Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 249: too many books

I was so drunk last night, and now I'm drinking more and more.

There will be more in the evening~ Try to make up for yesterday's, for the Lonely Alliance Lord's addition, it is estimated that we will have to wait until tomorrow...


An Zhengxun hurriedly ate in the cafeteria at noon, thinking of Ha Zhiyuan, who had a birthday in the evening, he was worried about things, and he really had no intention of continuing to work.

After pacing back and forth for a long time, I finally drove to Girls' Generation's villa. After all, today is not only Ha Ji Won's birthday, but also Seo Hyun's. His relationship with Xu Xian didn't reach this point. He didn't plan to participate in this party. Once he did, he would have changed the taste of a good party again. But this is always a good opportunity to spend more time with Girls' Generation, and it's always a pity to miss it.

When I got to the villa, I stopped the car, and I saw him walking out of the house drinking a cup of milk tea. I looked up and saw him standing in front of me. He stared blankly at him, speechless.

An Zhengxun stepped forward and gently embraced her in his arms: "If you don't come, I'm always thinking of you, so I can't help but come and see."

Dumbly blinked and looked at him for a long time, then suddenly said, "oppa, we won't go in, secretly take me out for a ride..."

An Zhengxun laughed and said, "Are you fighting for favor again?"

Looking at him, they both smiled slightly.

At that time, the phrase "I'll stay" and putting down everything, seems to have passed for a long, long time today. She never fought for anything after that. He even asked her out alone. She willingly brought an extra sister.

Anyway, he's happy. The nine sisters will all be his in the end, so what is there to fight for? Not necessary. Just like Xiuying, she never speaks, but everyone understands that if there is a ranking in his heart, Xiuying must be far ahead, and Taeyeon can't compare.

She felt that it was enough to learn Xiuying like this.

But at this moment. She didn't know why she blurted out like this, and suddenly she really wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to see him alone, and the two of them just walked away without looking back, without having to think about anything. But when the words came out, she immediately realized that it was impossible... If she did, the sisters would be unhappy.

An Zhengxun's smile is soft-hearted, and her smile is sad.

An Zhengxun sighed, ignoring the residue of milk tea on the corner of her mouth, lowered his head and kissed her lips for a long time before whispering, "I'm sorry for you."

A moment of silence. Suddenly, she threw the milk tea in her hand into the trash can. She was afraid that she would take it in her hand again. I can't help but squish the tea. Then she hugged his waist tightly, wanting to cry a little, but she couldn't cry, and a smile appeared on her face.

"On a date with you, why do you pretend to be generous?" An Zhengxun hugged her and sighed: "I...it's hard to do anything else, your career doesn't need my support, and the chance we meet every day is really good. Too few, and I don't know what else to do except make an occasional appointment."

"No...you don't have to do anything, oppa." We said softly, "We've all said that we'll wait for you in the room if you want. We won't break our promise."

She felt that what she said was sincere, but she didn't break her promise, so why was she sad? She didn't want to understand. I always felt that saying this sentence seemed a little unfounded, so I lowered my head and buried my head in his arms.

An Zhengxun sighed and remained silent.

As he said to Lee Soon Kyu yesterday, they are all real people, not the names written on the harem book after completing the strategy line.

Every woman is a book.

He has read so many books, none of which are repeated. Every fine print has a lingering ink rhythm, which makes people's lips and teeth linger. It is a pity that he has so many books that he has too little time to read each one.

Holding the Iraqi in his arms, he felt that it was too hypocritical to say sweet words, and it was difficult to fulfill any promises and guarantees, and even saying "let's go in" seemed too hurtful at this moment. He didn't know what else to do but silence.

After an unknown amount of time, he slowly left his embrace and whispered, "Go in."

At this moment, a little girl jumped out of the room: "Oni, why are you hiding alone... er..." The little girl wiped her eyes and saw An Zhengxun in front of her. It retracted into its stomach as if it had been cut off, turned around in place, and walked back as if walking straight.

Turning his head to look, he laughed: "You... let the little crystal idol collapse. She knew that the eight of us were all your women, and that little face was twisted into a rag."

An Zhengxun touched his nose: "It should have collapsed long ago."

Holding his hand with a smile, they walked into the house together, and said, "Crystal is about to debut, and the debut song is already in production."

"Well..." An Zhengxun said, "I saw the introduction on s*m's official website, and the photos of the members came out. It's called f(x), right?"

"Yes, oppa, do you still follow the s*m official website?"

"Industry information, you must pay attention. In other words, the crystal makeup photo is very similar to Yoona. I don't usually think so..."

He smiled and said, "Sika has been eating vinegar for a long time. She said that her sister grew up not like her, but like Yuner."

While they were talking, the two entered the door. The sisters had obviously heard from Zheng Xiujing that he was coming, and they were not surprised at the moment. Cui Xiuying laughed, "Pani went out to get some air, and actually caught a pervert coming in."

"Have you arranged your own man like this?" An Zhengxun replied, dumbfounded, turning his head and waving at Xu Xian: "Happy birthday Xiaoxian."

Xu Xian opened his eyes wide and said happily, "Is oppa coming to my birthday party?"

An Zhengxun scratched his head: "I won't participate in the party, I just came to see it."

"Oh..." Xu Xian was a little disappointed, but quickly said happily: "oppa's gift is really special, thank you oppa. I will definitely learn Chinese well."

An Zhengxun said with a serious expression: "Learn Chinese well, don't sway with half a bucket of water like Xiaoyuan."

"Pfft..." The sisters all laughed. Xu Xian thought that Oppa was simply criticizing Xiaoyuan's Chinese level. The sisters all knew how deeply resentful his words were. Jin Xiaoyuan smiled and said, "Alright, alright, let's learn from the head office with Xiaoxian..."

Zheng Xiujing sat next to her sister, blinked her eyes and silently observed the interaction between him and O'Neill, she felt so amazing.

Except for Xiaoxian Erni, everyone else is actually his woman. This is not so magical, the amazing thing is that everyone behaves so naturally, as if it were just right.

Among them is the sister beside her, who has looked at his face with a very gentle gaze since he entered the door. The smile on the corner of her mouth can make people sweet. She swears that she has never seen her sister show her to her in her life. With such a warm expression...

It's so hard to understand...

His eyes turned, Zheng Xiujing lowered his head in fright. He was talking to his sister: "How about "Cold Noodles"?"

Jung Soo Yeon smiled and said, "Park Myung Soo Oppa and I are still rehearsing the dance, we made it up by ourselves."

An Zhengxun said sternly: "You are not allowed to have any intimate contact with him!"

Everyone laughed, and Zheng Xiuyan rolled her eyes at him: "No way! This is not a **** song. Besides...he saw your signature, and now he is more polite to me every day, I feel awkward."

An Zhengxun nodded: "Well, UU reading www.uukanshu.com work hard, this song is very important! It is related to an important game."

Kim Taeyeon jumped up: "Go die die die!"

An Zhengxun reached for her hand, brought her directly, took a bite, and Jin Taeyeon grabbed his clothes and wiped his face in disgust.

Zheng Xiujing watched with her arms resting on her cheeks, and the more she looked, the more admirable she became. There really is such a way of getting along with one man and many women in the world, and they all get along so happily.

But it's so strange... He is such a lustful person, and he has never really treated me... Two or three months have passed, and he hasn't even sent a punctuation mark. I can indeed admit that he really values ​​his promise to my sister...

It's worth being happy, isn't it?

But what's the matter, does Miss Ben have no sense of existence? You don't even bother to look at it? (To be continued...)

