Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 262: id

Finally, the update was completed in the last ten minutes of my birthday. We are men with integrity~

When Yoo In Na entered the door to make tea, she saw An Zhengxun standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, silently watching the cars coming and going below.

"Absurd banquet, Senior Zhixian invited me." Yoo Inna put down the teacup and said calmly, standing behind him.

An Zhengxun was speechless.

"I don't know how ridiculous they want, but I will go." Liu Renna continued: "Because soon, I will be like them."

Of course, "Secret Garden" planned by An Zhengxun will not hide it from the secretary. Yoo In Na is well aware that he is preparing a new drama, and her debut is here.

And this time, there is no more suspense to tangle.

An Zhengxun finally said: "I have been working hard to let everyone live together. One day, I will not need to choose anywhere after get off work, I just need to go back to one place."

Liu Renna nodded silently: "I see everything you do. There will be such a day."

An Zhengxun suddenly shook his head and smiled: "I didn't expect that all four of us needed a lie from you to push me, but now, because of loneliness, I have started absurd invitations."

Liu Ren Na smiled: "Are you proud or are you sighing?"

An Zhengxun shook his head: ~Chang~Wind~Wen~Xue~cfwx~ "On the day when my merits and virtues are complete, I will have the right to be proud. And deep down in my heart, I think more ridiculous than anyone else, and who can I pretend to be for? sigh?"

After a pause, he said again: "This year, I have been saddened by spring and sorrow. I have also struggled and avoided it. In the end, it was myself who was unwilling to let go. So I sigh that everything is disgusting. For example, if I... Say, Ren Na, do you feel disgusted for following me to wrong you?"

Liu Ren Na laughed: "Yes."

An Zhengxun turned around and said calmly, "So, I should still do things according to my true heart, say, Secretary Liu. While I'm still a secretary, let's do more special services."

Yoo In Na smiled and knelt down just like that, untied his zipper and started serving.

An Zhengxun leaned against the window, looked down at the secretary's increasingly skilled movements, and said calmly: "Secret Garden, I still plan to let Zhiyuan carry the flag. If she is also here at night, you can communicate with her more."

Liu Ren Na nodded and continued to serve without saying anything.

"Tomorrow is Zhien in Japan. I want first-hand video materials. In addition, the day after tomorrow, "Haeundae" will be released in Japan. I want to give detailed feedback. You will supervise Zhang Zhongfan on these two matters later."


"Over there, and's new album release is also ready. You answer Han Chenghao, it will be released in the middle of the month. In addition, let his fourth album stop for a while, don't bother, we have money to support, don't make it look like a hungry ghost, etc. Ji Eun is back, I will make a song for Ji Eun and Lee Hongji to cooperate, so that he will not be treated badly and let him rest assured."


"In the production of Hyori's new album, let Inxi spend more time to follow up, and I will take care of it personally. In addition to writing the script, I will mainly focus on myself. If there is no particularly important thing, I can push it. Push it for me."


"Okay, stop, I'm going to see the practice."

Liu Renna stood up and said with a smile, "Master President, it should be lunch at the moment."

An Zhengxun was stunned, seeing that it was indeed time for dinner, he shook his head and smiled, and the two walked to the cafeteria side by side.

When I entered the cafeteria, I saw four people queuing up for meals in front of the same window, like a string of candied haws. Ahn Jung Hoon shushes Yoo In Na and silently ranks behind Bae Suzy who is last. He originally wanted to play a prank, but he didn't expect that the employees in the left and right queues would always say loudly: "Chairman, how are you!" His beautiful plan was turned into nothing.

Pei Xiuzhi blushed and turned her head: "Se oppa, what are you doing standing behind me quietly?"

An Zhengxun looked serious: "Children, play at home."

Pei Xiuzhi made a face and turned around to ignore him. Laughed left and right.

The intersection of the past two days has become more familiar with this dead rabbit than before. She used to be a fan, and she has not danced like this. An Zhengxun was enraged by her grimace, and in front of so many employees who couldn't make big moves, he couldn't help but quietly reached out and tugged a little behind her long hair.

