Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 248: Playful LOA

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An Zhengxun hung up the phone, seeing that it was still early, he began to do some daily work, reviewing reports and so on, and after the tossing, he began to write the script. The management staff of the TV drama department that Jin Minhao promised to recommend has not yet been found. The female students did not come to learn Chinese today. Although they have not had many activities recently due to the absence of the two generals, there are still some regular exercises and personal announcements. Not every day.

An Zhengxun suddenly found that there were no female students around, and the script was a bit like chewing wax. I'm really spoiled. I can't even write a script without a woman beside me. It's too bad.

He reluctantly wrote a short paragraph with bitter thoughts, and it took more than an hour to look up, which shows the efficiency of this tragedy. An Zhengxun sighed, simply dropped the script, and walked to the trainee department, intending to see the situation of the fourth sister.

As soon as I walked to the trainee department, I saw a lot of noise. The trainees in twos and threes were scattered around, looking at a certain place. Following their gaze, An Zhengxun's expression became very exciting.

The four girls stood beside the wall with their heads lowered and their hands held high in dejection. They looked pitiful, but somehow they felt so cute...

A whisper came from not far away: "Two days in a row?"

"Yeah, what a surprise. I thought it was a spectacle yesterday, but I didn't expect it to come again today."

"How on earth did they offend Director Li?"

"It is said that when they came to practice with dark circles under their eyes, of course, Mr. Li was angry. He was so unloving when he was about to debut. In fact, I personally suspect that they would go out and fool around."

"Fucking? It's unlikely, I still believe Kim HyunA, what Park Chulong said..."

"Who knows?"

An Zhengxun said coldly, "Don't you all think that you are so strong that you don't need to practice?"

The expressions of a group of trainees changed drastically.

Yes, President! That is an epic level that is a thousand times more terrifying than Chief Li...

Within three seconds, the onlookers dispersed.

An Zhengxun came to the fourth sister with a strange expression, looking left and right. When the right saw the left, there was a tsk tsk: "Li Yingshi's original punishment method is not bad, it's cute."

The four sisters all smacked their lips and remained silent. Other companies face such penalties. Not to stand, but to kneel. So lose face though. But no one complained, this is really a very lenient punishment.

They can't blame An Zhengxun for pitting them. It's right to let them play games, but that's to find a way to decompress you, not to keep you up all night!

An Zhengxun narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "Have you stayed up late playing games?"

Kim HyunA said awkwardly, "Yes, yes."

"Crack!" An Zhengxun slapped An Zhengxun on the forehead: "If you want me to say that Li Yingshi's punishment is too light, you should have a taste of the punishment from other companies! The debut is imminent, you stay up all night! Don't say that it will affect the performance of the stage. Your own body What should I do? Especially you, HyunA! What was the reason for leaving the group last time, I forgot the pain when I healed my scars? Are you squandering such loose rest conditions?"

Kim HyunA cried and said, "oppa, I know I'm wrong! But that game is so fun... I can't stop..."

An Zhengxun frowned, not knowing what to say. He understands this state very well... When he was addicted to games in his last life, he was much more crazy than them. When he was in college, he used to eat and live in an Internet cafe, and he didn't go back to the dormitory for a month... Cough cough... Speaking of which, two lifetimes of college life have been spent. Too bad, one is just playing games, the other is just playing women...

Paused. An Zhengxun looked at Park Chulong strangely again: "You too..."

Park Chorong was even more embarrassed than Kim HyunA. It was true that she didn't even think that she was not only obsessed, but she seemed to be most obsessed with her... It seems that the more gentle she is in life. The more blood boiled in the game, she herself didn't understand why. In addition, what she likes is really not the kind of fighting hero. The president's judgment is very accurate. She just likes No. 4 and No. 5. Through her various help, she leads the sisters to victory. That kind of feeling is really good...

An Zhengxun looked at the fourth sister and wanted to say something, but he really didn't know how to say it. In the end, he could only sigh: "Forget it. Don't stand for punishment..." Looking at his watch, he added: "This state allows you to practice. It’s too tired. It’s not scientific to ask you to go back to sleep after ten o’clock. Simply walk around to rest, and then take a good sleep at noon. Don’t play around tonight. Let you relax and decompress, not let you play with things. "

The girls put down their sore arms as if they were being forgiven, and Jin Hyuna leaned into his ear to please him: "oppa, don't be angry with me, I'll go and punish you alone..."

