Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 413: Proverbs

"No, no!" Xu Xian moved his body in a panic. She is not stupid, what is the real version of "I Knot", isn't it just to fall in love with him! After this step, is there a way back?

An Zhengxun sighed, his eyes fell on the coffee cup, a little sad: "You can be in a virtual relationship with any male artist or even get married, but you don't want to be with me?"

"This..." Xu Xian looked tangled, and after a long time he said in a low voice, "Yes, I'm sorry. Oppa..."

An Zhengxun shook his head and lowered his head to drink coffee.

Xu Xian bit his lower lip, not knowing what to say, he could only sigh, and also lowered his head to drink coffee to hide his messy mood.

An Zhengxun took a sip and turned to look at her. Xu Xian panicked again, and hurriedly put down the cup, bowing his head and saying nothing. The foam of the coffee was still on the corner of her lips, and she didn't realize it.

An Zhengxun watched the foam on the corner of her lips for a long time, and suddenly said, "Have you seen "Secret Garden"?"

"I've seen it, I've seen it." Xu Xian wanted to say that the script written by the idol would be read no matter what, but he knew that he couldn't say it anymore, so he could only hold back. Now in this relationship, what kind of idols are there...

"In "Secret Garden", there is such a bubble kiss." An Zhengxun slowly leaned over to her lips.

Xu Xian's eyes widened in horror, and two slender hands pushed against his chest: "oppa..."

An Zhengxun whispered: "Betting."

Xu Xian froze all over, and his hands no longer had any strength, and drooped down softly.

this moment. Both had forgotten that the stakes said a kiss, not a kiss.

An Zhengxun finally covered her.

Xu Xian watched An Zhengxun approach slowly. Her mind was empty, and she didn't even know if she should close her eyes.

An Zhengxun finally kissed and gently pressed her lips. Xu Xian was shocked like an electric shock, her body made a choice instead of her thinking, and she slowly closed her eyes involuntarily.

An Zhengxun sipped slowly, his lips still had the sweetness and softness of coffee foam. Waxy, slightly trembling. Intoxicating lingering.

Xu Xian felt that she was floating, and she didn't know where she was. The initial electric current spread all over her limbs, and she had no strength at all. I don't want to move, I can't move, my mind is dazed, and my body is soft, as if it is about to slip to the ground. Then she felt a pair of strong arms hug her and hug her tightly.

She wants to talk, she wants to say that it's illegal to hold like this. But her lips were still held by him, and the warmth and numbness from her lips still hit her soul in waves, and she couldn't open her mouth. Unable to speak, he could only allow himself to be hugged by him and cling to him tightly.

Ahn Jung-hoon did not invade any deeper. I don't know how long the kiss took, and finally slowly left her lips.

Xu Xian still closed his eyes, his lips trembled slightly, and his body trembled slightly. He was panting softly in his arms, and it took a long time to regain his calm.

She opened her eyes. There is still some confusion in his eyes. But he finally regained his strength and slowly sat up straight. Push him away a little.

The two returned to the position of sitting side by side in the couple's seat, but An Zhengxun looked sideways at her, and she looked down at the coffee.

"The bet... paid." Xu Xian spoke with some difficulty.

An Zhengxun smiled slightly: "I know why you are the only one who doesn't want to have a version of "I Knot" with me."

Xu Xian was still a little confused, and followed his words: "Why?"

An Zhengxun looked into her eyes and said softly, "If other men won this bet, would you be willing to let him kiss for so long?"

Xu Xian was speechless.

The answer is of course not. I kicked it away a long time ago, and then wiped my mouth with a wet towel ten thousand times...

By the way, why haven't you thought about wiping your mouth so far? After being kissed for so long, you don't feel nauseated at all?

Xu Xian became more and more flustered in his heart, only to hear An Zhengxun's voice continue to whisper in his ear: "So you only dare not try "I Knot" with me, because you are afraid of falling."

A shocking thunder struck Xu Xian's heart, she covered her head with difficulty, and muttered, "Don't say it, stop it..."

