zhengxun didn't know that she meant that he wouldn't do that. Or that they wouldn't blame him, and shook his head. He smiled and said, "I still have to thank you and Taeyeon for making my mood a lot easier. Soo Young said that she wanted to be my safe haven. It seems that Girls' Generation is really my safe haven."

Kim Hyoyeon stopped and said solemnly, "I thank you even more, oppa."

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for respecting me so much. My worst plan was that you didn't bother to care about me at all."

An Zhengxun looked into her eyes seriously: "Hyoyeon... I hope you have the confidence to face dancing at all times."

Kim Hyoyeon nodded heavily: "Yes, oppa....oppa, we will be your safe haven."

"Thank you in advance." An Zhengxun laughed: "Go back, it's very late. Well... go back to the dormitory or go to the apartment?"

Kim Hyoyeon blushed and said, "Apartment. If I go back like this, I, I will be embarrassed."

An Zhengxun laughed: "What's so humiliating? Isn't it good to have **** with someone?" After a pause, he reached out and patted her ass: "Let's go."

The crisp sound of the spanking made both of them stunned for a moment. They looked at each other involuntarily. They both thought of the scene where the spanking was punished when they were teaching dance. Although the time lapse was not long, they both felt as if a long time had passed. long time.

Jin Xiaoyuan bit his lower lip and remembered Yuli's comment at the beginning: "You are the same, and you even gave him your **** to beat. I think he kisses him, and you won't hide."

Yeah...it turns out I never escaped...

An Zhengxun saw the spring in her eyes, and his heart swayed, his big hand covered the place where he had just hit again, kneading gently, lowered his head to her ear and said, "It always feels so good... as expected of the queen of dance. …”

Jin Hyoyeon's breathing became heavier, and he murmured, "Just oppa likes it."

Seeing that there was no one around, An Zhengxun simply pushed her directly behind a tree by the roadside, licked her neck, undid the belt of her jeans, and stretched out his right hand to knead. Jin Hyoyeon breathed softly, trying to adjust his posture to make it easier for him to play.

I don't know when, the jeans slipped to the ankle, revealing the round and slender legs. Jin Xiaoyuan shuddered, An Zhengxun woke up suddenly, it was winter, and it would be freezing cold, so he retracted his hand, squatted down and pulled his jeans back, and said with a smile, "Go back."

"En." Jin Xiaoyuan watched his bending over softly, and felt satisfied for a while.

Arriving at the apartment, entering the door and turning on the heating, An Zhengxun took off his shirt and said with a smile, "I'll take a shower first."

Jin Xiaoyuan blushed, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly said, "Can I wipe your back for you?"

An Zhengxun patted her **** again: "Okay. Let me see the attributes of Xiaoyuan's good wife and mother."

The so-called back wiping, the final result is two people hugging naked in the bathtub. Ahn Jung-hoon's hands played with her toned body underwater, and Kim Hyo-yeon's hands gently strove for him below.

After a while, An Zhengxun turned over slightly, and Jin Xiaoyuan understood and spread his legs to let him enter easily. The lubricating bath water helped break through the girl's barrier, Kim Hyo-yeon only felt a slight swelling and pain, and a strand of blood gradually dissolved in the water.

Girls' Generation... It's half over. While An Zhengxun slowly pumped, such a thought suddenly appeared in his mind...


In the early morning, Jin Xiaoyuan woke up from his deep sleep, An Zhengxun was no longer there, and a note was left on the bedside, indicating that he had gone to work. Jin Xiaoyuan put down the note, looked at the time, it was past nine o'clock in the morning, and he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed. As, the strict schedule had made her used to being able to wake up very early even if she fell asleep in the middle of the night, but this time, she didn't know whether it was because she was too tired, or because of the peace he brought by her side, that she slept at this time for the first time in the world.

He called his roommate Jung Soo Yeon, but no one answered. Kim Hyo-yeon immediately realized that everyone had started practicing, and felt even more embarrassed. I got up in a hurry, but felt a burst of pain, and reluctantly tapped my head, knowing that I couldn't practice today, so I simply covered the quilt and continued to sleep.

I didn't know how long I had slept, but when I felt the door rattle, Jin Xiaoyuan woke up from the dream, turned around and saw that Cui Xiuying's head came in from outside the door. , a person can actually handle him."

Kim Hyoyeon didn't hide it, he just got up and dressed naked. After getting dressed, he said to Cui Xiuying Zhengrong, "Oni."

"Pfft..." Cui Xiuying laughed: "This is for Oppa and Taeyeon to make fun of, do you really want you to call me Oni? Sikapani has never been called, only Yoona, she is better than I'm young, that doesn't count."

"Oh..." Kim Hyoyeon blushed a little this time.

Cui Xiuying said again: "Okay, okay, let's go out to eat together, they are all waiting downstairs."

Jin Xiaoyuan ran into the bathroom to wash, and asked, "You don't want me to treat you, I don't have any money on me..."

"Taeyeon got an award for a treat."

"Speaking of this, why didn't Oppa eat Taeyeon..."

"It's said to be waiting for a bet..." Cui Xiuying said halfway through~lightnovelpub.net~ and laughed again: "Haha, including Taeyeon, six. If you count Yuri...tsk tsk."

Kim Hyo-yeon hesitated for a moment, then said, "Shun Gyu..."

"Well? What's the matter with Shungui?"

"Uh...No, nothing." Kim Hyoyeon swallowed yesterday's text message incident.

But then again, the possibility is really too big... Everyone knows that Shungui is called sunny in the game, and Shungui also said that he met a very interesting uncle in the game, plus that The problems that people encounter are similar to theirs...how do you see it? It's just a bit too coincidental, Jin Xiaoyuan shook his head, a little unbelievable.

If it's true, Shun Kyu, Shun Kyu, do you call it no way in the sky and no way down? Hiding in the network, can you hit him head on?

Kim Hyoyeon sighed, deeply feeling the strangeness of fate. (To be continued..)()