An Zhengxun's heart swayed, and he nodded silently.

Jin HyunA followed An Zhengxun upstairs step by step, and the remaining three sisters looked at me, and their faces were a little red. They can probably guess what this single punishment for kneeling is for...

"Where are we going now..." Pei Xiuzhi asked timidly.

Fang Minya pinched her: "Do you think the president is too good to us, and wants to take the initiative to punish and kneel?"

"No... well, although Oppa really has nothing to say to us... No wonder Hyun Aoni..."

"Yeah. I really understand HyunA now." Fang Minya sighed: "Forget it, I don't know where to go, go back to the dormitory?"

"What did Chulong Erni say?"

Park Chulong scratched his head: "If I say go back to the dormitory to read the strategy, will you hit me..."

"Hi..." The two sisters took a deep breath: "Although we agree with your creativity... but you shouldn't have said this. If it was HyunA, we wouldn't be surprised..."

Park Chulong said: "Because we didn't win the game last night..."

As soon as these words came out, Pei Xiuzhi jumped up immediately: "Go, study the strategy! Even if Oppa told me to kneel, I would recognize it!"

In the chairman's room, Kim HyunA knelt under the table to serve, and An Zhengxun typed the script with a refreshing feeling, and found that his thinking was really smoother... It's over, if you have to work like this in the future, will it be okay?

After finalizing a key plot, An Zhengxun put down the script again and looked down. Kim HyunA blinked in a pleasing manner, swallowed hard, and swallowed it extremely deeply after one or two strokes, with a sincere look of admitting her mistake. An Zhengxun shook his head, laughed, and patted her head: "Okay, okay, can Oppa really blame you? It's not that I'm worried about your body."

Jin HyunA rolled her tongue at the end, left, raised her head and smiled, "I was a little crazy at first... I won't be in the future."

An Zhengxun smiled and said, "Speaking of which, you are really not nervous right now."

Kim HyunA smiled and sat in his arms: "So we are still very good at Oppa, any idea is so effective."

"Yeah, I'm not that good. I'm a Shadowbreaker who was killed by 18 people. Maybe I won't be able to beat you in two days."

"Haha, no one of us dares to touch that hero now, maybe we will not dare to touch that hero in this life, the psychological shadow is very heavy..."

"Then what are you playing??"

"We all take turns to use this hero, we must use the most familiar hero! Then Chulong likes to play Ice Girl or something, and Minya hasn't found the most suitable one, so Xiuzhi likes to take the white cow, and whispers every time the game starts. Muttering 18 kills..."

An Zhengxun's mouth twitched: "This dead rabbit doesn't want to mix..."

Jin HyunA laughed and said, "The truth is that every time I rush over to give people their heads."

An Zhengxun thought about that picture, couldn't help laughing, laughed for a while, and said, "How about you?"

Kim HyunA blushed: "Pain... Queen of Pain..."

"Pfft..." An Zhengxun stared at her dumbfounded for a long time, then suddenly slapped his palm and smiled: "It makes sense, it makes sense, it should be her. Alright, alright, go back and rest, and remember not to get too tired. "

"Yeah." Jin HyunA replied softly, kissed him on the face, and left.

Back to the dormitory~lightnovelpub.net~ As soon as Kim HyunA opened the door, cold sweat broke out. The three sisters were sitting in a row, the keyboard was crackling, and the war had already started...

Fang Minya turned her head: "Ah, Hyunya, why did you come back so quickly, the president turned out to be early... It's all right, we're here for a second, waiting for you."

Jin HyunA gritted her teeth: "You are so tall! You are so tall! Do you really want to be punished for kneeling?"

"Cough cough... When the sky fell, the captain was holding it, and one person was punished to kneel. The whole team was happy..."

"Can you have a face? I used to whisper about HyunA and the president, but I don't know? Now I think I'm easy to use, don't you..."

"Cough...you said war or not, right?"

"Battle! Wait for me to start! You three protect me in this game!"

"Follow your orders! Captain!" (To be continued)

