Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 119: woman who almost became a bill

Kim Hyo-yeon is lamenting the strangeness of fate, but An Zhengxun is lamenting the fragility of life.

He was sitting in kbs Kim Minho's office at this time. He was discussing some matters about the Blue Dragon Awards and next month's KBS Performing Arts Awards, but he was interrupted by a knock on the door before discussing a few words.

Jin Minhao frowned and got up to open the door. A middle-aged man stood outside the door. He nodded and smiled at Jin Minhao. Behind him was a young woman. An Zhengxun looked sideways from the inside.

Jin Minhao saw the two of them and frowned: "President Jin, didn't I tell you, I didn't ask about "Boys Over Flowers", it's pointless to ask me."

"Boys Over Flowers" is a well-known Japanese manga, which has been adapted into film and television works by China, Japan and South Korea many times. For Chinese audiences, the most familiar one is the Taiwan version of "Meteor Garden", although An Zhengxun thinks that The drama is not good, but it is undeniable that it became popular in the past. kbs has been preparing for the Korean version of "Boys Over Flowers", and a popularity vote has been posted on the Internet for a long time, allowing the public to choose the protagonists who best fit their image. By the end of the year, the protagonists have basically been determined.

Originally, this drama was already ready to be filmed. It was broadcast as a blockbuster drama in 2009. However, it was inserted by An Zhengxun. "" was approved in advance, and "Boys Over Flowers" was moved to the next period. Now Still slowly choosing various supporting roles.

In the current situation, it was obvious that someone wanted to go through the back door and found Jin Minhao. An Zhengxun smiled. As an assistant to the next patriarch of the An family, Jin Minhao had a vision that was not comparable to that of an ordinary TV station director. Not so flattering. This couple is doomed to hit a nail.

That President Kim hit a soft nail. Not discouraged, he lowered his voice and said something. Jin Minhao was stunned for a moment, then glanced at the woman behind him subconsciously, and frowned again, "I'm not interested."

President Jin accompanied him with a smile: "Zi Yan has always admired Director Jin..."

Hearing this name, An Zhengxun, who was sitting leisurely drinking tea, suddenly stopped, his hand holding the teacup shook slightly, and a drop of tea was spilled on the ground.

No wonder the face is familiar... it was her...

A tragic entertainer, a woman whose name was almost named Bill...

"I'm not interested." Jin Minhao said coldly. about to close.

"Wait a minute!" An Zhengxun put down the teacup and said lightly, "Let them in."

When An Zhengxun spoke, Jin Minhao had no choice but to step aside and gesture to invite in. Then, without waiting for them to enter the door, he went in on his own, sat down opposite An Zhengxun, and said in a low voice, "Master, this woman... is not very clean."

Maybe Jin Seung-hoon and Zhang Ziyan felt that no one would talk about those things, but the information structure of big people is obviously not as simple as they thought. In fact, Jin Minhao already knew what they were.

An Zhengxun nodded: "I know."

Kim Min-ho stopped talking. An Zhengxun turned his head. Indifferently watched the man and woman walk in tremblingly, stood in front of An Zhengxun, and bowed in unison, "Young An."

An Zhengxun was a little surprised: "You know me?"

President Na Jin accompanied him with a smile: "An Shao is the pride of our Republic of Korea, how can we not know..."

An Zhengxun waved his hand: "Forget it, I don't care how you know me. What's your name?"

President Jin hurriedly said, "My dear Kim Seung-hoon, this is our company's artist Zhang Ziyan..."

Zhang Ziyan also hurriedly bowed: "Hello An Shao, I'm Zhang Ziyan."

An Zhengxun's eyes turned on Zhang Ziyan, and he didn't stop there, then turned back to Jin Chengxun, and said indifferently: "Zhang Ziyan stay, you go out."

"Eh?" Jin Chengxun was a little surprised, this young master An... Is there Yaxing who plays 3P with his subordinates? But he wouldn't ask questions when he was full. Instead, he was secretly happy that something was going on, and hurriedly replied, "Yes, yes." He walked backwards and went out the door.

Zhang Ziyan's face is a little pale, does it seem that she can't escape the fate of a 3P... But she still shows a charming smile: "An Shao..."

An Zhengxun didn't look at her, just closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa. After a while, he said lightly while Zhang Ziyan waited anxiously: "Want to be free?"

Zhang Ziyan was stunned.

Jin Minhao, who had always been puzzled by the side, was also stunned.

After a few seconds, Zhang Ziyan woke up like a dream, and said with a trembling voice: "I want... I want to dream..." As she spoke, she suddenly knelt down: "An Shao, help me... Please help me..."

An Zhengxun didn't say a word, just closed his eyes as if thinking about something.

Zhang Ziyan knelt down and crawled around the coffee table, grabbed his trouser legs, and burst into tears: "An Shao, please help me, I'm willing to do anything for you..."

Jin Minhao scolded coldly, "What does the young master need you to do? Let go!"

Zhang Ziyan timidly let go of An Zhengxun's trouser legs, still lying on the ground crying.