Since when did the relationship with him take such a strange turn?

Since he started to face his possession, it seemed like there was a whirlpool, pulling himself into it step by step, no matter how hard he struggled, it was difficult to escape.

Xiaojing once asked, why can it be detached from the outside world?

Yes, I used to be detached myself. But... what the **** is going on?

Even the first kiss was dedicated to him... no matter what the reason, at least this life... can never be forgotten.

"Let's go." An Zhengxun did not continue to press, but stood up and said softly: "Send you back."

Xu Xian followed him out of the door, walked out of the coffee shop, the night wind blew, and she shivered. Suddenly warm, An Zhengxun put her coat over her. Xu Xian grabbed the collar of his jacket and raised his head to look into his eyes.

"You really can't let me go?"

An Zhengxun did not answer.

Xu Xian sighed quietly.

The two walked in unison, walking quietly towards the parking lot.

When they returned to the dormitory, all the sisters in the room turned their heads in unison, and eight eyes focused on her.

Xu Xian walked over silently and sat beside Lin Yuner, leaning on her shoulder.

Lin Yuner sniffed: "You... have his smell on you."

Xu Xian was silent.

Zheng Xiuyan asked curiously, "Is he hugged?"

Xu Xian pursed his lips, and suddenly said, "How do I shoot 'My Knot' without a camera?"

The sisters looked at each other. After a long time, Li Shungui said cautiously: "It should be about the same. First meet, get acquainted, make a date or something."

Xu Xian whispered: "This step is over today. What's the next step?"

Now everyone opened the chat box and made suggestions: "It should be more intimate. For example, determine a nickname?"

"Like asking him to buy gifts?"

"Let him do something romantic?"

"Go shopping together?"

"Hold hands?"

Xu Xian listened silently, and sighed softly: "That is to say, if you really fall in love, is it actually similar to the show?"

"Of course it's different! The superficial form is almost the same!" Lin Yun'er jumped up: "In true love, your heart beats faster, you think about it day and night, and you get electrocuted!"

Xu Xian's pupils shrank slightly.

Oppa, you are right, I dare not play this drama with you.

In this variety show of life, I am afraid that I am too involved in the drama.

Because your partner is you.

"Xiao Xian..." Lin Yun'er suddenly became quiet, and murmured in a very uncertain tone, "You... have you been electrocuted?"

Xu Xian said indifferently, "I don't know."

The sisters were quiet for a few seconds, and suddenly the eight of them said in unison, "Xiao Xian..."

Xu Xian was taken aback: "What's wrong, Ernie?"

The eight people look at me, I look at you, and once again said in unison, "Come with us."

"Pfft..." Xu Xian coughed violently.

"Nine of us, always together."

Finally...the day has come. The sisters finally spoke up.

Xu Xian did not answer. He stood up slowly and went back to his bedroom.

As soon as he walked in the door, his mind immediately came to his mind that day he was approaching here, and at that moment he shuddered like an electric shock. And the trembling of that moment has completely penetrated the soul today, because today the lips are finally united.

Countless messy words floated in my mind.

"Remember the current of this moment, that's what you're going to look for in 'My Knot'."

"You are the only one who dare not be with me, because you are afraid of falling."

"For justice? Feed the tiger with your body~lightnovelpub.net~ Xiaoxian, let's be with everyone."

"Nine of us, always together."

Xu Xian stood quietly for a few seconds, turned his head, and inadvertently glanced at the sword again out of the corner of his eyes.

She suddenly remembered something, quickly turned on the computer, and searched for the information of "Frostmourne".

This is a famous sword... I searched and found tens of thousands of results. Xu Xian clicked on the first article at random, browsed through it, then smiled at himself, leaned over and picked up the sword, and muttered to himself: "So everything has a proverb."

"We Got Married" turned out to be my Stratholme.

Frostmourne has always only symbolized one ending.

Paladin Alsace's...

Fallen. (To be continued)
