Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 246: Every woman is a book

An Zhengxun looked at her quietly, and did not answer for a long time.

He didn't answer, and she didn't speak, just lost her mind. There are neither glamorous eyes nor blushing cheeks.

As if asking him to ask her is just to perform a ritual, a procedure that must be followed sooner or later, there is nothing to drag on, that's all.

"Damn." An Zhengxun finally said.

Li Shungui's eyes moved slightly, and finally had a reaction: "I'm not called Li Goudan!"

An Zhengxun smiled slightly: "As for you, the uncle is not reserved for you, but it has nothing to do with restraint. Oh dog, there is no Nagrand where we are walking on horses, but the scenery is still there, let's go to Gyeongbokgung Palace. How's it going?"

There was hope in Li Shungui's eyes, and he quickly lowered his head: "I didn't bring sunglasses."

An Zhengxun stood up and rubbed her head: "You also know that uncle is one of the biggest local tyrants in South Korea. Can sunglasses count? Let's go."

In Gyeongbokgung Palace, the two wore sunglasses and masks and walked aimlessly and casually. It was midsummer, and there were not a lot of people dressed like this, and they didn't attract much attention, just like the most ordinary couples who came here for sightseeing.

Leaning on the side of Xiangyuan Pond, feeling the rare breeze by the pond, An Zhengxun wiped his sweat and said with a smile: "Compared to the Forbidden City, it's far worse, so I don't like to come here, I haven't been here for many years."

"The Forbidden City...it must be very big, right?" Li Shungui took the fan, fanned himself, and fanned him.

"It's more than big. The foundation is not at the same level. It's like... um, compared to Stormwind City and Nightshade."

Li Shungui smiled: "I really don't know why you are so professional in games. There is no challenge in the entertainment industry in the future. Are you going to get a game company?"

An Zhengxun laughed: "It's a game, you can play it. It's not that simple until you do it yourself. When I was in the United States, I went to Blizzard. I have communicated with them, and finally felt that it's better to be a player with peace of mind."

Li Shungui tilted his head to look at him: "A gamer? Or an emotional player?"

An Zhengxun smiled, leaned on the railing and looked at the pool water: "I used to love games, but now I don't have time to play seriously. I used to think that women can play, but now I am also entangled by many emotions. Two kinds of players , I didn't make it."

Li Shungui stopped talking.

"Dear..." An Zhengxun sighed, "You are also one of my feelings."

Li Shungui lowered his head and said nothing.

"Do you think I have too many women? Strange sisters come out one after another, making you feel uncomfortable..." An Zhengxun sighed: "This is a real person. Not after completing the strategy line in a game. The name written on the harem book."

"Yeah, I feel uncomfortable." Li Shungui finally said: "What's the use of being uncomfortable? I can't bear to leave, I don't want to leave, and I don't dare to leave. After all, I want to follow you, so I might as well make you happy."

An Zhengxun shook his head: "I'll be happy if I go to bed with me?"

Li Shungui pouted: "Isn't that what you want?"

An Zhengxun laughed and said, "It's not me pretending to be forced... I have more women than I can count. It's almost a month to flip a brand a day, how can you still salivate at your little beanie's body? "

This is the truth, and Li Shungui also laughed: "Don't you want to say that you love me like Plato?"

"That's not true." An Zhengxun looked at the pool in a trance and said slowly, "But you are very special, sunny."

Li Shungui was a little dazed. in her memory. It seems that he called her sunny for the first time, I don't know if I remember correctly...

"I don't know how you made the uncle and Ahn Jung-hoon into one person. That's not an ordinary netizen meeting... For me, Li Shun-kyu from Girls' Generation and Sunny from World of Warcraft are still a bit disconnected. An Zhengxun said lightly: "To Girls' Generation's Li Shungui... Forgive my frankness, I have always been possession for the purpose, if I have the opportunity to go to bed, I will go straight to it, so as not to have a lot of dreams at night, no matter what you bring It's best to accept your fate."

Li Shungui looked strange: "So, you really didn't coax me that day."


"You said, not only uncle captured Sunny, but Sunny also captured uncle."

An Zhengxun was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Yes. Because you are sunny, I don't want to go to bed with your expression of resignation. Since the day I met Sunny, she has been avoiding this matter, she doesn't want to accept fate. To become that person's mistress... I thought of a lot of ways to help sunny, why did I still make her face like this when I turned around?"

Li Shungui suddenly laughed: "It seems to be a dead end."

An Zhengxun spread his hands and said, "It's very interesting, right?"

Li Shungui smiled and held his hand: "You can be a philosopher now."

An Zhengxun said with a smile: "Because every woman is a book. Isn't it more interesting to savour the fragrance of books than to think about how to get people to bed all day long?"

Li Shungui tilted his head to look at him: "Master An is very romantic now, but you are not afraid of Girls' Generation's Li Shungui, who has more dreams at night?"

"Not afraid."


"Sunny is my wife in the first place. Does it have to be a ceremony? So I already own Li Shungui from Girls' Generation, and I don't need to use that kind of thing to prove it."

"..." Li Shungui looked at him for a long time, then suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed him, and said softly, "Well, sunny is your wife."

"So, one day I got tired and got into your room, but you have to fulfill your wife's obligations."

Li Shungui smiled and said: "Uncle..."


"Go open a room."


"Don't you know that you have to pay public food to be a husband?"

"You are seeking your own death!"


In the bathtub of the hotel, the two of them hugged naked and helped each other scrub. He is natural, and so is she.

Isn't it husband and wife? That's how it should be.

He has many women, and she suffers. After the pain is over, I still want to give it to him.

Because he wants to possess, because she has fallen.

The only difference is that the mood is different.

The identity you put yourself into is also different.

I am his wife...

"All seven of them beat you and one lost. Will I be killed by you alone?" Li Shungui held the thing and muttered.

"Cough...Is the public grain so delicious?" An Zhengxun repeatedly patrolled her chest, and he couldn't put it down.

"Are you big?" She grinned and puffed out her chest.

"Is it big?" He also stood up with a smile.

Then both of them laughed: "Shameless."

"Whoa..." An Zhengxun picked her up from the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her to wipe her. Li Shungui stared at him earnestly wiping, and there were some inexplicable emotions in his heart. It was the first time he had opened a room with a man, but he had this kind of affection from an old couple.

Very sweet and warm.

The mentality of resignation after being uncomfortable before, I didn't know where it was dumped for a long time, and I couldn't even think about it.

He easily picked her up and put her on the bed.

He liked her plump peaks very much, and he didn't want to leave with his head buried in it. She is very satisfied with his performance, which shows that she is still very attractive, even if all the sisters are so beautiful, even Tara who just met is so beautiful, she still has enough to attract him, not just on the Internet virtual dream.

His hand invaded below~lightnovelpub.net~ She naturally cooperated with it and let him explore.

In the future... Our eight sisters beat you, I don't believe you can still lose.

That little sister Hyomin... I will definitely help her and I won't let you down.

Because I'm your wife...although actually Sooyoung is more like that. Oops, my sisters are no different anyway, my future performance will not be worse than Xiuying.

It hurts... it hurts! lighter! Damn uncle! What do things grow so big!

An Zhengxun began to move rhythmically, Li Shungui wrapped his arms around his neck with blurry eyes, and couldn't stop moaning.

Girls' Generation's Lee Soon Kyu, are you satisfied? Master An?

Are you happy that your sunny and your bridal chamber have candles? Uncle? (To be continued...)