After a long time, An Zhengxun finally said: "Your business is not an exception. Once I intervened, I touched some rules in the circle, and even myself was the most typical one of the vested interests of these rules. So I The meddling teacher is unknown, and it is easy to cause backlash, and there is no reason to help you. But..."

Listening to An Zhengxun's cold words, Zhang Ziyan's heart gradually became cold and dead, the sobbing slowly stopped, and her eyes stared at the carpet, if anyone could see her eyes, they would find that there was a hint of gray death inside. breath.

But as An Zhengxun's last word "but" came out, she raised her head suddenly, her eyes gleaming again, looking forward to An Zhengxun's next words.

In the end, An Zhengxun didn't say anything, just shook his head, opened his eyes and said to Jin Minhao: "Tell that Jin Chengxun to destroy Zhang Ziyan's contract and other things that should not be there. If you push three or four, you will destroy him."

This is the order. Jin Minhao had to get up and replied, "Yes." After a pause, he said, "What excuse?"

The implication is that he does not want others to think that Zhang Ziyan is next to An Zhengxun. The rumored woman who slept with dozens of men... He thought about it and thought that would make An Jia a laughing stock.

An Zhengxun glanced at him, understood what he meant, smiled, and said, "Just say I want to raise a beautiful dog and let him cut his love."

"Yes." Jin Minhao took a deep look at Zhang Ziyan, who was kneeling on the ground, and turned to go out.

When Jin Minhao went out, Zhang Ziyan was still kneeling on the ground, without looking up, and she couldn't see her expression, but An Zhengxun could still see the slight trembling of her body, and said, "Get up, it's just a rhetoric."

Zhang Ziyan didn't get up, just whispered: "Why did An Shao help me?"

An Zhengxun stood up, came to the glass window, looked at the white clouds outside the window, and said after a long time, "A lot of people know about your affairs, but not many are willing to manage it, because those who can manage are the beneficiaries, and no one will go. destroy their own interests."

Zhang Ziyan whispered: "Yes, I thought I would never be free."

"If you are willing, or see through it, that's fine. But I can see the resentment on your face, and this resentment will one day kill you." An Zhengxun sighed: "But you don't understand...you In some places, my life is worthless. Even if I take my life to fight, it is just a small stone thrown in the lake. There will be a little turbulence at that time, but it will be calm as before, and nothing will change."

Zhang Ziyan raised her head, showing tears all over her face. If An Zhengxun's words were heard in other people's ears, he would probably think he was pretending to be coercive and alarmist, but only she knew that, she had even written a suicide note... An Zhengxun was really saving her life.

Hearing her sobbing, An Zhengxun didn't turn around. He still looked out the window quietly, and said softly, "Go back. It's better to do a small business or find someone to marry. It's better to live than anything else."

Zhang Ziyan slowly climbed to his feet and buried her head deeply: "I know that I am not qualified to serve An Shao... But I will keep An Shao's kindness firmly in my heart, if An Shao really wants a female dog... Zi Yan Always waiting to be called."

An Zhengxun shook his head silently.

When Jin Minhao pushed open the door and entered, he saw An Zhengxun standing in front of the window looking at the scenery, Zhang Ziyan had already got up and stood behind him silently watching his back.

"Master, it's resolved. I gave Jin Chengxun a sum of money, and he is also acquainted, so he didn't dare to ask for more."

"Well, it's okay, he's the kind of person who is nothing more than asking for money and saving trouble." An Zhengxun turned around, looked at Zhang Ziyan, and said lightly, "Go back. We still have something to talk about."

"Yes." Zhang Ziyan buried her gratitude deeply in her heart, bowed to the two of them respectively, and slowly exited the door.

When Zhang Ziyan went out, Jin Minhao said helplessly, "Master, why bother?"

"Heh..." An Zhengxun shook his head, UU reading www. uukanshu.com has no explanation.

In another time and space...Three months later, Zhang Ziyan, the supporting actor of "Boys Over Flowers", committed suicide at home. The suicide note revealed that she was forced by the devil, and she provided more than 100 sexual services for more than 30 men before and after. The result of the accusation of life was that the first-instance verdict was insufficient, and Jin Chengxun was not guilty; the retrial sentenced Jin Chengxun to one-year fixed-term imprisonment, suspended for two years, which is equivalent to no sentence; the final trial result was only obtained in 2014... But at that time, An Zhengxun had already crossed the border. , I don't know the specific ending, but it must be no better.

The ending that An Zhengxun missed is as follows: Jin Chengxun compensated Zhang Ziyan's family 24 million won, or about 130,000 yuan.

This is the price of a Korean artist's life. It's not as good as some old men and women lying on the ground.

As An Zhengxun said, there are too many vested interests behind this case, and there will never be a just ending. Even if Zhang Ziyan almost became the name of a bill, it would only be "almost". In fact, her life was only used as a bargaining chip in political struggle by some people, and finally became an abandoned child after mutual compromise, nothing more.

After a long time, An Zhengxun sighed slightly and said, "Just think of it as accumulating virtue, Minhao." (To be continued..)()