Ravages Korean Entertainment

Chapter 426: meet secret again

Popular Recommendations: League of Legends Who and the Fighting Front, The King of Eternal Night, Swordsman in the Snow, The Legend of the Day, The King of Domination, I Want to Seal the Heaven, Lingyu, Tianhuo Avenue Pure text online reading of this site domain name and mobile phone simultaneous reading please visit

?PS: Happy birthday to Shun Kyu~ Although it was exposed today... but it's good to deny it. Many times, fans' requirements are really low, and all they need is a denial...


After a relaxing birthday party at Walkerhill, Seoul was already full of neon lights when I came out. Kim HyunA was very knowledgeable and led the sisters to retreat first, leaving Churong some alone time with him.

The weather in early March was still terribly cold. The two were fully armed, with sunglasses, scarves, masks, mummy-like inside and out, and then walked hand in hand in Myeongdong.

"HyunA is becoming more and more like a leader." An Zhengxun smiled, "Is it the result of mutual benefit with you?"

"Are you trying to say that I'm getting more and more clingy?" Park Chulong hugged his arm and leaned on it, refusing to let it go.

"I want you to be clingy."

"Ha ha……"

OPPA is not doing it right today. "

"Huh?" An Zhengxun was a little surprised: "What's wrong?"

"Then you... deliberately missed Min Ya and didn't knock, it's too attractive."


Park Chulong sighed softly: "Min Ya will feel alienated. She is also a doll brought out by you, so why treat her so clearly?"

An Zhengxun shook his head and said, "You should know that this is good for her. For a person like me, don't make me mean anything."

Park Chulong smiled: "For us...actually, you might as well be interested."

"..." An Zhengxun stopped and gave her a serious look: "You were sold by HyunA, and now you are selling yourself?"

Park Chulong shook his head: "The nature is different. Minya today. It's like Xu Xian when she was young. Sisters will all have the will to converge. I don't want someone to exist outside the circle abruptly."

An Zhengxun was silent.

Park Chulong paused, and then said, "Okay, since you want to be disciplined... Then Minya is going to fall in love, can you not ask?"

An Zhengxun frowned and said, "From an official point of view, I wouldn't let her fall in love at this time."

Park Chulong insisted: "If you are willing, will this little thing be hidden?"

"Why do you have to fall in love?"

"You just let her watch you and all her sisters touching and hugging, lingering, but she is the only one left out? She is also a woman, and she is such a beautiful woman."

An Zhengxun sighed. Nodding slightly: "Try it. I should learn to let go, otherwise... it will never end."

Under the banner, there will be many, many female artists appearing year after year. In the future, there will be, there will be, there will be newly trained actors... If you can't learn to let go, what will you do then? Unlimited collection, unlimited expansion?

From now on, try it out.

Although... I was very depressed and unhappy, so that my fists were secretly clenched.

Park Chulong felt the stiffness in his arm. He sighed, biting his lower lip. Whispered: "At night... Hyuna and I will accompany you... as rude as you want."

An Zhengxun was stunned for a moment, but his muscles slowly relaxed, he shook his head and smiled, but did not answer.

The two of them didn't speak any more, just walked silently. There was a commercial building not far away, and the sound of the stage was faintly heard from the square outside, and the sound diffused through the microphone on the stage.

"It should be some kind of product that is doing promotions." An Zhengxun laughed: "This kind of open-air commercial stage is occasionally invited, right? Did you participate in the early days of your debut?".

"Well, I participated once at the beginning, because it is a big LG mobile phone brand, and the price was very high. I didn't go there after that." Park Chulong smiled: "This kind of stage, the grade is very low, and the price is very low. It's even more pitiful. Usually, amateur teams or school students participate in the performance. We are a big banner, and it is very popular in the circle. It is very cheap to participate in this..."

"Okay, are you bragging about me or bragging about yourself?" An Zhengxun took her hand: "Go, go visit?"

"Of course I'm blowing you..." Park Chulong said softly: "Without you, maybe my biggest goal is to be able to get on this stage?"