Pei Xiuzhi turned around angrily, but did not dare to speak loudly, so she could only grit her teeth and say, "O'Neill is right, oppa is sometimes like a child."

Yoo Inna in the back couldn't help laughing, but isn't it? That's what elementary school students do when they bully the girls in the front row of the table... There's even a president who uses this to bully trainees...

An Zhengxun said shyly: "To deal with children, you can only use children's methods."

Pei Xiuzhi's eyes were a little strange: "Then... what about dealing with the big girl? Like Chulong Erni?"

An Zhengxun was embarrassed by her words, obviously thinking of some scenes that are not suitable for children. Fortunately, he was not the only one who was irritated by this remark. He didn't need to take action himself. Park Chulong, who was in front of Pei Xiuzhi, quietly moved his right foot back and stepped on Pei Xiuzhi's foot.

Pei Xiuzhi grinned for a long time, wanting to cry without tears. The president at the back bullied others, and the elder sister in the front helped the tyrant, there is no child in the world more pitiful than a rabbit...

An Zhengxun, who got the assist, had a big heart and smiled: "Has Chulong recovered?"

Park Chulong turned his head and whispered, "It's all right, thank you President for your concern."

An Zhengxun said, "You didn't play around last night, did you?"

Pei Xiuzhi said excitedly: "We just played a game, we won! My white bull has 1000 points!"

"Hi..." An Zhengxun took a deep breath.

1000 points on the ladder... Although it is still very good, it is obviously not a level that a novice can reach. How long have they been playing? An Zhengxun felt that when he played for a few days in his previous life, he was still in a state where he could not recognize the heroes, let alone the ladders...

Could it be that you accidentally discovered the seedlings of the e-sports gods?

Having said that, in Korea, the status of e-sports gods is relatively high... Maybe these guys have a better future in changing careers?

Before he could finish his amazement, Pei Xiuzhi added another sentence: "Wait for Oppa to play Shadow Demon again, I'll take Oppa's 18 kills..."

An Zhengxun's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "There is a kind! Father-son game!"

"What is a father-son bureau?"

"It's the loser who calls Daddy!"

"Pfft..." From Pei Xiuzhi to the front row, Park Chulong, Fang Minya, and Kim HyunA, old blood spurted out one by one like dominoes.

The eyes of the employees on the left and right were dull, and there was no way to believe that this sentence was said by the majestic president.

The scary thing is not here, and what everyone can't believe is Pei Xiuzhi's answer.

I saw Pei Xiuzhi swallowed saliva and said timidly: "I... I'm a woman, you have to call my mother."

An Zhengxun smoked from his seven orifices, and finally couldn't help but flicked her forehead fiercely. Pei Xiuzhi held her head with tears in her eyes, and the employees held up their dinner plates, dumbfounded and clacked. I don't know who's plate fell on the ground and didn't know how to pick it up.

I've seen people killed, but I never dreamed that someone in the world killed Rabbit Pei... Rabbit... No, no, can we call you Grandma Rabbit in the future?

But then again, is this man really the president? The president of our family can't be this cute...

Until sitting at the dining table, Liu Renna was still lying on the table laughing, Kim HyunA, Park Chulong and Fang Minya were holding back their laughter and didn't dare to make a sound. Xun's face as thick as a city wall had been red for several minutes, and he was silent while eating.

Yoo In Na smiled and had some aftertaste.

It turns out that this is the real you. Only in front of cute children can you return to your original nature.

It's a pity that the purest self is wrapped in the boundless darkness, which is rare, and it is easy to be swallowed by the darkness together with this child.

Yoo In Na sighed deeply.

Chu Long's eyes, I can see, very familiar. I often see myself in the mirror like this. She's done, like me, like her captain, I don't even know when you attacked.

And Pei Xiuzhi, a child, obviously has no defense against you at all... In the closer contact with you, I don't know how you will face your childish innocence that once flashed. (To be continued...)