"Oh, don't underestimate yourself."

In the late stage of the girl group contending for a hundred flowers, the captain who led the fan group to launch the most powerful impact on the first-line position told me that it is enough for the target to be on this stage? An Zhengxun shook his head and smiled, pulling her to the stage.

Sure enough, an unknown electrical appliance brand is doing promotions, and the brand name An Zhengxun has never even heard of. He was hyped up on the stage, and the onlookers watched happily. In fact, everyone was waiting for the performance stage and had no interest in the electrical appliances he boasted about.

Finally stopped his foaming: "A guest performer please bring us a wonderful performance!"

An Zhengxun's pupils shrank, and Park Chulong closed his eyes.

...have been reduced to the need to participate in this amateur stage to make a living?

That's right... the songs don't sell well, there are very few official stages, few show invitations, zero advertising endorsements, and high-level commercial performances may not be eligible to participate. If they don't participate in such commercial performances, what are they going to eat?

A lot of times, it's hard for artists to talk about their dreams, or their brilliance after becoming famous. Because before becoming famous, I don't know how many people are still struggling with the problem of eating...

In other words, without An Zhengxun's squeeze, they wouldn't necessarily be here. The debut song is blurred, and now the new single is under the bottom of the box and dare not even release it, shivering and waiting for this million storm to pass... No wonder the representative of Goo Hara asked such a question... Maybe Han Shanhua also I want to ask, but the first impression made them think that President An is an upright person, so they didn't think about this aspect?

An Zhengxun sighed softly. Park Churong felt the stiffness in his arm again.

The performance is the debut song "", and the performance is very hard. It seems to be facing a theater of ten thousand people. In fact, there are a hundred or two hundred people onlookers. It's not bad... It was March, and many people were still wearing scarves. But they were wearing short sleeves, singing and dancing in the open air, and An Zhengxun could even see the tiny particles on their skin.

The stage is very short, only four or five minutes, and it is over before you warm up. The four girls bowed earnestly to the audience, hurriedly turned into the backstage of a small shed, and put on their coats.

Captain Quan Xiaosheng hugged his frozen hands and walked to the organizer of the commercial performance: "Manager Jiang, the stage is complete."

Manager Jiang looked her up and down for a while, and his eyes stayed on the deep ditch in the middle of her unbuttoned coat for a long time~lightnovelpub.net~ showed a strange smile: "Xiaosheng, you are in a hurry to leave. ?"

"Yes, we have to go back to practice."

"Practicing so late?"

"Yes, just work harder."

"Tsk tsk." Manager Jiang said with a half-smiling smile: "I think it's better to leave later. When the event is over, how about a drink with me?"

Quan Xiaosheng said coldly: "Manager Jiang is very polite. Please settle the performance fee, we really have to go back."

Manager Jiang said with a smile: "A performance can be divided into tens of thousands per person? How about you accompany me for a drink and give you one million?"

Quan Xiaosheng sighed helplessly, turned his head and shouted: "Shanhua, call the agent OPPA to negotiate. Let's go first."

Manager Jiang clicked his tongue: "Why? You can't earn living expenses for two days after working so hard, why not..."

Quan Xiaosheng stopped, looked back and smiled, his pink and tender gums were exposed, and it was extraordinarily sunny: "Even if I want to accompany... it's not your turn."

Manager Jiang said that he was a manager, and to put it bluntly, he was only a small person. Hearing this, he was a little angry: "Yo, it's still high. It's not the stuff of stage meat sales. How can I accompany the president of a big company?"

Quan Xiaosheng put away his smile and shook his head a little lonely, without arguing. The four sisters turned around to get out of the tent, but the tent was opened at this moment, and the person who came in laughed: "Are you interested in having a drink? No money."

The four girls were stunned for a moment, and their eyes burst into unbelievable light: "President An, hello!"

Manager Jiang was stunned.

Is there really a president?

This chairman is definitely not fake, he recognized it at a glance, the entertainment chairman, An Zhengxun, who is well-known to the Korean people. (To be continued...) R1071

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